Episode list

Saturday Night Live

Steve Martin/Jackson Browne
The host for the episode is Steve Martin (his third appearance), and the musical guest is Jackson Browne. The skits for this episode are as follows: Burt Lance, President Carter's budget management director, pitches the National Express charge card after being asked to resign. During his opening monologue, Steve Martin promotes his new album and confesses that his cat has been embezzling from him. An ad introduces a watch so complex that it requires two people to operate it. The wild and crazy Festrunk brothers try to pick up two girls in their apartment rec room. A defense attorney berates a rape victim on the witness stand, then chuckles about it afterward. A great moment in rock history is commemorated: Roy Orbison standing completely still while singing in sunglasses. An ad promotes the Royale Deluxe II, a sedan that rides smoothly enough for a rabbi to perform a circumcision in the back seat at 40mph. Jackson Browne performs "Runnin' on Empty" and "The Pretender".
7.4 /10
Madeline Kahn/Taj Mahal
The host for the episode is Madeline Kahn (her second appearance), and the musical guest is Taj Mahal. The skits for this episode are as follows: After the opening monologue, a man talks about his favorite drink: Swill, a mineral water straight from Lake Erie. Leonard Plinth-Garnell provides a review of bad opera. The cast announces the first "Anyone Can Host" contest, in which a viewer from home will be chosen to host the show. Bianca Jagger talks with some of her close friends. A show takes a retrospective of the acid generation and tracks down where they've gone. Madeline Kahn sings Silver Balls and Golden Pins". Taj Mahal performs "Queen Bee".
6.6 /10
Hugh Hefner/Libby Titus
The host for the episode is Hugh Hefner, and the musical guest is Libby Titus. The skits for this episode are as follows: A Playboy bunny flubs a number of party jokes. For his opening monologue, Hugh Hefner comes out in his pajamas and sings "Thank Heaven for Little Girls". A housewife praises her new soap that contains tranquilizers. The Planet of the Men does battle with the Planet of the Women in genital-shaped spacecraft. The X-Police burst in on a couple smoking pot and brutally beat them. The host of a music appreciation show starts hallucinating to Wagner. During the Weekend Update, Jane and Dan report on Howard Cosell and abortion rights, while Nadia Comaneci asks everyone to come see her while she's still cute. Hugh presents a deleted sex scene from "The First Mrs. Kimball". A magician tries to cheer up an audience at a funeral. The Farbers pay a visit to a Playboy club. Libby Titus performs "Fool That I Am".
6.1 /10
Charles Grodin/Paul Simon
In this classic infamous episode, the guest host - comedian Charles Grodin, apologizes in his opening monologue in a semi-serious fashion to the audience for not having time to prepare for the show because he went shopping. Chaos ensues.
7.1 /10
Ray Charles

Fri, Nov 11, 1977
The host and musical guest for the episode is Ray Charles. The skits for this episode are as follows: The Godfather discusses with Tom Hagen the effects of letting NBC do a series about their life, and whether they should allow this to continue. During his opening monologue, Ray Charles talks about what SNL had to do to get him to come on the show. President Carter delivers a message to the United States. Howdy Doody's widow talks about life with the former star. Tom Snyder talks about returning to New York and interviews Ray Charles. Evelyn Woodski offers people the opportunity to learn how to read slower. A burglary takes place during a blackout. Mr. Mike tries to trick Ray with a fake painting, only to have Ray reveal he has a trick planned of his own. Ray Charles performs "I Can See Clearly Now", "What'd I Say" and "Oh What a Beautiful Morning", as well as a medley of his other works.
