Episode list


Pikachu and Dedenne! Cheek Rub!!
At Dr. Platane's research lab, Serena has to choose between Harimaron, Fokko, and Keromatsu for her first Pokémon. After learning about the three with her new Pokédex, she tells the professor she made her choice even before she got there. It's Fokko. Meanwhile, our heroes are on their way to Hakudan City for Satoshi's first Gym battle, and Eureka is demonstrating just how much she loves to take care of Pokémon. She gives Pikachu a bath, then helps Yayakoma clean its wings. The two Pokémon are happily settling in for some snacks when the Dedenne our heroes encountered earlier leaps out of a nearby bush and nabs the food. Eureka wants Citron to catch this adorable Pokémon for her, but it goes running off, and everyone follows - Pikachu follows Dedenne into its burrow, but they end up at the base of a tall cliff, unable to get back to the rest of the gang. To make matters worse, the Rocket-Dan has been observing the two Pokémon, and now their plan to catch Pikachu includes catching Dedenne, too. Our heroes catch up, a fierce battle ensues, and the Rocket-Dan is left empty-handed--but Dedenne has been hurt. To restore it, Citron produces another one of his inventions. This electric generator quickly gets Dedenne recharged, but then Citron can't turn the machine off, and it explodes. Dedenne is OK, though, and with Citron's gift of healing electricity, it's decided it wants to join the group. Meanwhile, as she travels through an ominous forest, Serena realizes it'll be getting dark soon and wants to find a Pokémon Center where she and Fokko can stay for the night. She sees someone behind a tree and asks for directions--but what looked like a woman in a striped dress turns out to be a wild Beequen. When it attacks, Fokko leaps to Serena's rescue and scares it off. Then, Nurse Joi and Pukurin show up to investigate the sounds of battle--and point the way to the nearby Pokémon Center. Relieved and happy, Serena races Fokko all the way there.
6.8 /10
The Hakudan Gym Battle! The Magnificent Viviyon's Dance Battle!!
Our heroes have finally arrived in Santalune City, and Ash can't wait to get on with his first Kalos region Gym battle! Clemont and Bonnie aren't sure of the Gym's location, but a photographer offers them directions. Thanks to her, they quickly find the Santalune Gym, where they run into Alexa and Helioptile! Alexa figured they would be there to challenge her Gym Leader sister soon, so she waited for them. The Gym Leader herself arrives: it's Viola, the photographer they met earlier! After a tour of the Gym, which contains a gallery of some of Viola's excellent photographs, it's time for Ash's challenge. Ash starts out with Pikachu, while Viola uses Surskit. And soon after the battle begins, someone else arrives to join Alexa, Clemont, and Bonnie on the sidelines...Serena! Viola uses Surskit's Ice Beam to convert the Gym into a frozen battlefield. Pikachu has trouble moving on the slippery surface, and Surskit (who can skate nimbly across the ice) quickly gains the upper hand, leaving Ash with one Pokémon left: Fletchling. As a Flying-type, Fletchling not only has a type advantage over Surskit, but can also avoid the icy battlefield completely. Fletchling defeats Surskit, and Viola brings out Vivillon. Fletchling can't get away, and Vivillon quickly ends the challenge. Ash and the others rush off to the Pokémon Center to get help for Pikachu and Fletchling, but Serena notices that Ash has forgotten his backpack and follows after them. Alexa offers to help Ash train for his rematch. After several failed attempts, Pikachu, Fletching, and Ash are all exhausted and frustrated. Serena offers Ash her support...and a question: does he remember her?
7.3 /10
Decisive Battle on the Ice! Pikachu VS Viviyon!!
After his defeat at the Hakudan City Gym, Satoshi is having doubts that he can defeat Gym Leader Viola in a rematch. But Serena reminds him that he's always been determined not to give up until it's over. This snaps Satoshi out of his self-doubt and inspires him to do some serious training with Pikachu and Yayakoma against Pansy's Onvern. Standing up to Onvern's Gust is hard work, but soon Satoshi feels like they're ready. He also has an idea about how to deal with the ice battlefield if Viola uses that trick again, but he's not telling. Since they also had trouble with Ametama's Sticky Web, Citron shows off one of his inventions: a machine that reproduces Sticky Web exactly. The machine shoots a couple of webs so Pikachu and Yayakoma can practice dodging, but when Citron tries to turn up the intensity, it blows up. Undeterred, Satoshi asks Keromatsu to throw its Frubbles to simulate Sticky Web attacks, and the team seems to be as ready for a rematch as they can be - The next day, it's obvious from the start that their intense training is paying off. Pikachu digs in with its tail to stay upright on the icy battlefield and defeats Ametama. Satoshi then sends Yayakoma out for a rematch against Viviyon, but Viola's Pokémon has another move they didn't know about: Sleep Powder. The snoozing Yayakoma can't avoid Viviyon's powerful Solar Beam, and Viola evens the score at one Pokémon each. Satoshi has to call Pikachu back in, even though it's worn out from beating Ametama. Viviyon uses Sleep Powder again--but Satoshi's voice cuts through Pikachu's sleepiness, telling it to use Electro Ball on itself. This shocking strategy wakes Pikachu up so it can defeat Viviyon with a final Thunderbolt, and Satoshi wins the match and the Bug Badge. Pansy suggests the Shoyo City Gym for their next destination, and after a few farewells, Satoshi, Citron, and Eureka head off--along with Serena, who isn't yet sure where she's going.
7.5 /10
Pokémon Trimmer and Trimmien!
