Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
The Nerd looks at some Power Rangers games, from the American releases on Nintendo and Genesis, to the horrific Game Boy adaptations, to the Japanese Famicom originals. With the new Power Rangers movie set to morph into theaters soon, the Nerd's angry inner child is pumped.
7.8 /10
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
The Nerd takes us back to the past (11 years' past) to play a shitty Sonic game that sucks ass. The ones he played in Wish List: Part 1 were passable at best, but the infamous Sonic 2006 is the grand champion of disgraceful garbage starring everyone's favorite blue hedgehog. Ever wanted to see a Sonic game programmed by the Glitch Gremlin?
7.5 /10
Planet of the Apes (Playstation)
When the Nerd flies into space to dispose of his shitty games, he runs into turbulence and crash lands. While waiting for his ship to be repaired, he plays a game that got left on board: Planet of the Apes for PlayStation, based off the 2001 movie. Will the Nerd be able to conquer another of damn, dirty video game?
7.3 /10
Game Boy Accessories
The Nerd pays tribute to the Game Boy, the handheld console that outlasted the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and N64. And, much like those consoles, there was a boatload of needless accessories to go with it.
8.5 /10
Treasure Master
The Nerd enters a contest for whoever can beat Treasure Master will be awarded a cash prize. It's a crazy, topsy-turvy game that throws the Nerd for many loops. However, he forges on, focusing solely on that prize. His endurance will pay off - or will it?
6.9 /10
Wrestling Games
Like all popular things in the 80's, the WWF pro wrestling phenomenon had video games released for Nintendo and Super Nintendo. And of course, the Nerd is there to review them. Unfortunately, unlike the real thing, the Nerd finds that many of the tie-in games (some of which were released by LJN) are horrible.
7.4 /10

Wed, Oct 18, 2017
The Angry Video Game Nerd tracks down the legendary Polybius arcade cabinet at an arcade reseller; and in the process slowly descends into madness.
8.1 /10
Robocop Games

Sat, Nov 18, 2017
After recovering from the horrors of Polybius, the Nerd dons a robotic form and plays all 3 Robocop NES games, as per his directives to play shit games.
7.2 /10
Sonic 2006: Part 2
The Nerd's got some unfinished business to attend to. When he reviewed Sonic 2006, he merely scratched the surface, there was plenty more horrors of redundancy and tedium to uncover in the undisputed worst Sonic the Hedgehog game of all time. If you thought what he'd already shown you was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
7 /10
Charlie's Angels (GameCube)
The Nerd is "persuaded" to review the 2003 video game adaptation of the 2000 movie adaptation of Charlie's Angels. It's full of gratuitous T&A (mostly A) and very little game-play. After this, the Nerd will want to kick Charlie's ass for sending his Angels on THIS mission.
6.9 /10
Lightspan Adventures (PS1)
Santa Claus brings the Nerd a whole library of "educational" PS1 games to help "fix" his brain. But when he plays them, it's clear whose brains were actually in need of fixing.
6.9 /10
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