Episode list

Bob the Builder

Spud the Spanner
Spud decides being a Scarecrow is too much like hard work - he wants a different job! When he finds Bob's toolbox lying in the road, he has an idea. He is going to be a builder - just like Bob. He persuades Lofty to become his builder's mate - after all, every builder needs a Machine to help him. After fixing some window frames in Farmer Pickles cottage, Spud decides to mend the barn roof. When Bob discovers his toolbox is missing and Muck sees Spud and Lofty with it, they put two and two together and rush to the cottage to stop Spud before he hurts himself. Too late - Spud has moved on, leaving a very crooked set of window frames. With no way of knowing where Spud has got to, Bob abandons the search for the naughty Scarecrow and sorts out the window frames for Farmer Pickles. Meanwhile, at the barn, Spud has strapped a plank of wood to his back and is climbing up a ladder onto the roof. Suddenly a big gust of wind sends him flying. Bob and the others are startled to see a 'flying Scarecrow' land on the cottage. Spud apologises for all his mischief and, once Bob's extracted a promise that he won't ever try to be a builder again, Lofty helps him down from the roof. Spud is secretly relieved - he's decided it's a lot safer being a Scarecrow.
6.9 /10
Wallpaper Wendy

Sun, Oct 17, 1999
Mrs Broadbent's new 'granny' flat needs decorating before her mother arrives, but the decorators have not turned up. Ever helpful, Bob rashly offers to do it for her, even though he's never done any wallpapering. Wendy has been decorating his kitchen, so Bob asks if he can borrow her brushes etc. Wendy is not sure that it's such a great idea, but Bob is convinced putting up wallpaper can't be that difficult...until he starts work that is! Wendy goes to see how he's getting on and finds a terrible mess. Tactfully, she suggests he take a lunch break, whilst she 'tidies the place up'. As soon as the relieved Bob has gone, Wendy gets to work. On his way back from lunch Bob bumps into Mrs B, eager to know how things are going. Assuming the flat is as he left it, he tries to stop her entering. Undeterred, Mrs. B opens the door - and thanks Bob profusely for doing a wonderful job! Surprised, Bob follows and discovers Wendy standing in a beautifully wallpapered flat. He tells Mrs. B her thanks are due to Wendy, not him. Mrs. B congratulates the bashful twosome on being a talented pair.
6.4 /10
Runaway Roley

Sun, Oct 24, 1999
After a particularly hard day at work digging a trench, Bob and the Machines reTyre for the night and a well deserved sleep. The following morning Roley - still asleep - begins to roll out of the yard. Roley 'sleep rolls' towards Spud's field where he nearly runs over Travis. Bird (Roley's ever faithful friend) flies off in search of help. Meanwhile, back at the yard, the team discover that Roley is missing. Bird arrives and tells them that Roley is heading towards Town. Bob, Wendy and the Machines rush off to find him and guide him home. Roley trundles along, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. Bob and Scoop spot him heading towards the trench they dug the day before. Luckily, Bob manages to build a makeshift bridge across it just in time for Roley to cross safely. Back at the yard Roley wakes up. He just can't understand why everyone looks so Tyred. After all he was the one who was 'working his rollers off' yesterday!
6.4 /10
Dizzy's Statues

Sun, Nov 07, 1999
Bob has to put up bollards around the town hall and put up traffic stops and Mrs. Potts' garden statues at the same time.
6.6 /10
Lofty to the Rescue
Lofty, Scoop and Muck are clearing some land near the new bridge, while Bob, Dizzy and Roley repair the pavement in the town centre. Lofty's scared of heights so, rather than cross the bridge, he goes the long way round, past Spud's field. The naughty Scarecrow, looking for some fun, decides to follow Lofty. Despite Spud teasing him about his fear of mice and heights, Lofty helps to clear the site by piling up some logs. When he's finished, the disheartened Crane returns to the yard. Back at the bridge, Spud is causing more havoc, hurling mud pies at Muck, and Scoop. Running away from the angry Machines, Spud climbs the pile of logs. Suddenly
6.8 /10
Wendy's Big Match
Wendy and the team prepare a football pitch for a big match. Meanwhile, Bob tidies up his yard for the Brightest Building Yard competition.
6.2 /10
Tea Set Travis