Our heroes arrive in a town where they spot a beautifully styled Pokémon called a Trimmien. Suddenly, another Trimmien comes bounding out from a bush and knocks Eureka down, but this Trimmien is very unstylish. We then meet its Trainer--a young girl named , who informs them that her Trimmien won't let her style it or even brush it, because it hasn't yet recognized Jessica as its partner. Wanting to make up for accidently knocking Eureka down, Jessica invites our heroes to the shop of celebrated Pokémon groomer Barry, where she works. Everyone is amazed at the shop and its intricate goings on. On her lunch break, Jessica gives our heroes a tour of the town, where they run into a supposedly famous hair stylist-turned- Pokémon groomer - who is actually Musashi from the Rocket-Dan in disguise, along with her "assistants" - a disguised Kojiro and Nyarth. They present a fashion show of their own and offer to "style" Pikachu. Satoshi declines, at which point Serena offers to have Fokko styled. Musashi agrees, but Kojiro informs our heroes they must leave Fokko there alone, and to return in an hour. They reluctantly agree...only to run into Officer Junsar, who's searching for a group of Pokémon groomer imposters-- the Rocket-Dan. Back at the phony salon, the Rocket-Dan and Fokko are long gone - but Jessica's Trimmien picks up their scent. A fierce battle ensues, and Satoshi and Pikachu amaze everyone with their awesome teamwork. It is a difficult battle indeed, but good wins out, and the Rocket-Dan is sent blasting off again. Eureka notices that Trimmien has begun to pay attention to Jessica, which leads our heroes to suspect Trimmien finally recognizes her as its partner. And when Jessica asks if she can finally groom Trimmien, Trimmien agrees. Back they go the salon, where Jessica styles Trimmien into a beautiful example of Pokémon grooming. And so, our heroes bid them a fond farewell, as they resume their journey to Miare City.
6.4 /10
Subdue Miare Gym! Citron's Secret!!
As our heroes arrive in Miare City, Satoshi and Serena look around in awe, while Citron and Eureka seem a little nervous. The impressive Prism Tower catches Serena's eye, and Satoshi tells her about his attempt to challenge the Miare Gym inside it--an attempt that was shut down by a robot who threw him out because he didn't have four Kalos Gym badges. Citron and Eureka try to get them moving when someone pulls up beside them--it's Limone, Citron and Eureka's father. Limone reveals that Citron is the Miare City Gym Leader. Citron explains that the Gym was taking up too much of his time, so he built a robot named Citroid to take over some of his duties. But a glitch in the programming means Citroid sticks to the "rules" no matter what--and since Citron doesn't have four Gym badges either, Citroid won't let him inside his own Gym. Along with Satoshi, Citroid sneaks into the Gym so he can repair the malfunctioning robot. They find Citroid on the battlefield, where it accepts Citron's override code--and his battle challenge. Citron sends out Horubee against his own Elezard, one of the Pokémon he left at the Gym to fight at Citroid's side. With some strategy, Citron manages to defeat his own creation. The robot finally recognizes its inventor, and Citron starts a full reprogramming. This time, he remembers to install a few important qualities he initially left out: compassion, kindness, and flexibility. Then, along with Satoshi and Serena, Citron and Eureka visit their dad to explain the situation at the Gym--and to tell him they want to leave the new, improved Citroid in charge so they can keep traveling with their new friends. Limone happily declares his support for their journey. That night, Citron asks Satoshi if he's sorry he couldn't have a Miare Gym battle. Satoshi says he plans to return when he's a bit further along in his Kalos journey...on one condition. When he does come back to challenge the Miare Gym, he wants to battle Citron, not Citroid.
7.1 /10
Harimaron VS Mega-Mega Nyarth!!
As long as our heroes are in Miare City, Serena suggests they visit Dr. Platane before they continue their journey--and she's made a batch of delicious macarons for the occasion. At the doctor's lab, they settle in with a nice cup of tea, only to discover the macarons are missing. They find the basket of treats in a corner, guarded by a very hungry Harimaron who isn't interested in sharing. Meanwhile, the Rocket-Dan has been researching Dr. Platane's studies on Mega Evolution, and the villains decide stealing his data would be a big boost to their schemes. They break into the lab grounds, grab the professor, and throw him in the back of their truck, but Eureka and Serena manage to sneak aboard before they drive away. The girls get locked inside by accident, but Serena manages to leave a trail of broken macarons--which Harimaron quickly sniffs out, leading Citron and Satoshi to the villains' hideout. In the meantime, Kojiro has plugged Dr Platane's data into a mechanical Mega-Mega Nyarth, which attacks our heroes. Harimaron lets Citron know it wants to battle, but neither Harimaron nor Pikachu can make a dent in the mighty machine. But then, the Mega Bursyamo that rescued Satoshi when he fell from Prism Tower reappears, along with its Trainer, a mysterious man in a Bursyamo mask. Mega Bursyamo's incredibly powerful Flamethrower leaves Mega-Mega Nyarth charbroiled, along with the actual Nyarth who's been controlling it, and the Rocket-Dan is sent blasting off again. As our heroes head back to the lab with the doctor, Mega Bursyamo's Trainer is watching over them--now without his mask. It's Limone, Citron and Eureka's dad. At the lab, Satoshi, Serena, Citron, and Eureka are saying their farewells. Citron thanks Harimaron for its help against the Rocket-Dan and says they'll meet again soon, but it seems clear that Harimaron wants to come along. And so, with Citron's friend Harimaron now part of the group, the journey to Shoyo City continues.
6.6 /10
Pursuit in the Bamboo Forest! Yancham and Goronda!!
