Wildlife and Animals
While half the cast takes the theme of animals and wildlife to mean the party-animal lifestyle of punk rockers, a blow to the head leaves Alasdiar thinking he's a dog.
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Alasdair, with himself as host, thinks this show on optimism and pessimism will be great, but Christine, having read the script, thinks otherwise.
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Thu, Oct 17, 1985
In a show centered around blood relations and ancestry, Barth leaves relatives in change while on vacation, and Ross charges the cast to research each of their family trees.
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Wed, Nov 13, 1985
As everyone becomes vengeance-minded, Alasdair tries putting Ross' box of Instant Revenge to use, and the somewhat inept Masked Revenger avails his transformation superpower to address the grievances of the disgruntled.
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Thu, Nov 14, 1985
A big time Hollywood producer plans to make a major motion picture version of the show while the kids go through slime wrenching auditions just to get a part.
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