Episode list


8.5 /10
Pakistan's Taliban Generation
Sun, Mar 15, 2009
  • S23.E10
  • Pakistan's Taliban Generation
6.9 /10
Bankrolling Mugabe
Sun, Jul 26, 2009
  • S23.E28
  • Bankrolling Mugabe
0 /10
Mum, Dad, Alzheimer's & Me
Journalist Fiona Phillips tells the very personal story of her father's developing Alzheimer's disease, and how it affects him and the family as a whole.
0 /10
The True Cost of Cheap Food
After looking at rising prices in The Truth About Food Prices, Rayner now looks at the other end of the scale - the new cheap food ranges and whether they have a true higher cost ... our health.
0 /10
Unseen Gaza

Wed, Jan 21, 2009
Jon Snow explores the difficulties faced by news organisations around the world in reporting the conflict in Gaza. Who is getting the true picture of events as they happen?
0 /10
Too Old to Work
With the number of unemployed in the UK nudging two million, Dispatches reveals the ageism rife amongst employers and recruitment agencies.
0 /10
The Big Job Hunt
An investigation into rising unemployment in the UK and what steps the government are taking to alleviate it.
0 /10
Confessions of a Nurse
Following a YouGov report Dispatches takes a candid look at the NHS nursing system - with interviews from nurses and undercover footage.
0 /10
Rape in the City
After two recent, high-profile cases in which young women have been attacked and raped by groups of men; Journalst Sorious Samura investigates gang rape in the UK.
0 /10
Battle Scarred
Follows the stories of four soldiers returning from the combat zones in the middle-east and the impact it has had on their lives and the people around them.
0 /10
Cops on the Cheap?
A look at Police Community Support Officers who patrol the streets and cost the taxpayers millions. This documentary questions if they are good value.
0 /10

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