During a lunch break on their way to Shoyo City, our heroes are being spied on. Yes, the Rocket-Dan is lurking, but so are two adorable Yancham. Serena offers them some Pokémon food, but they're not satisfied until they gobble up all of it--and our heroes' lunch, as well. There's no time to react, because the Rocket-Dan takes advantage of the confusion to net Pikachu, Harimaron, Fokko, and Keromatsu and speed away. Musashi, Kojiro, and Nyarth have grand visions of how the Boss will reward them for this impressive haul, but they quickly get into a fight about who should get the credit for the catch. It turns into a real fight, between Kojiro's Maaiika and Jessie's Sonans, which causes an explosion that frees our heroes' captured Pokémon. Nyarth is sent flying off alone and ends up hanging from a tree, where he spots the other Pokémon and convinces them to cut him down. Pikachu is reluctant, and Keromatsu is suspicious, but Harimaron and Fokko welcome him with open paws. Musashi and Kojiro looking for their partner in crime and run into the two Yancham from earlier--and an angry Goronda protecting them. After it runs the villains off, Musashi trips over a Bakeccha sleeping in the ground--and promptly catches it, much to Kojiro's surprise. Meanwhile, Goronda and Yancham have run into our heroes' Pokémon, and a frightened Harimaron unleashes a Pin Missile that accidentally destroys the bamboo sprig Goronda carries in its mouth. Without its beloved bamboo, the Pokémon is left weak. Satoshi, Serena, Citron, and Eureka finally find the Pokémon and immediately set out to find a new bamboo sprig so Goronda can get its strength back. They're successful, but when they get back, Nyarth has shown his true colors, and the Rocket-Dan has Goronda and Yancham all tied up. But as they try to drive our heroes off, Satoshi makes a risky dash for Goronda and manages to get the bamboo sprig into its mouth. Fully restored, Goronda bursts out of its bindings and sends the villains blasting off again.
6.5 /10
Capture the Pokémon Buyer! The Kofuurai Impersonation Plan!!
On the road to Shoyo City, our heroes are forced to leap out of the way when a truck barrels down on them, with Officer Junsa in close pursuit. When the dust clears, Satoshi and friends spot a cage that fell off the truck, and a weary Kofukimushi that crawls out and collapses. They scoop it up and take it to the nearest Pokémon Center, where Officer Junsa finds them--and tries to arrest Satoshi for being an accomplice in stealing the Kofukimushi. The misunderstanding is quickly sorted out. Officer Junsa explains that she's on the trail of Daz, a Pokémon smuggler who specializes in Kofukimushi, Kofuurai, and Viviyon. Because Viviyon can have wings of many different colors and patterns based on their native habitat, they're highly prized by collectors. When the Kofukimushi they rescued evolves into Kofuurai, Citron notices something in its fur--a transmitter, attached by the smuggler so he can keep track of his "merchandise." They develop a plan: one of them will wear the transmitter, plus a Kofuurai disguise (provided by costume designer Serena) and act as bait, then Citron will use one of his inventions to track the transmitter to Daz's secret hideout. Citron's Harimaron is the closest to Kofuurai's size, so it gets the job. Satoshi, Serena, Citron, and Eureka put the disguised Harimaron in the cage and leave it for Daz to find, while they and Officer Junsa hide nearby. Daz arrives to claim his lost treasure, and unwittingly leads our heroes to the cave where he's keeping all the Pokémon he's nabbed. He catches our heroes poking around and attacks with his Horudo. Satoshi's Keromatsu battles back--and then Kofuurai leaps into the fray, evolves into a beautiful purple Viviyon, and uses its calming powers to take the fight right out of Daz. Officer Junsa arrests him, and our heroes free all the captured Kofuurai...who evolve all at once, into Viviyon of many different patterns. They take to the sky in an amazing rainbow of colors, and our heroes' journey continues.
6.7 /10
Nymphia VS Keromatsu! Big Commotion in the Kindergarten!!
As Satoshi, Serena, Citron, and Eureka continue their journey, they meet a young woman named Premier who challenges Satoshi to a battle right there in the forest. Premier wants Satoshi to come with her if she beats him, which makes Serena a little nervous...and her partner for the battle is Nymphia, a Pokémon Satoshi hasn't seen before. Satosih is extra excited when Citron tells him Nymphia is a Fairy-type Pokémon. Keromatsu does its best, but Nymphia easily defeats it with a devastating combo of Attract and Draining Kiss, leaving Keromatsu embarrassed and sulky. Satoshi keeps his word, and all our heroes come along as Premier leads them away...to her kindergarten class. Prenuer explains that she and Nymphia explore the forest every day, looking for wild Pokémon to befriend so the children can meet them. This time, she's brought our heroes and all their Pokémon instead. The kids are delighted, except for one boy named Randy, who's afraid of Pokémon and determined to keep his distance. The Rocket-Dan is lurking nearby, making plans to steal Pikachu--and Premier's Nymphia, too. They show up disguised as a traveling entertainment troupe and invite all the kids up on stage to play, then set off a series of smoke bombs. In the chaos, they swipe Pikachu and Nymphia and take off in their truck...but Randy and Keromatus are trapped there as well. Satosih manages to hop onto the back of the truck as it drives away, and eventually gets inside. At first, he and Keromatsu work to break the cages holding Nymphia and Pikachu, but they're too tough. When Randy sees how sad Nymphia is, he finally agrees to help, and with all three of them working together, the Pokémon are freed. After they send the villains blasting off again, Satoshi and Randy return to the class, and Randy excitedly tells his classmates and teacher about his part in the rescue. The others are happy to see he's gotten over his fear of Pokémon, and he even announces his plans to become a Pokémon Trainer when he gets older.
6.1 /10
The Mysterious Rain Shelter! Nyasper Is Watching!!
