Episode list


The Great Ticket Scandal
An investigation into two major 'fan-to-fan' ticket exchange websites to investigate who is selling via their websites and why so many tickets appear at over the face value so soon after the box office sells out.
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The Real Mr & Mrs Assad
Investigates the extent of the Assad family's culpability and the chains of command that link the President and select inner circle to the brutal crackdown.
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Let Our Dad Die
Tony Nicklinson had a catastrophic stroke, which has left him utterly paralyzed. He has what is known as 'locked in syndrome' and cannot move, talk, feed himself or perform even the most basic function without help.
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Cashing in on the Games
Reporter Morland Sanders goes in search of the people cashing in on the 2012 London Olympic Games, and questions whether the overall economic benefits of hosting the event have been oversold.
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Myths About Your 5 a Day
Dispatches investigates what's happened to the five-a-day campaign, which was designed to get us all eating more fruit and veg. Reporter Jane Moore reveals how this vital health message has been hijacked as a marketing tactic.
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Britain on the Sick
Investigates the controversial processes used to assess whether sickness and disability benefit claimants should be declared fit for work.
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Secrets of Poundland
As other High Street retailers struggle for survival, discount leader Poundland is booming. Its pre-tax profits are up an astonishing 50% in a year. Dispatches' Harry Wallop asks how Poundland sells so cheaply, yet makes so much money.
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Getting Rich on the NHS
Morland Sanders examines whether the rapid handover of services to private contractors is really good for the public purse, and good for patient care.
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Nuclear War Games
Provides unprecedented insight into Israel's internal tensions concerning an attack between Israel and Iran which, if escalates, could have major implications for global stability.
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Chinese Murder Mystery
A look at the life and death of Neil Percival Heywood and whether he was actually murdered. His death, virtually unnoticed at the time, has gone on to shake China's Communist Party to the core.
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MPs: Are They Still at It?
Two years after the MPs expenses scandal, Dispatches examines whether our parliamentarians are still abusing the system. The investigation discovers a system still with problems and a lack of transparency.
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Where Has Your Aid Money Gone?
Jonathan Miller travels to Rwanda - the jewel in the crown of British overseas aid - to investigate what British taxes have paid for, and to ask what our government has achieved with the influence our aid supposedly buys us.
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The Chinese Are Coming
As China continues to flex its financial muscle by buying into British airports, water and breakfast cereals, Dispatches investigates growing Chinese power in the UK.
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How Safe is Your Cash?
Reporter Morland Sanders investigates whether security procedures that our banks tell us are inpenetrable really are? He meets customers who say they have lost thousands of pounds through chip and pin fraud.
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The American School Massacre
Matt Frei reports from the scene of one of America's worst mass shootings, unravelling the chain of events and asking whether this latest tragedy will lead to a real change in America's attitude to guns.
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