Shrek's FairyTale Freakdown (GameBoy Color)
The Nerd plays a crappy Shrek tournament fighter game for the GameBoy Color, but when he curses the jolly green ogre one time too many, he finds himself in the clutches of an evil, Shrek-worshiping cult.
5.3 /10
Darkman (NES)

Mon, Mar 29, 2021
The Nerd reviews Darkman on NES, based off an insane movie that's like Robocop and Batman thrown in a blender.
6.7 /10
Fear and Loathing in Vegas Stakes
The Nerd and his lawyer take a road trip to Las Vegas, all while playing an assortment of casino themed video games, and have some very zany adventures in the process.
5.9 /10
3DO Interactive Multiplayer
The 3DO was ahead of its time and horrendously overpriced, but does its library of games still hold up? The Nerd reviews a plethora of 3DO games of all genres to see for himself.
7 /10
Corpse Killer (3DO)
Fourteen years ago, the Nerd attempted to review Corpse Killer, only it wouldn't cooperate. But now that he finally has a working copy, he's going to dump the Nerd Seal of Disapproval all over its face.
6.1 /10
Sega Game Gear VHS Tapes
Remember the time Howard Johnson and Sega teamed up to try and dissuade kids and adults from playing the Game Gear? If not, the Nerd has uncovered the evidence on an old VHS tape.
5.7 /10
Carmageddon 64 (N64)
How could you possible butcher the classic game of Carmageddon when porting it to the N64? As the Nerd discovers, this was a botch job by the geniuses at Titus, and they gave it the same care and attention as they did Superman.
5.5 /10
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (Sega Genesis)
Pac-Man was an arcade classic, and like most classics, it deserved a sequel. The AVGN reviews the long-awaited sequel to Pac-Man, in which our little yellow hero runs errands and performs menial tasks. Sounds fun, do'nit?
5.6 /10
The Rocketeer (NES & SNES)
The Rocketeer was a decent comic series, but made for a forgettable movie. Though like most properties, it got video game tie-ins, which the Nerd wishes were forgotten too.
6.1 /10
Commodore 64

Fri, Sep 24, 2021
The PS4, PS5, XBox Series X - that's kid stuff. The AVGN spotlights the old school Commodore 64 computer system, with the biggest library of games and the longest load times of any system in history.
7.6 /10
Freddy & Jason (Commodore 64)
The Nerd continues his look at Commodore 64 games, playing the spookier titles to celebrate Halloween, however his old adversaries, Freddy and Jason, urge him to play their games so that they may return and take their long-awaited revenge.
6.5 /10
The LJN Library
For his 200th episode, the Nerd has decided the time has come to finally put an old rivalry with his to rest, to officially run the well dry once and for all. It's AVGN vs. LJN, and he's reviewing the rest of the library.
5 /10
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