
Sun, Oct 17, 1982
The show explores those things which enhance a person's physical appeal, such as makeup, deodorant, breath spray, beauty cream, perfumes and aftershave, and the like.
7.2 /10

Tue, Oct 19, 1982
The cast prides itself on avoiding the addictions of its parent generation but displays a variety of addictions all their own.
7.4 /10

Tue, Mar 30, 1982
Ross starts an audience survey to determine who's most popular on the show, and the kids talk themselves into believing that the winner gets his or her own dressing room.
7.2 /10
Fads and Fashion
With her castmates following an ever-changing stream of fashion trends, Christine manages to remain always a step behind the times.
7.6 /10

Tue, Apr 13, 1982
For the show's theme on vacations, Christine decides to get away and lay out at the beach, but that doesn't stop Ross and others from finding her.
7.2 /10

Tue, Apr 20, 1982
The studio is one year old, but it's not a time to celebrate. The warranty has expired and now all the studio equipment is suddenly in danger of malfunctioning and falling apart.
8 /10

Tue, May 04, 1982
To prepare herself against bullies, Christine dons her gi to practice karate moves, but that won't stop the usual pitfalls of being the host or the relentless little terror that is Alasdair Gillis.
0 /10
Culture Junk

Tue, May 11, 1982
The show lays out a feast of classic cultural elements, highlighting the bard, opera, ballet and portrait painting.
6.2 /10

Tue, Jul 06, 1982
Christine shares the chaos, romance, water, support, terminology and slime that go into, around and about the production of their TV show.
9.2 /10

Tue, Jul 13, 1982
Christina and Lisa jacket themselves as sportscasters to lead the show in a sports-angled view of the world.
7.6 /10

Tue, Jul 20, 1982
Superheroes, hero-types and those in real life we look up to get the comedic skewer as the cast touches the many whom kids or society chose to admire.
7.4 /10
The Not-So-Fair Show
It's not fair. That's the cry of foul play with a look at, or whines about, unfairness. Adding to the misery is an Un-Fairy-Godmother who keeps granting wishes in the worst possible ways.
7.1 /10
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