Kid Icarus

Thu, Feb 23, 2023
Let's take a look back at an alleged NES Classic, Kid Icarus. Does it stand up with the Titans of the Era, or is it a Mount Olympus of Poop?
6.6 /10
Earthworm Jim Trilogy
Feeling nostalgic for the days of gross-out humor and over-the-top cartoony wackiness, the Nerd plays the Earthworm Jim trilogy and sees if it still holds up.
6.6 /10
A Boy and his Blob (NES)
Break out the jellybeans and join the Nerd as he revisits A Boy and His Blob, an enigma of a game that our bespectacled hero finds intriguing, yet frustrating, but can be beaten so long as you have the power - Nintendo Power.
6.4 /10
Beating Jekyll and Hyde
The Nerd intends to conquer Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the bane of his existence, once and for all. But he needs help. Pairing up with his older self, they exorcise the demon from the game that tainted the NES library.
8 /10
Final Fantasy 6
It's a Christmas miracle when the Nerd relives fond memories of his youth by finally beating Final Fantasy VI, or III to those in the U.S. It's an epic masterpiece, but fraught with peril that takes precious time, but is it all worth it?
7.4 /10
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