Our heroes and the Rocket-Dan all seek shelter from a downpour in an old, abandoned mansion. When lights come on and doors close behind them, they're convinced the mansion is haunted. Our heroes encounter a mysterious being with glowing eyes, and Satoshi, Serena, and Citron are terrified--but Eureka runs after it and ends up making a new friend: a Psychic-type Pokémon named Nyasper. Nyasper has been responsible for all the strange happenings in the house, and it's keeping them from leaving for some reason. Nyasper shows her the pendant it's wearing, and points out the same pendant in a portrait of an older woman, but Eureka can't figure out what it wants. Satoshi, Serena, and Citron search for Eureka and run into the Rocket-Dan instead. They accuse each other of being responsible for the "haunting," but when they meet up with Eureka and Nyasper, they figure out what's going on, and Nyarth offers to translate for Nyasper. It seems the woman in the painting used to take care of the wild Nyasper, feeding and playing with it when it came to her mansion. She even let it wear the pendant, a gift from her husband. But when it came back to return the pendant, the woman was gone and the house was empty. It's been waiting in the house ever since, hoping its friend will come back for her pendant--and it wants our heroes to help find her. Musashi, Kojiro, and Nyarth have another idea: they want to catch Nyasper instead. They attack, but it sends the villains blasting off again. Satoshi and Citron promise Nyasper that they'll help find the woman, but then the new owner of the house arrives. Her name is Ellie, and the woman who took care of Nyasper was her grandmother, Lisa. She tells Nyasper that Grandma Lisa passed away, and offers to take it to the cemetery so it can say goodbye. Ellie also plans to renovate the old house and move in herself, and says Nyasper is welcome to come and play any time. Our heroes say their farewells and continue their journey to Shoyo City.
7.2 /10
Harimaron VS Mafoxy! A Diet Battle!?
On their way to Shoyo City, our heroes camp out for the night. Citron makes dinner, and for dessert, Serena brings out a basket full of her homemade macarons. But the basket is empty, and Citron discovers that his Harimaron has eaten them all...again. Citron tries to get Harimaron to battle Satoshi's Keromatsu for some exercise. But Harimaron is completely stuffed and moving slowly, and Keromatsu beats it easily. Eureka challenges them next, and Dedenne wins in a flash. Citron is determined to get his Pokémon ready for battle again. The next morning, Harimaron wakes to discover the source of the delicious smell: oven fresh macarons. Granny, the old woman who lives in the house is delighted to have such an enthusiastic audience, and gives Harimaron all the macarons it can eat. When her husband Grampa returns home, Granny asks Harimaron to take her side in a battle against him and his Mafoxy. Going up against a powerful Fire type scares Harimaron, especially since its full belly is still making it hard to battle. Sure enough, Mafoxy's first attack is a direct hit, and it sends up a cloud of smoke our heroes see from a distance. Citron realizes Harimaron is in trouble and runs to the house, throwing himself into the line of fire. Grampa quickly calls off the battle, but Harimaron wants to keep going, so Citron asks if he can step in. Citron figures out that since Harimaron is rounder than usual right now, it's particularly good at rolling. He tells Harimaron to keep rolling and dodging Mafoxy's attacks. Grampa is about to unleash a powerful move--but in the midst of giving this order, he hurts his back. It's a draw. The couple explains that the battle was to settle an argument they had the day before. But Grampa already bought Granny a cake to apologize, and they share it with our heroes as thanks for their help.
6.6 /10
Dedenne Is Pichu, Pichu Is Dedenne...!?
As our heroes continue their journey to the Shoyo City Gym, they stop at a Pokémon Center, where Nurse Joi declares all their Pokémon are in perfect health. A Trainer named Rena and her young sister Rimu are there as well. When our heroes prepare to leave, Eureka accidentally grabs the wrong bag, but doesn't realize it until later, when she looks inside. Dedenne is gone, and in its place? A Pichu. Realizing Eureka grabbed the wrong bag, our heroes go back to the Pokémon Center and Nurse Joi recalls the "little girl with the red ribbon in her hair", so off they go in search of Eureka's bag. Meanwhile, Rima and Rena are having a good time exploring the town, and it is obvious Rimu has a great love of Pokémon. But when she looks in her bag, out pops Dedenne. Our heroes are frantically looking for the girl with the red ribbon in her hair, asking everyone they meet if they've seen her--until someone remembers the little girl in the park. At the park, our heroes discover Rimu is not there, and Eureka is worried they won't ever find Dedenne. Not about to give up, our heroes continue their search. Citron's new invention, his "Electric Wavelength Amplifier", sends out a blast of Pikachu's electrical energy through the air, which Dedenne senses immediately. It takes off at full speed, followed by a perplexed Rimu. Our heroes meet Rena, but she is unsure of Rimu and Dedenne's whereabouts. But Dedenne is following the Electric Wavelength Amplifier's signal, and Rimu is doing all she can do to keep up. When they enter the forest, a Spear threatens Rimu and Dedenne, but Dedenne powerfully battles back. Suddenly, when a swarm of Spear approach, an unexpected Thunderbolt from Pikachu stops them cold. Our heroes have finally found the frightened Rimu and Dedenne. After Dedenne and Pichu are reunited with Eureka and Rimu it becomes obvious that both little girls have been feeding their Pokémon an abundance of snacks, as Pichu and Dedenne are much too full to eat lunch.
6.4 /10
Keromatsu VS Gekogashira! Ninja Battle!!
During our heroes' journey to Shoyo City, Satoshi and Keromatsu meet a young ninja named Sanpei and his Gekogashira. Satoshi challenges them to a battle, and Gekogashira defeats Keromatsu with an impressive Quick Attack. Sanpei is about to take his leave when Satoshi asks him for some special training--he's never seen anything like Gekogashira's Quick Attack, and wants Sanpei to teach Keromatsu how it's done. Sanpei agrees, and Keromatsu enters ninja training--and thanks to Serena's costume skills, Eureka, Dedenne, and Pikachu get to play ninja too. After Sanpei takes Keromatsu through a series of exercises designed to increase its speed--chasing Gekogashira as it jumps swiftly from rock to rock, leaping through the trees at an incredible pace, even moving its feet fast enough to run on water--Keromatsu is finally ready to try its own Quick Attack. Just then, their training is interrupted by Musashi, Kojiro, and Nyarth, who have grand plans to nab Keromatsu and Gekogashira and form their own ninja Pokémon squad for the Rocket-Dan. They manage to net Gekogashira and Pikachu, but Keromatsu is just too quick for them--so quick, in fact, that it starts to create an illusion of being in many places at once. This unexpected Double Team attack overwhelms the villains and sends them blasting off again. With all the Pokémon safely returned, Sanpei thanks our heroes for saving Gekogashira, and Satoshi reminds him that without his generous training regimen, Keromatsu wouldn't have acquired the skills that allowed it to rescue Gekogashira. And so, saying their goodbyes, our heroes once again hit the road for Shoyo City, site of Satoshi's next Gym battle.
