To celebrate his 20th anniversary on the internet, the Nerd looks back on the Castlevania series to see which is the best game. Is it still Castlevania IV, or are there a few contenders he overlooked?
The Nerd gets his hands on a frustrating N64 game in which you're a glove guiding a ball through numerous platforming levels. It's not quite as easy as it sounds.
The Nerd awakens in a stupor, unable to remember a thing, but suddenly, he has an attack of deja vu - while playing Deja Vu on the NES. It was the Nintendo's attempt at a noir game.
With a new Nosferatu movie rising to movie theaters in two months, the Nerd looks back on the Super Nintendo game based on earlier depictions of Dracula.
The Nerd uses a new A.I. Controller to help him beat the classic Sunsoft masterpiece, Blaster Master. Unfortunately, the Controller gains the upper-hand and tries to put the Nerd out of a job.