7.5 /10
Buck Henry/Leon Redbone
The host for the episode is Buck Henry (his fifth appearance), and the musical guest is Leon Redbone (his third appearance). The skits for this episode are as follows: Gilda and Garrett introduce the five finalists in the "Anyone Can Host" contest, including an 80-year-old grandmother from New Orleans and the governor of South Dakota. During his opening segment, Buck Henry greets and interviews the five finalists. John Belushi credits his success in the decathlon to eating little chocolate donuts. The samurai psychiatrist commits suicide after angering his patient. A stunt baby stands in for an abuse scene in place of the actor baby. A motel sanitizing team shows how they clean each room. During the Weekend Update, Jane Curtain and Dan Aykroyd report on the Egypt-Israel peace talks, Jimmy Hoffa, and new breakthroughs in genetics, while Laraine Newman interviews the five finalists and Baba Wawa talks about meeting Omar Sharif in Jerusalem. A group of Russians on a train go through a series of overlapping flashbacks. Mr. Mike hosts the Rickey Rat Club. Leon Redbone performs "Champagne Charlie" and "Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone".
6.9 /10
Mary Kay Place/Willie Nelson
The host for the episode is Mary Kay Place, and the musical guest is Willie Nelson. The skits for this episode are as follows: At the start of the show, the cast decides to make this episode the peppiest ever. A perfume called Hey You is advertised as perfect for one-night stands. A speaker talks about dangerous and harmful insects. Leonard Plinth-Garnell gives his reviews of bad musicals. Bobbi Farber talks about the meaning of Hanukkah. Willie Nelson performs "Whiskey River", Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain" and "Something to Brag About" (with Mary Kay Place).
7.2 /10
Miskel Spillman/Elvis Costello
The show was notable for Elvis Costello and the Attractions beginning their song "Less than Zero" about British wartime fascist leader Oswald Mosley then quickly stopping it, with Elvis announcing "I'm sorry, Ladies and Gentlemen, there's no reason to do this song here". This apparently led to Costello's being barred from SNL for over 10 years.
7.4 /10
Steve Martin/Randy Newman/Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
The host for the episode is Steve Martin (his fourth appearance), and the musical guests are Randy Newman (his second appearance) and the Dirt Band. The skits for this episode are as follows: President Carter gives his State of the Union address, but the members of Congress are bored by it. During his opening monologue, Steve Martin accuses John Belushi of stealing from him, then explains how to avoid paying taxes. A forest ranger talks with a mountaineer without realizing the man is actually Bigfoot. The Festrunk brothers meet up with their computer dates from Croatia. An ad for a new Swedish body floss promises to make hygiene fun. The Coneheads go on Family Feud and win by picking things that people bite. Steve gives tours of the homes of his close friends, but never actually goes inside. A panel discusses the possibilities of Napoleon possessing a B-52 bomber. The Dirt Band performs "On the Loose With the Blues" and "White Russia", and Randy Newman performs "Short People" and "Rider in the Rain".
7.6 /10
Robert Klein/Bonnie Raitt
The host for the episode is Robert Klein (his second appearance), and the musical guest is Bonnie Raitt. The skits for this episode are as follows: Mr. Mike sings with Tina Turner and tells a story about a rabbit that gets mangled in factory machinery. For his opening monologue, Robert Klein talks about anti-Semitism at his old college. The Olympia diner serves only cheeseburgers, Pepsi and chips. The X-police burst in on a couple for cohabitating, kill the girlfriend and frame the boyfriend for murder. During the Weekend Update, Jane Curtain reports on a nuclear-powered satellite that crashed into a Nova Scotia lobsterbed, and Roseanne Roseannadanna explains what an aneurysm is. Nick the lounge singer performs badly for a ski lodge. As the rest of the show continues, reports of monster lobsters start coming in, until the studio is overrun and by them and everyone killed. Bonnie Raitt performs "Runaway" and "Give It All Up or Let Me Go" (with Robert Klein).
7.5 /10
Chevy Chase/Billy Joel
The host for the episode is Chevy Chase, and the musical guest is Billy Joel. The skits for this episode are as follows: President Ford returns to give a rebuttal to Ronald Reagan's comments on the Suez Canal. Chevy Chase uses his opening monologue to milk the audience for applause. An ad pitches a new way to preserve moths by mashing them. A couple discusses what just happened after their one-night stand. During the Weekend Update, Chevy tricks Dan Aykroyd into giving him the anchor spot, and John Belushi gives a commentary on boxing that gets him so wound up he attacks Jane Curtain. A trainee customs inspector misses a pair of smugglers carrying cocaine. A priest of the Church of Confusion gives a sermon that rambles in circles. Two German soldiers behind enemy lines answer a series of baseball questions to prove they're actually American. For the final skit, several different endings are tried out. Billy Joel performs "Only the Good Die Young" and "Just the Way You Are".