7.2 /10
Wake Up Kabigon! Battle in Parfum Palace!
On their way to Shoyo City, our heroes make a stop in Koboku Town, where they encounter a Kabigon sleeping in the middle of town, snoring so loudly that the noise is unbearable. Every year at the end of the harvest, Kabigon comes to clear out the roots from the town's crops. Kabigon gets to eat its fill of tasty roots, and the townspeople get their fields plowed in the process. Afterward, they throw a Harvest Festival, and the Lord of Shobonne Castle plays the Pokémon Flute--the only thing that can wake Kabigon up after a big meal. But this year he's refusing to attend. Satoshi and friends ask for Lord Shabboneau's help, and he admits that Princess Allie of the nearby Parfum Palace took his Pokémon Flute. Our heroes try to retrieve it, but the princess refuses - until she notices Pikachu. She challenges Satoshi to a battle. If she loses, she'll give up the Pokémon Flute--but if she wins, she gets to keep Pikachu. A Thunderbolt from Pikachu messes up Trimmien's fur and Allie immediately calls a halt to send Trimmien to the groomer. Satoshi is the winner, but Allie still refuses to give them the flute. Citron delivers an angry speech telling the princess exactly what he thinks of her...which backfires, because Allie decides she'd rather keep him. Satoshi, Serena, and Eureka assure Citron they'll come back, and head back to Koboku Town with the flute. Lord Shabboneau is about to start his performance when the flute is suddenly snatched from his hands by the Rocket-Dan. They think they can use the flute to control Kabigon--but when Musashi tries to play it, Kabigon wakes up in a bad mood and sends the Rocket-Dan blasting off again. The Pokémon Flute lands in Lord Shabboneau's hands, and his masterful playing quickly calms Kabigon. The Harvest Festival is a success, and our heroes say their goodbyes...when they suddenly realize they've forgotten about Citron. But thanks to science, Citron has made his own escape from the princess's grasp.
6.4 /10
Madame X's Plot! The Scary Calamanero!!
As the Rocket-Dan is plotting yet again to steal Pikachu, they are interrupted by two mysterious figures: a hooded woman known only as Madame X, and Calamanero, a Pokémon with incredible hypnotic powers. Musashi and Kojiro fall under its spell, but Nyarth manages to escape--and runs right into our heroes. Satoshi, Serena, Citron, and Eureka help get the injured Nyarth back on his feet, and he warns them that Madame X and Calamanero are coming for Pikachu. And that's just what happens, as the two show up along with the mind-controlled Musashi and Kojiro, swoop Pikachu up with Calamanero's Psychic, and take off. Citron has a new invention, a Pikachu-shaped robot designed to track down Pikachu's energy signature, and they follow it to an observatory...where it gets stuck in the fence and explodes. Citron makes some quick repairs, and then Eureka spots Officer Junsa's motorcycle parked outside the building. When our heroes investigate, they find Madame X inside--along with Pikachu, who's fallen under Calamanero's spell. Calamanero puts Serena, Eureka, and Citron under hypnosis as well, but Nyarth attacks Satoshi to keep him focused. Pikachu initially obeys Madame X's order to stop Satoshi at all costs, but the bond between Satoshi and Pikachu is stronger than any hypnotic power, and Pikachu manages to shake off the trance. Then the Pikabot, which has resumed its tracking, bursts onto the scene. It slams into Calamanero, disrupting its powers, and everyone is returned to normal--including Madame X, who throws off her hood to reveal that she's really Officer Junsa. Calamanero does some gloating, and Nyarth translates. Apparently Calamanero had a master plan to use a mind-control device to take over the world. Controlling Officer Junsa to turn her into its accomplice was only the first step, but now that its plan has been discovered, it's decided to destroy the device. Everyone runs for it as the entire building explodes, but Calamanero escapes. What will become of its master plan?
7.4 /10
Battle Chateau Challenge! Viola VS Zakuro!!
On their way to Shoyo City, our heroes meet Nikola and Tesla, two brothers who introduce them to the incredible Battle Chateau. Its owner, Lord Ikkon, explains that the Trainers who battle there are considered knights and expected to adhere to the knight's code of chivalry and honor. By defeating others at the Battle Chateau, a Trainer receives a title of nobility--from the lowly Baron to the acclaimed Grand Duke. Nikola has already earned his Baron title, and he wants to introduce Tesla to the Chateau. First, though, he's looking for a battle of his own--and when his Hinoyakoma defeats Baron Farrell and his Yonoir, Nikola earns the new title of Viscount. Next, Tesla and Satoshi face off in their debut battle. Tesla's Yayakoma makes a valiant effort, but Pikachu is triumphant, and Satoshi is now a Baron. Gym Leader (and Duchess) Viola also frequents the Battle Chateau, and after snapping a photo of Satoshi in his new Baron cape, she receives a challenge of her own. Duke Zakuro, with his powerful Iwark, and Duchess Viola, with her speedy Ametama, take the battlefield--but thanks to some impressive training, Iwark manages to keep up with Ametama, and Zakuro wins, earning the highest title of Grand Duke. Afterward, Satoshi is determined to advance through the Battle Chateau ranks so he can challenge Zakuro someday, but it seems that may not be necessary--because Zakuro is the Gym Leader of Shoyo City, our heroes' next stop.