Sun, Nov 28, 1999
Bob and the machines are picking up the Town's rubbish, ready for recycling. Roley is excited - he gets to crush anything that can't be reused. At the farm, Farmer Pickles is going through his possessions, putting junk aside ready for Bob to collect. He comes across a box containing his Gran's tea set which, he explains to Travis, is very precious. Just then, the phone rings and Farmer Pickles is called away to attend to some escaped sheep. As he rushes off, he asks Travis to take special care of the tea set. Spud arrives at the Farm looking for someone to play with. He persuades Travis to join him in a game of hide and seek. While Travis i
7 /10
Dizzy's Birdwatch
When Bob and Lofty move some stacks of tiles in the Yard, they make an exciting discovery. A bird's nest containing a solitary egg is nestling amongst a pile of old Tyres. Although the nest is not in the safest of places, Wendy explains that they cannot move it because it will frighten the mother bird away. Just as the Machines are starting to wonder where the mother is she returns. It becomes Dizzy's job to 'bird watch' whilst Bob and the other machines are at work repairing a roof. After a couple of days of - almost - continuous bird watching, the egg hatches and out pops a baby bird. Dizzy adores her new friend and doesn't want to leave even when Bob needs some cement mixing. Reluctantly Dizzy goes to the building site but her mind is not on the job. She finishes her cement mixing in double-quick time, splattering Bob and the other machines in the process, and races back to the yard. To her delight, she's just in time to see the baby bird learn to fly. Now the baby bird and its mother can leave the nest - but not without thanking 'Auntie' Dizzy for looking after them so well.
7.2 /10
Clocktower Bob

Sun, Dec 12, 1999
Bob is doing some work on the Clocktower when Lofty, frightened by a bat, knocks over the ladder leaving Bob stranded on the scaffolding. He decides to call Wendy on his mobile, and then realizes that he's left it at the bottom of the Clocktower. Meanwhile, Muck, Scoop and Dizzy are clearing a field whilst Wendy checks the answerphone in the office. Muck misunderstands something Scoop says and goes off in a sulk before Dizzy can stop her. Meanwhile, a frightened Lofty has got completely lost and is wandering the lanes trying to find his way back to the yard. Muck is also lost - worse, it's getting dark, and she's scared of the dark. And someone or something is making strange noises. Wendy arrives at the field to find Muck's gone missing. She and the Machines race back to the yard but Muck's not there either. Wendy tries to ring Bob on his mobile but, of course, there's no answer. Wendy decides to look for Muck herself. She finds her and Lofty in a nearby field - the strange noises were, in fact, Lofty. Lofty explains what's happened to Bob and Wendy organizes a rescue mission. Together, she and Lofty manage to lift the ladder up to Bob so he can climb down from the Clocktower. Back at the yard, a repentant Muck makes up with Scoop.
7.2 /10
Pilchard Goes Fishing
Bob has a busy day ahead of him so, to help out, Wendy has decided to clean out his fish tank. Pilchard, naturally, is taking a keen interest in the proceedings. In his hurry to get to work, Bob has forgotten the cement and sends Muck back to collect it. Muck races into the yard, and is forced to brake sharply to avoid hitting Bird. She skids into a lean to at high speed, badly damaging it. Hearing the commotion, Wendy rushes out of the house carrying the bowl with the goldfish in it. At Muck's pleading, she decides to fix the lean to herself. She absent-mindedly places the bowl with Bob's fish in it by some bags of cement. Whilst Wendy and the machines are busy fixing the lean to, Pilchard makes numerous sneaky attempts to catch herself a delicious meal. Each time her schemes are unwittingly foiled by Wendy and the machines. By the time Bob gets back to the yard, the lean to is fixed and looks as good as new. Whilst Bob is admiring Wendy's handiwork, Pilchard makes one last attempt to get the fish. Just in time, Bird whistles a warning, startling Pilchard into meowing. Wendy gets completely the wrong idea and assumes that Pilchard is trying to draw her attention to the deserted fish. She decides to give her a reward - a special herring for her tea. Much to everyone's surprise, Pilchard rejects it and stalks off. She's had quite enough of fish for one day.
7.3 /10
Wendy's Tennis Court
Bob, Wendy and the Machines are building a tennis court. The court has been dug out and rolled flat ready for its special asphalt surface. Wendy, Roley and Dizzy head off to finish it while Bob stays at the yard to build the umpire's seat and scoreboard. Dizzy is in heaven mixing the lovely green asphalt - she pours it on to the court and Roley rolls it flat. They do a lovely job and head back to the yard with Wendy to pick up the fencing. Meanwhile, Travis and Spud arrive at the court with the tennis net. Spud, as usual thinking of his stomach, decides if he helps Wendy by unloading the net, she will give him something to eat. Unfortunately, the net is too heavy for Spud to handle by himself and he falls slap-bang onto the gooey green asphalt. He tries to cover up the mess with grass but the surface now looks lumpy so he persuades Travis to 'do a Roley' and smooth it with his tyres. Just as Travis is in the midst of 'smoothing' the asphalt Wendy and Scoop arrive. They can't believe their eyes - the court is ruined. Wendy takes charge - she calls Bob on the mobile and asks him to send Dizzy and Roley over. By the time Bob arrives with the umpire's seat, Wendy and team have relaid the asphalt. There's even time for a quick match between Wendy and Bob, with Spud as an extremely reluctant ballboy.
6.4 /10
Bob's White Christmas
Bob is to dress up as Father Christmas for the local school carol concert, but loses time when Farmer Pickles gets snowed in.
6.5 /10
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