Alton Brown is working as a consultant on a low budget sci-fi movie. He makes spooky, gooey gelatin molds. Since gelatin's a powerful tool in the pantry, Alton's happy to comply, but he insists on making it taste real good.
Following a heart attack and near death experience, Alton Brown takes Dr's advice and gets seriously into oatmeal. Alton examines crock pots, makes honest granola, teaches about fiber and makes a baked dessert topping.
Crepes are a great wrap with a bad rap. Truth is, crepes are incredibly simple, versatile and good eats. All you need is science, a good pan and a limber wrist. Alton Brown then performs crepe technique for a live audience.
Alton Brown finds himself participating in a rather odd TV game show. The arena: a junkyard. The opponent: Chef Midwest. The ingredient: pork belly. Alton's power play: bacon -- from scratch. 'Nuff said.
The aliens among us are eggplants and they are delicious. Alton Brown creatively instructs on how to shop for and store different varieties of eggplant, evaluates bread crumbs and celebrates the vegetable peeler.
Alton Brown helps discover the secrets of cream cheese and its alter-ego, mascarpone. Conquer crumb crusts, buy into some pans, and produce both savory and sweet cheesecakes without a crack in site.
Alton Brown caters a tailgate party for a group of folks out to catch a glimpse of a mythical sea monster. To commemorate the event, Alton prepares a menu featuring his favorite tailgate-able sea monster, the squid.
Alton Brown gets the dirt on Dutch processing and the dead Dutch guy who invented it. He chooses a few powders and then applies them to hot chocolate, brownies, sorbet and homemade chocolate syrup.
Winter squashes confuse and confound because there are so darned many of them. Alton Brown offers advice on how to shop, store and cook a plethora of gourdy recipes, and find out what's really up with beta carotene.
Alton Brown teaches what you can do to return Macaroni and Cheese to a table near you. Alton helps evaluate bakeware, noodles and offers a look into evaporated milk and cheddar cheese.
No bivalve is more American than or more versatile in the kitchen than the clam. Alton Brown reveals the ins and outs of clam identification, decide which ones to use where, buy a clam opening device and make a wicked chowder.
Alton Brown, ever the Spud Stud, cooks up homey Potato Soup, creamy Potato Salad and a spectacular Swiss Rosti. It's all in a night's work for AB, but will he wind up being mashed?