7.2 /10
The Bond of the Aurora! Amarus and Amaruruga!!
In Kojin Town, our heroes run into the journalist Pansy, who's working on an article about an amazing discovery at the Fossil Lab. She invites Satoshi, Serena, Citron, and Eureka to come with her, and they all check out the lab's collection of fossils from Pokémon that lived long ago and are now extinct. The fossils aren't the amazing discovery, though--the researchers take our heroes into a special frozen habitat inside the lab, where they meet a living Amarus and Amaruruga that were restored from fossils discovered in the ice. After they leave, the Rocket-Dan swoops in to steal Amarus for the Boss--which is a big problem, because Amarus grows weak if the temperature is too warm. But Amaruruga is able to track Amarus through its cries, which create an aurora in the sky, and it leads Satoshi and the others straight to Team Rocket. The villains are defeated, Amarus is rescued and brought back to the lab, and everyone celebrates the victory with a giant snowball fight.
6 /10
Shoyo Gym Battle! Pikachu VS Chigoras!!
Satoshi and friends have finally made it to Shoyo City, where they head straight for the Gym so Satoshi can challenge Zakuro for his second badge. But first, Zakuro has a challenge for Satoshi: scaling a tall rock wall to reach the battlefield at the top. Serena, Citron, and Eureka take the elevator up, but Satoshi decides to meet the challenge and make the climb. Impressed, Zakuro brings out his Iwark, and Satoshi counters with Keromatsu. It quickly becomes apparent that the special training has paid off, because Keromatsu manages to escape from Iwark's frightening Rock Tomb and knock out the huge Pokémon. Zakuro's next Pokémon is Chigoras, a Rock and Dragon type that defeats Keromatsu quickly. Satoshi sends out Yayakoma to gain an aerial advantage, but it turns out Chigoras can jump, and Yayakoma goes down. It's all up to Pikachu--and Pikachu pulls through, swatting a rock into Chigoras's impressive jaws so it can't bite and then finishing it off with a Thunderbolt. And with that, Satoshi wins the Wall Badge and makes plans to head to Shara City.
7.5 /10
Peroppafu and Peroream!! The Sweet Battle isn't a Piece of Cake!?
Serena shows off her baking skills with a batch of Poké Puffs, sweet treats made especially for Pokémon! After a Slurpuff swipes them, she quickly develops a rivalry with its Trainer, Miette, who thinks her Poké Puffs are superior...and who seems to have a little thing for Ash. Serena and Miette enter a baking contest to settle the score, and they both make it into the final round--but when they go out in search of berries to use in their next batch, they find that the local shops and the surrounding forest have been picked clean! Our heroes quickly discover that Team Rocket is sabotaging the contest, and with the help of Miette, Slurpuff, and some wild Swirlix, they send the villains blasting off again. Serena and Miette find the berries they need, and after someone else wins the contest, they part with a friendly handshake and a promise of better baking next time...and a threat from Miette to reveal her crush on Ash if Serena doesn't speak up first!
5.8 /10
Flabebe and the Fairy Flower!
When a tiny and sad-looking Pokémon lands in Eureka's hair, our heroes are determined to find out what's wrong. Its Trainer, Grey, explains that the little Flabébé has a special bond with his wife, Hannah. She recently became ill, and when Flabébé tried to visit her in the hospital, a passing car blew its flower away. Without its flower, Flabébé is growing weak, but it won't accept just any flower as a replacement--it needs a Fairy Flower, and those are hard to find. Our heroes set out in search of the flower, "assisted" by the Rocket-Dan in tour-guide disguises. Eureka spots a Fairy Flower growing high on a cliffside, and since Flabébé is too weak to fly, she climbs up after it as Satoshi, Serena, and Citron watch anxiously from below. While they're distracted, the Rocket-Dan nabs Pikachu. As a battle to reclaim it begins, Flabébé bonds with its new flower, and once its energy is restored, it floats over the villains and sprinkles them with its relaxing pollen. They happily release Pikachu and wander off in a joyful daze, and our heroes take Flabébé to meet Grey at the hospital. Hannah perks up immediately upon seeing her dear friend, and though Eureka has to say goodbye, her kindness and courage have saved the day.
6.4 /10
Ta-da! Fake Satoshi Appears!!
Following yet another unsuccessful attempt to grab Pikachu, the Rocket-Dan comes up with a new plan: dress up like Satoshi, Serena, and Eureka, and run around town, wreaking havoc everywhere. When our heroes arrive in town, they learn of the strange goings-on and promise Officer Junsa they will stay out of trouble while she investigates. Meanwhile, Musashi and Kojiro, now disguised as scientists, have lured Citron away from the others and coaxed him into helping them with a couple of their robots. The next day, using the robots, they grab Pikachu and make their getaway--until Citron introduces a new invention. the Rocket-Dam is sent blasting off again, Pikachu is safely returned, and our heroes resume their journey to Shara City.
6.2 /10
Corni and Lucario! The Secret of Mega Evolution!!
Continuing their journey to Shalour City, our heroes are approached by an energetic Trainer named Korrina. She challenges Ash to a battle, hoping to extend her winning streak to 99 in a row-and succeeds! Korrina introduces herself as the Shalour City Gym Leader and explains that she vowed to win 100 battles in a row before heading to Geosenge Town to find the Mega Stone that will allow her Lucario to Mega Evolve. The Team Rocket trio manage to get their hands on Lucario and Pikachu and make their escape. But thanks to the bond between Korrina and Lucario, she can track its presence. She and Ash team up in a Tag Battle against Jessie and James, and as they send Team Rocket blasting off again, Korrina claims her 100th victory! Our heroes really want to come along to see Lucario's Mega Evolution, and Korrina agrees-so they're all off to Geosenge Town!
