The third race was set in Deutchland and had a total of 20 racers. Due to Maserati wanting to prepare more for the race, they decided to not fight Ferrari in non-championship races, however, they would still do well on those. A sad turns of events would happen for Behra, in which after the many bad luck moments and more recently a wheel bearing failure, Robert Manzon would quit and the leader would be changed to Maurice Trintignant. Like always, Ferrari makes a good start, at the end of the first lap, Ascari led Villoresi, Farina, Fangio, Hawthorn, De Graffenried, González and Moss. In the meantime that Ascari was racing normally, Villoresi and Farina were fighting for second place. In the end, Ascari won again with a time of: 2:53:35.8.