Episode list


The Court of Ken
With just months to go before Londoners vote for the next Mayor of London, the current affairs series investigates the current mayoral system and takes an in depth look at current Mayor, Ken Livingstone and the how he has misused his power to his advantage.
0 /10
Why Kids Kill

Sun, Jan 27, 2008
A report on the increase of gang culture and murder that teenagers participate in the UK.
0 /10
Iraq: The Lost Generation
Filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy investigates the biggest and most catastrophic refugee crisis in the Middle East since the Palestinian diaspora of 1948.
6.7 /10
Undercover in Tibet
Reveals the regime of terror which dominates daily life and makes freedom of expression an impossibility.
7.5 /10
A Widow's War on Yobs
This documentary follows widow, Helen Newlove. Her husband Gary was kicked to death outside their home in Cheshire. This film follows her journey to tackle youth crime in the UK.
0 /10
The Jab That Can Stop Cancer
A new jab will be offered to every girl aged 12 to 13 in Britain to help protect her against cervical cancer. While some hail it as a medical breakthrough, it has provoked controversy.
0 /10
Sandwiches Unwrapped
An examination of Britain's sandwich industry and whether shop-bought sandwiches are as healthy for you as consumers think.
0 /10
Hope for the Last Chance Kids
Update on the pupils of Monteagle Primary Schoolfeatured in an earlier documentary. The pupils experience a remarkable improvement as a result of using synthetic phonics.
0 /10
What's in Your Wine?
Jane Moore investigates scandals in the wine industry, taking a look at the 40 different substances that can be used in producing wine but which are rarely detailed on the label of your bottle of wine.
0 /10
The Truth about Your Energy Bill
Deborah Davies investigates the rising price of energy bills in the UK. She finds out why our charges are so high, whether changing suppliers can reduce bills, and the impact of Gordon Brown's fuel package.
0 /10

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