Episode list


ISIS and the Battle for Iraq
Wed, Apr 05, 2017
  • S31.E13
  • ISIS and the Battle for Iraq
Emmy-award winning journalist Ramita Navai reveals the other side of the war against ISIS in Iraq, looking at allegations of torture, execution and sectarian cleansing of Sunni refugees by Shia militias.
7.7 /10
Secrets of Coca-Cola
Sun, Mar 26, 2017
  • S31.E11
  • Secrets of Coca-Cola
Antony Barnett reveals the response of the global soft drinks giant to the UK Government's sugar-tax and leaked e-mails which show the corporation is gathering scientists and academics to challenge the legislation.
7.2 /10
Undercover - Britain's Cheap Clothes
In the second documentary investigating the resurgent UK textile industry, Dispatches goes undercover to follow the next stage of the industry - inside the vast distribution warehouses servicing our online orders.
0 /10
Inside Britain's Airports
Each year Britain's airports rake in more than 4 billion pounds, mostly from the plethora of shops in their terminals. Reporter Harry Wallop investigates if passengers are getting a good deal.
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Under Lock and Key
Thousands of young people with learning disabilities and autism are still being locked up in hospital despite promises made by the government. This special report highlights the lack of bespoke care to meet their needs.
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Britain's Benefits Families
Seyi Rhodes investigates benefit reforms by speaking to claimants who have had their housing benefit capped, landlords who can no longer accept claimants as tenants and local councils left to pick up the pieces.
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Secrets of Coca-Cola
Antony Barnett reveals the response of the global soft drinks giant to the UK Government's sugar-tax and leaked e-mails which show the corporation is gathering scientists and academics to challenge the legislation.
7.2 /10
ISIS and the Battle for Iraq
Emmy-award winning journalist Ramita Navai reveals the other side of the war against ISIS in Iraq, looking at allegations of torture, execution and sectarian cleansing of Sunni refugees by Shia militias.
7.7 /10
Bupa Care Homes Undercover
Undercover filming uncovers the specialist dementia care homes for the elderly operated by the UK's largest private medical business BUPA amid allegations of neglect and abuse of patients.
0 /10
Secrets of Your New Car
As concern once again grows around household debt, Dispatches investigates car finance. Undercover filming exposes questionable sales tactics and confusing advice given to customers.
0 /10
How to Get a Pay Rise
Dispatches investigates low wage growth, asking who is responsible for wage stagnation and provides a masterclass on how to get a pay rise.
0 /10
Who Deserves a Pay Rise?
Dispatches investigates what life is like for front-line public sector workers following seven years of pay freezes and pay caps, revealing how far salaries have fallen in real terms.
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Is Britain Full?
Michael Buerk investigates whether the country can cope with current levels of immigration and the impact of internal migration on over and under populated areas.
0 /10
Trouble on the Trains
Morland Sanders gains access to undercover footage from British Transport Police that exposes the bad behaviour of football-fans on the UK's rail network as they bring offensive chants from the stadiums to the carriages.
0 /10
The Fight for Mosul
Follows the experiences of five young Iraqi Special Forces soldiers tasked with fighting ISIS in Mosul who are haunted by what they've seen and what they've done.
0 /10
The Great Housing Scandal
Following the Grenfell Tower fire, the Prime Minister dedicated her premiership to fixing Britain's broken housing market. Do some of her government's actions contradict that pledge?
0 /10

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