Episode list

Gomer Pyle: USMC

The Blind Date

Thu, Sep 30, 1965
Sergeant Carter's date has a friend she doesn't want to leave alone so she tells the Sergeant that it's a double date or nothing. As a last resort the Sergeant invites Pyle.
7.5 /10
Home on the Range
Gomer meets a family from N. Carolina who have encountered truck problems en route to Oregon so Gomer puts them up in a blasting range cabin untill he has time to fix their truck.
7.2 /10
Gomer Un-Trains a Dog
Gomer volunteers to train a German Shepherd named Killer intended for sentry duty but turns Killer into a pussycat.
7.4 /10
Supply Sergeants Never Die
When the supply Sgt is reluctant to go on vacation, Sgt Carter bets him any Knucklehead can take over his job. Of course, what bigger Knucklehead than Pyle to prove him right.
7.9 /10
Cat Overboard

Thu, Oct 28, 1965
In the first of the 3 part sea maneuvers, Gomer sneaks a cat aboard a Navy ship, unaware there is sensitive Petty Chief Officer who throws all Contraband overboard.
8.1 /10
The Grudge Match
Part 3 of Sea Maneuvers, has Carter challenging the Petty Chief Officer to a boxing match not knowing the Chief was the Fleet Champ with 37 knockouts.
7.4 /10
Gomer, the Star Witness
While sitting in a restaurant, Gomer witnesses an automobile accident between Sergeant Carter and another driver. When in court Gomer takes the oath seriously to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
7.4 /10
A Visit from Cousin Goober
When Gomer's cousin Goober shows up in the barracks and puts on one of Gomer's uniforms and then wanders the base, everyone sees the name Pyle on the uniform and thinks Gomer is losing his mind.
7.3 /10
Gomer Minds His Sergeant's Car
Carter assigns Pyle to drive his precious car back from the airport but the car is stolen immediately. Now Pyle has 24 hours to find it before Carter gets back and kills him.
8.6 /10
Gomer Pyle, P.O.W.
Gomer and his platoon engage in "war games" against a rival unit and Pvt. Pyle ends up captured and a prisoner of war.
8.1 /10
Gomer Pyle, Civilian
Sergeant Carter orders Pyle to take a week long furlough but instead of going back home to Mayberry, Pyle takes a civilian job on base so he can remain close to the Sergeant.
7.7 /10
Gomer and the Beast
Gomer's acts of kindness towards his new waitress friend is mistaken for romantic interest by her cruel Marine Sergeant boyfriend.
7.8 /10
Grandma Pyle, Fortune Teller
Grandma Pyle visits Gomer, reads his fortune and predicts Gomer will cause something bad to happen; then Sergeant Carter loses his voice while yelling at him.
7.7 /10
Arrivederci, Gomer
Gomer accompanies his friend, Frankie to his home for the weekend. While there, Gomer sings a love song to Frankie's sister, who is engaged to a local fellow who is not in a rush to get married. Frankie and his mother use this as an opportunity to move the fellow to the altar.
7.8 /10
Sergeant Carter Dates a Pyle
Pyle wants Sgt. Carter to meet his cousin, Bridey at the Camp Dance. Carter declines until he and Cpl. Boyle spot Pyle out with a very attractive girl. They assume erroneously that the girl is Pyle's cousin. After that is explained, there is another case of mistaken identity that keep Carter and Boyle busy.
7.9 /10
Little Girl Blue
A Colonel and his young daughter are visiting Camp Henderson. While befriending the little girl, Pyle has no problem getting her and himself in trouble with everyone.
7.7 /10
A Star Is Born

Thu, Feb 10, 1966
Sgt. Carter is chosen to appear in a documentary but becomes an absurd camera hog, leaving producers no choice but to follow Gomer performing punishments Carter doles out.
7.2 /10
Gomer and the Phone Company
After a pay phone spits out $41.75 in coins, Duke and Frankie are ecstatic about all the fun they can have spending it, but good Samaritan Gomer is determined to return it to the phone company.
7.8 /10
Duke Slater, Night Club Comic
Duke Slater wins amateur comedy night at the Jade Club. Duke's act is impressions, with his feature on Sgt. Carter the best part of his act. Against all common sense and his friend's advice, Gomer invites Carter to Duke's encore performance.
8.1 /10
Vacation in Las Vegas
Gomer wins a trip for two to Las Vegas and takes Sergeant Carter with him. The Sergeant has no money so he has to rely on Gomer for entertainment but Gomer has set an itinerary which include things like visiting a Rock Museum.
7.7 /10
Desk Job for a Sergeant
Sergeant Carter takes a temporary desk job writing training manuals and considers making it permanent when he sees the platoon does fine without him; so Gomer messes things up to bring the Sergeant back.
7.1 /10
Gomer, the Would-Be Hero
Sergeant Carter is in a restaurant with a girl other than his girlfriend when he foils an armed robbery. The Sergeant doesn't want his girlfriend to know he was there with another woman so he pins the credit on Gomer.
7.5 /10
All Filters