Emmy-award winning journalist Ramita Navai reveals the other side of the war against ISIS in Iraq, looking at allegations of torture, execution and sectarian cleansing of Sunni refugees by Shia militias.
Antony Barnett reveals the response of the global soft drinks giant to the UK Government's sugar-tax and leaked e-mails which show the corporation is gathering scientists and academics to challenge the legislation.
Reporter Antony Barnett investigates some of the controversial figures surrounding Donald Trump and how their links to powerful corporations could have far-reaching consequences beyond America.
Tazeen Ahmad follows up her 2010 report into working conditions inside factories which are making clothing for major brand labels to see if life has improved for the workers making our clothes.
In the second documentary investigating the resurgent UK textile industry, Dispatches goes undercover to follow the next stage of the industry - inside the vast distribution warehouses servicing our online orders.
With councils across England and Wales struggling to meet the demand for emergency housing, Jackie Long investigates the impact on homeless women trying to escape life on the streets.
Harry Wallop reveals which of Britain's favourite brands have been affected by the Brexit vote and looks at how the imposition of European import taxes cold affect the cost of shopping in the UK.
Each year Britain's airports rake in more than 4 billion pounds, mostly from the plethora of shops in their terminals. Reporter Harry Wallop investigates if passengers are getting a good deal.
Thousands of young people with learning disabilities and autism are still being locked up in hospital despite promises made by the government. This special report highlights the lack of bespoke care to meet their needs.
This winter, the NHS has suffered one of the most challenging periods in its history. Morland Sanders investigates if the Brexit vote is going to deliver an even bigger problem as staff from EU countries leave.
Seyi Rhodes investigates benefit reforms by speaking to claimants who have had their housing benefit capped, landlords who can no longer accept claimants as tenants and local councils left to pick up the pieces.
Documentary investigating how tens of thousands of men, women and children have been disappeared by the Assad regime into a network of clandestine detention centers.
Antony Barnett reveals the response of the global soft drinks giant to the UK Government's sugar-tax and leaked e-mails which show the corporation is gathering scientists and academics to challenge the legislation.
Abigail Austen travels to the US to assess what the age of Trump means for the rest of the world, and how serious a threat some of his policies pose to peace and stability around the globe.
Emmy-award winning journalist Ramita Navai reveals the other side of the war against ISIS in Iraq, looking at allegations of torture, execution and sectarian cleansing of Sunni refugees by Shia militias.
With fear of vaccination resurgent in the United States, Cathy Newman reveals the role played by disgraced British doctor Andrew Wakefield in the Trump administration.
Undercover filming uncovers the specialist dementia care homes for the elderly operated by the UK's largest private medical business BUPA amid allegations of neglect and abuse of patients.
Reporter Datshiane Navanayagam investigates the many hurdles and costs that people face applying for British citizenship and passports - including large numbers of children born and raised in Britain.
Mark Austin and his daughter Maddy explore the devastating effects of eating disorders, the availability of suitable care and talk to patients, their families, Prince William of Wales and Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt.
As concern once again grows around household debt, Dispatches investigates car finance. Undercover filming exposes questionable sales tactics and confusing advice given to customers.
A year after one of the greatest political upsets of all time, Matt Frei travels to Moscow and Washington to find out more about the alleged conspiracy between Donald Trump and Russia.
Dispatches investigates what life is like for front-line public sector workers following seven years of pay freezes and pay caps, revealing how far salaries have fallen in real terms.
Michael Buerk investigates whether the country can cope with current levels of immigration and the impact of internal migration on over and under populated areas.
Morland Sanders gains access to undercover footage from British Transport Police that exposes the bad behaviour of football-fans on the UK's rail network as they bring offensive chants from the stadiums to the carriages.
Follows the experiences of five young Iraqi Special Forces soldiers tasked with fighting ISIS in Mosul who are haunted by what they've seen and what they've done.
Following the Grenfell Tower fire, the Prime Minister dedicated her premiership to fixing Britain's broken housing market. Do some of her government's actions contradict that pledge?
Tazeen Ahmad investigates the so-called "dementia tax". Why do some dementia sufferers have to sell their home to pay for care, while others gain access to NHS funding?