7.5 /10
O.J. Simpson/Ashford & Simpson
The host for the episode is O.J. Simpson, and musical guest is Ashford and Simpson. The skits for this episode are as follows: Gilda Radner opens the show by answering questions supposedly from the audience. O.J. Simpson gives his opening monologue dressed as a Conehead. Samurai Futaba goes to a disco. Babe Ruth promises a dying child that he'll hit a home run for him, and then fails to do so. A pitchman touts the advantages of a hair clipper made especially for Mohawks. Al Franken attempts to tell jokes despite suffering from a brain tumor. E. Buzz Miller presents several clips of animals having sex, and gets increasingly turned on by them. O.J. reprises his famous Hertz car rental ad. Ashford and Simpson perform "So, So Satisfied", and "Don't Cost You Nothing".
6.7 /10
Art Garfunkel/Stephen Bishop
The host for the episode is Art Garfunkel, and the musical guest is Stephen Bishop. The skits for this episode are as follows: During Art Garfunkel's opening monologue, one of the speakers goes out during his song, prompting John Belushi to come on stage and start ranting about the show getting short shrift from the network managers, then accuse Art of backstabbing when the singer wants to just brush off the mishap and try again without causing a fuss. Tom Snyder presents another installment of the Tomorrow show. The Nerds Todd DiLaMuca and Lisa Loopner talk about the books they like. John, as an elderly man, goes to the graveyard where all the other SNL cast members are buried and reminisces on how they died. Andy Kaufmann appears in his British Man character and begins reading from to the audience from The Great Gatsby, only to be met with heckling. Stephen Bishop performs "On & On" and Art Garfunkel performs "All I Know", Scarborough Fair" and "Crying In My Sleep".
6.7 /10
Jill Clayburgh/Eddie Money
The host for the episode is Jill Clayburgh (her second appearance), and the musical guest is Eddie Money. The skits for this episode are as follows: Garrett Morris does a performance of "Danny Boy". An ad features the Royal Deluxe, a car smooth enough to perform circumcisions in the backseat while driving. At the Olympia diner, a new waitress finds the place hard to adjust to, while a woman who wants to put an ad in the window runs into difficulties. Leaonard Plinth-Garnell presents his reviews of bad one-man theater. Richard Herkiman puts on a performance from his shower. Beldar Conehead has an affair with a human woman, but soon after Prymaat catches him, her own affair with a human man is revealed. Eddie Money performs "Baby Hold On" and "Two Tickets to Paradise"
6.8 /10
Christopher Lee/Meat Loaf
The host for the episode is Christopher Lee, and the musical guest is Meatloaf. The skits for this episode are as follows: After Christopher Lee's monologue, a series of movie trailers promote some upcoming films. Baba Wawa makes an appearance in a production of My Fair Lady. Jane and Dan discuss the merits of point/counter-point on Weekend Update. Death comes to apologize to a little girl for taking away her dog, and the pair get into a long conversation over why he has to do what he does. Dell Stator invites customers to visit his Rabbit Hut. Mr. Bill goes to the circus, where he suffers all manner of abuse. Meatloaf performs "All Revved Up and No Place To Go" and "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad".
7.5 /10
Michael Palin/Eugene Record
The host for the episode is Michael Palin, and the musical guest is Eugene Record. The skits for this episode are as follows: For his opening monologue, Michael Palin comes out as a manager trying to stall for time while the real Michael is getting ready, and proceeds to put on a song and dance that has him stuffing cats down his pants. John Belushi pitches Little Chocolate Donuts. H&L Brock demonstrate just how far they'll go to save money on taxes. Lisa Loopner chases Todd out of the room so she can take her piano lesson in peace, but her teacher then attempts to kiss her. Mr Bill tries to pay his taxes, but ends up getting mangled and beaten again. Eugene Record performs "Have You Seen Her?" and "Trying to Get to You".