7 /10
Lucario VS Bursyamo! The Cave of Trials!!
Along with Shara Gym Leader Corni, our heroes have arrived in Sekitai Town to search for the Lucarionite, the Mega Stone needed for Lucario's Mega Evolution. A photographer points them to a cave deep within the mountains, but warns them it might be dangerous. Sure enough, when they get to the cave, the Rocket-Dan trio come flying out, propelled by some unseen force. But Corni is determined, and our heroes follow her into the cave. Inside, they do find the Lucarionite - and it's guarded by a powerful Bursyamo, which challenges Corni and Lucario to a battle. It's a bad matchup for Lucario, and Bursyamo's speed is intimidating--but Corni refuses to give up, and Lucario has almost won when someone calls the battle to a halt. It's her grandfather, the Mega Evolution guru known as Concombre. Now that Corni has proven herself worthy, Gurkinn invites her to claim the Mega Stone she's been looking for. Lucario's Mega Evolution is close at hand.
7.2 /10
Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! The Wave-Guiding Storm!!
As our heroes watch in amazement, Corni's Lucario finally Mega Evolves. Satoshi challenges Mega Lucario to a battle on the spot, and Corni excitedly agrees. But something seems to be wrong with Lucario--it completely loses control of itself, ignoring its Trainer's commands and flying into a rage. It's about to unleash a savage attack on an exhausted Pikachu when Concombre sends out his own Lucario to stand in the way. At the Pokémon Center, Concombre expresses concern about Lucario's violent reaction to Mega Evolution, and challenges Corni to a battle against his own Mega Lucario. Corni is confident, but shortly into the battle, her Lucario starts to enter its battle rage again. Concombre quickly calls the battle to a halt and orders Corni and Lucario to seek out one of his former teachers on Must Mountain for special training. Our heroes decide to join her on this new journey.
7.9 /10
Calling from Beyond the Aura!
On their way to Must Mountain for Corni's special training, our heroes enter a winding cave where they encounter a swarm of agitated Onbat--stirred up by the Rocket-Dan trio in one of their schemes. In the confusion, the friends get separated: Satoshi, Serena, Eureka, and Lucario end up at one entrance to the cave, while Citron, Corni, and Pikachu are at the other. The villains take advantage of the opportunity to strike against Citron's group, and thanks to the "Mecha Evolution" devices attached to the Rocket-Dan Pokémon, they quickly get the upper hand. Meanwhile, Lucario has sensed Corni's presence, and thanks to their bond and the scouting skills of Satoshi's Yayakoma, the two groups are reunited--but even Lucario can't overcome the Rocket-Dan's technology. As a last resort, it Mega Evolves again--and promptly loses control as the power of its aura drowns out Corni's voice. But Corni is persistent, and Mega Lucario comes to its senses just long enough to send the Rocket-Dan blasting off again before it collapses, exhausted. Their journey is just beginning.
7.3 /10
Mega Lucario VS Mega Kucheat! The Bonds of Mega Evolution!!
Our heroes have arrived in Shara City, but the Gym is inside Master Tower, which sits on an island with no apparent way to get there. Corni comes to meet them and advises patience, which gives Satoshi some extra time to train. His Pokémon have really picked up on Tierno's rhythmic battle style, but it seems Satoshi doesn't quite have the dancing skills to pull it off. Low tide reveals the path to the island, and our heroes cross, eager for a Gym battle--but first, Concombre has a history lesson for them. He tells how one of his ancestors discovered Mega Evolution along with his partner, Lucario, and mentions the family's treasured Scroll of Secrets...which catches the Rocket-Dan's attention. The villains try to steal the scroll, but Corni and her Mega Lucario quickly send them blasting off again. As thanks, Concombre decides to let his granddaughter and our heroes see the Scroll of Secrets...and much to their dismay, the "secrets" turn out to be his own common-sense rules for life, rather than any new information about Mega Evolution. But there's no time for disappointment--it's time for Satoshi and Corni's Gym battle.
7.2 /10
Champion of the Forest! Luchabull Appears!!
Traversing a forest on their way to Shara City, our heroes happily watch three forest Pokémon help each other gather berries. Suddenly, an angry Ringuma appears, grabbing their berries and scaring them out of their wits! Then, just as suddenly, a brave Luchabull appears and battles the Ringuma, giving the forest Pokémon time to retrieve their berries. But Luchabull strikes an artistic pose right before its last move, which allows Ringuma to escape. Speaking with a forest caretaker named Kanazawa, our heroes learn that Luchabull is the "Forest Champion", protecting weaker forest Pokémon from the more aggressive ones. Satoshi is quite taken with Luchabull , vowing to help it figure out how to retain its "battle artistry" while overcoming its final move pause. The original Forest Champion, a Kairiki, reappears, challenging Luchabull for the title. Kairiki wants a one-on-one battle, but its partners, Ringuma and Roubushin, have other ideas! But Ringuma and Roubushin are defeated and Kairiki leaves, vowing a future rematch. Satoshi offers to battle Luchabull with Keromatsu, showing Luchabull how it can keep its battle artistry without stopping for a final pose, and it works! Again expressing his admiration for Luchabull , Satoshi asks it to come along with him on his journey, and Luchabull agrees! So, it's off again to the Shara City Gym with a new Pokémon friend: Luchabull!
7.6 /10
A Sky Battle!? Luchabull VS Fiarrow!!
