Episode list

Formula 1

1952 Indianapolis 500
Thu, May 29, 1952
  • S3.E2
  • 1952 Indianapolis 500
7.9 /10
1952 Swiss Grand Prix
The third season of Formula 1 begins and the first one is in Switzerland and it had 22 racers. After the Alfa Romeo had managed to win the 1951 Grand Prix by sheer luck, they knew that Ferrari would not step down anymore and had to fight even harder and with them realizing that, Alfa Romeo did not enter the race. Anthony Lago had likewise announced that Talbot-Lago would not produce a new supercharged challenger for 1952 and would totally end its Formula One program after its works programme had shut down in 1950. BRM were expected to make a full-season championship attempt in 1952, however their car was consistently plagued by mechanical troubles at the end of 1951, leaving doubts for their hopeful championship challenge. After Fangio was caught by surprise from the withdrawl, he decided to enter Maserati and develop the new car named Maserati A6GCM. This race was full of accidents and had managed to: Give Moss a misfire, ruining De Terra's debut and injuring Rosier with cuts and bruises. The race was won by Piero Taruffi with a time of: 3" 01' 46.1. Farina was one of the racers that could have won the racers but he was surpassed in pit stop.
5.8 /10
1952 Belgian Grand Prix
The third race was set in Belgium and had a total of 22 racers. Even though the Formula 2 races of this grand prix were successful, the arrival of this race was problematic. Both Fagioli and Fangio had suffered serious internal injuries in a touring car race in Monaco and Farina would shortly after break his neck while racing in the new Maserati A6GCM for the first time at the Monza Grand Prix. Fangio survived but Fagioli would succumb. Ferrari would also be having troubles by missing races and an accident from Villoresi. Taruffi would have a bad race start but by the end of the first lap, Behra led ahead of Ascari, Farina, Hawthorn, Wharton, Frère, Brown, Manzon and Taruffi. However, Behra would be dropped back after a spun and Farina would go to second place. Behra and Taruffi would then spin together and crash, leading them off the race. In the end, the race was won by Alberto Ascari with a time of: 3h 03m 46.3s.
1.8 /10
1952 French Grand Prix
The fourth race was set in France and had 20 racers. Even though Villoresi had healed up from his wounds, he would not accept to race in the Grand Prix this year, Simca hoped to win at this Grand Prix, however, the spectators thought that their car was illegally overpowered. The start had caused Behra to spin and go to pit stop, having another awful start for Taruffi, Gordini not being able to surpass Ferrari and a good start for Farina and Ascari. Even though Manzon was recovering from his injuries, he was still doing a good job on the race. Hawthorn would recover from his poor start but would be stuck in battle with Collins HWM, he would win it on lap 42 but would then have a misfire that would cause him to retire. In the end, Ascari won again with a time of: 3:02:46.6.
1.8 /10
1952 British Grand Prix
The fifth race was set in Britain and had 34 racers. To keep improving, Ferrari decided to attend some non-championship races and Villoresi was slowly healing up, Trintignant, was appointed one of the newer model T16 models to replace Behra's position in the race. The best start was Ascari, striking ahead of Farina, Taruffi was still awful and Dennis Poore's start was incredible, leading the midfield past Taruffi, his little Connaught nearly making it past Farina's Ferrari at the first corner. Taruffi would then recover again and Manzon would retire to clutch failure. Farina would sadly have a continuous misfiring engine problems, so bad in fact, that he had to concede the position to Thompson's Connaught. Engine problems would also happen to David Murray and Tony Gaze. In the end, Ascari wins again with a time of: 2:44:11.
3 /10
1952 German Grand Prix
The sixth race of the season was in Germany and it had a total of 34 racers. Ascari had won almost all the years apart's races, ( if the Indianapolis is taken out ), so he was sure to win the championship, long as Giuseppe Farina and Piero Taruffi don't win this one. Maurice Trintignant took Prince Bira's position in the team, Bira having left the team after a disappointing season, and due to injuries. As always, Ascari takes off, surpassing Farina, Manzon and Taruffi. This race had also seemed to retire many racers as many retired one lap after another retirement in the previous. Ascari had been on a roll and knew he would win the race, but trouble begins when he asks for more oil, not exactly having the mechanics aware of the gift. More drama began to unfold when Taruffi began to suffer from a damaged suspension, causing him to fall into the clutches of Rudolf Fischer's private Ferrari. In the end, Ascari still managed and won the race again with a time of: 3:06:13.3.
7.2 /10
1952 Dutch Grand Prix
The penultimate race of the season was in Deutschland and had 18 racers. Even though Ascari had won the last race, he still wanted to win these last two races to keep the win more safe. ERA G had a difficult time in this Grand Prix and still had to finish a race, The Cooper T20s were proving incredibly impressive at times and Connaught seemed to be as good as it was in Formula Two. Like always, Ascari has a good start and was on pole position, Hawthorn's cooper would try to challenge Ascari, but he would sadly be defeated by the 500 Chassis, after that, the Copper's realization was that they weren't powerful against Ferrari. Behra who had the best start of the Gordini's left on lap 10 due to Magneto failure and the only two Gordini's left were Manzon and Trintignant. The race didn't provide much entertainment and was won by no one's shock by Ascari with a time of: 2:53:28.5.
2.3 /10
1952 Italian Grand Prix
The final race is set in Italy and it had 24 racers. Unlike the last two seasons, Alfa Romeo is not in the winning position but the Ferrari is in the winning position, especially Ascari and his grand winning is in sight, though they would surprisingly start poorly in the race and the rest of the racers would have it good. Ascari would then manage to win his battle with Trintignant, who had been hounding the rear of Ascari in the opening laps, was then forced to retire on lap five with an engine failure. Throughout the race, it was revealed that Ascari was not as good and Gonzalez would instead be opening many gaps, but Ascari would still fight and would win it after Gonzalez pitted. After the struggles, the battle would be over and Ascari would win the world cup with a time of: 2:50:45.6.
7.6 /10
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