7.6 /10
Michael Sarrazin/Keith Jarrett, Gravity
The host for the episode is Michael Sarrazin, and the musical guests are Keith Jarrett and Gravity. The skits for this episode are as follows: President Carter delivers a special message for the viewers at home. After Michael Sarrazin's opening monologue, a re-run ad pitches Angora Bouquet, a skin soap that contains tranquilizers. E Buzz Miller presents a series of exercise tips with his assistant, but each suggestion is another opportunity for him to make lewd comments. Gilda Radner appears in a European-style art film about a beloved actress trying to run away from the hectic life of fame. Keith Jarrett performs two instrumental pieces.
6.9 /10
Steve Martin/The Blues Brothers
The host for the episode is Steve Martin (his fifth appearance), and the musical guest is The Blues Brothers (their second appearance). The skits for this episode are as follows: Concert promoter Don Kirschner presents footage of an old club performance by The Blues Brothers. For his opening monologue, Steve Martin talks about the inspiration for his comedy ideas, then does a magic act that ends with him tackling and beating a member of the audience. The Festrunk brothers prepare their apartment for the two girls they believe are on the way, but their neighbor Cliff tells them they've been stood up. Medieval doctor Theodoric of York treats a series of patients by draining their blood. A man and woman catch each other's notice in a crowded club, and dance together romantically as the rest of the club freezes in place around them. During the Weekend Update, Jane Curtain and Dan Aykroyd debate abortion, Jane reports on Carter's energy policy and a new nasal contraceptive, and Dan berates Garrett Morris for short-changing him on the weed he bought. Steve performs a song about King Tut. The Nerds Todd and Lisa prepare their science fair projects. The Blues Brothers perform "I Don't Know".
8.8 /10
Richard Dreyfuss/Jimmy Buffett, Gary Tigerman
The host for the episode is Richard Dreyfuss, and the musical guests are Jimmy Buffett and Gary Tigerman. The skits for this episode are as follows: A presentation on Paraquat shows how the chemically treated marijuana makes its way into the U.S. Richard Dreyfuss performs Hamlet for his opening monologue after John Belushi taunts him over his Best Actor Oscar, but ends up in a fight with John instead. A man obsessed with a tower-like vision he had sees Beldar Conehead in a TV commercial and rushes to the Conehead household just as an emissary is arriving from Remulak. Dreyfuss tests viewers on their knowledge of sex. During the Weekend Update, Bill Murray heckles Richard Dreyfuss during his review of the Oscar winners, and Jane Curtain snaps at Roseanne Roseannadanna for getting sidetracked about rude bodily functions. Nick the lounge singer entertains couples at a honeymoon resort. David Susskind interviews celebrities together with their mothers. Father Guido Sarducci gives the report on things at the Vatican. Jimmy Buffett performs "Son of a Son of a Sailor", Gary Tigerman performs "White Oaxacan Moon", and Richard Dreyfuss performs "I Want to Be Seduced".
7.5 /10
Buck Henry/Sun Ra
The host for the episode is Buck Henry (his sixth appearance), and the musical guest is Sun Ra. The skits for this episode are as follows: Richard Nixon asks viewers to please buy his book so they can kick it as much as they'd like to kick him. Todd DiLaBounta takes Lisa Loopner to the prom, along with his father and Mrs. Loopner. The Samurai TV repairman attempts to fix a customer's television by slicing it with his sword. During the Weekend Update, Jane Curtain and Dan Aykroyd start their debate by first debating over who gets to represent which side. At the Olympia grill, Pete decides to get a guard dog, and promptly fires a very confused Nico to make room. Mr. Mike sings a song about baby ghouls. A stunt puppy fills in for the star dog when a movie scene calls for it to be beaten up. Leonard Plinth-Garnell reviews bad conceptual art. Tom Davis reveals that he and Al Franken are actually gay lovers. Sun Ra performs "Space Is The Place" and "Space-Lonliness".
7.1 /10
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