Our heroes have arrived at the majestic Kalos Canyon, where they witness their first Sky Battle--a battle in midair between two flying Pokémon and their Trainers, who wear wing suits! After a quick lesson, Satoshi is ready to try it himself, and accepts a challenge from Nami and her Fiarrow. Satoshi's Yayakoma wants to battle, but Fiarrow wants a tougher opponent: Luchabull! So Yayakoma is forced to sit out--along with Eureka, who's told she's too small to participate. Luchabull is at a disadvantage, since it can glide but not truly fly. It puts up a good fight, but Fiarrow defeats it--and then finds itself trapped in a net attached to Team Rocket's balloon! But the villains didn't count on one thing: this time, the "Twerps" can fly! Yayakoma pitches in to send them blasting off again, and Fiarrow, impressed, agrees to battle the small Pokémon. With Bonnie cheering all the way, Yayakoma evolves into Hinoyakoma in the middle of battle, and Fiarrow is defeated!
7.1 /10
Reflection Cave! Mirror World Satoshi and Satoshi!?
While our heroes are exploring Reflection Cave, named for its mirror-like surfaces, Satoshi's own reflection pulls Pikachu through one of the mirrors! Satoshi leaps after it and finds himself in another world, with a Citron, Eureka and Serena very different from the ones he knows. After our Satoshi helps reunite Mirror Satoshi with his own Pikachu, he has to get out of the mirror world right away or risk being stuck there forever! His friends are waiting beside the mirror he first stepped through, and all of them focus on reuniting with each other. Thanks to the strong bonds of friendship, Satoshi and Pikachu are pulled back to their own world just in time!
7.1 /10
Forging Forest Friendships!
On the way to Shara City, Citron suggests a Double Battle to help Satoshi train for his upcoming Gym challenge. Satoshi's Keromatsu and Luchabull team up against Citron's Pokémon, but their battling styles are so different that they just aren't getting along. Satoshi is trying to teach them how to combine their attacks into a single move he calls Super Flying Cut when he's pulled into the woods by a ghostly forest Pokémon called Ohrot! Luchabill and Keromatsu work together to rescue Satoshi, and after Ohrot lets him go, he finds out why the Pokémon grabbed him in the first place. Team Rocket caught two of Ohrot's Pokémon friends in an electrified net, and it needs Satoshi's help to rescue them. Pikachu's Iron Tail quickly sets them free, and a perfect Super Flying Cut sends the villains blasting off again!
6.7 /10
Battling Into the Hall of Fame!
It's the last day of summer camp, and the Rocket-Dan decides it's time to spring into action. The villains throw off their camp cook disguises and try to steal everyone's Pokémon, only to be sent blasting off again. Then, Team Keromatsu and Team Zenigame face off in the finals of the Team Battle competition, where the three members of each team have to work together and combine their Pokémon's moves. As before, Tierno's rhythmic battling style poses quite a challenge. Team Keromatsu manages to come out on top, but Satoshi is so impressed that he asks Tierno for some special training. The next morning, it's time for the friends to go their separate ways, but they make plans to meet up again soon. Now, our heroes are off once more to Shara City.
7.1 /10
Master Tower! The History of Mega Evolution!!
Our heroes have arrived in Shalour City, but the Gym is inside the Tower of Mastery, which sits on an island with no apparent way to get there. Korrina comes to meet them and advises patience, which gives Ash some extra time to train.
7.5 /10
Shara Gym Match! Pikachu VS Mega Lucario!!
Satoshi's Shara City Gym battle against Corni is under way. As his Luchabull faces off against her Kojofu, he tries to use the rhythmic battle style he learned from Tierno, but it's not going so well. Finally, he remembers Serena's observation that he has his own unique style, and decides to battle like himself instead. With this change of tactics, Luchabull wins, and then Satoshi sends in Hinoyakoma to take down Corni's Goriky. The Gym Leader has just one Pokémon left, and of course it's her partner Lucario, who Mega Evolves and knocks out Hinoyakoma and then Luchabull in short order. But our hero's unique battling style shines, and in the final matchup, Pikachu defeats Mega Lucario. Satoshi wins the Rumble Badge, and the gang is off to Hiyoku City for his next Gym battle.
8 /10
Citron VS Eureka!? A Sibling Battle for Nyaonix!!
En route to Hiyoku City, our heroes meet a Trainer named Ryuji and his Nyaonix, a male with a beautiful blue coat. Among the trees, Harimaron spies a female Nyaonix and runs off in pursuit, followed by Eureka (who is upset at Citron for insisting that she eat her vegetables). When three Spear attack Eureka and Harimaron, Ryuji's older brother Hajime (the female Nyaonix's Trainer) rescues them, and everyone goes off to the brothers' sprawling mansion to get some first aid for Eureka. There, they meet the brothers' parents, and their father declares it's time for a test to decide which brother will inherit the mansion: a treasure hunt. Our heroes split up to help, but the treasure eludes everyone...until Ryuji and Hajime remember a tree with beautiful flowers that they discovered together when they were younger. Everyone runs to the spot, but they're attacked by an Bakuong. It turns out Bakuong is their father's Pokémon, and he sent it there to get the brothers to battle side by side, as they did when they were young. Ryuji and Hajime make amends, which inspires Citron and Eureka to do the same. After saying their goodbyes, our heroes are off once again to Hiyoku City.
6.2 /10
The Clumsy Pukurin VS the Rampaging Bohmander!!
The Rocket-Dan stalks a Bohmander and attaches a device that's supposed to make it sleep, but something goes wrong and Bohmander runs wild. Meanwhile, our heroes have stopped at a Pokémon Center, where Nurse Joy is overwhelmed by the number of Pokémon arriving for treatment, injured by the very same Bohmander--and her assistant Pukurinn is new to the job and having some trouble. Jessie and James, disguised as ambulance drivers, arrive on the scene to catch Pikachu and Pukurinn. On their way out, they run straight into Bohmander. Nurse Joi steps in to protect her assistant, but Pukurinn overcomes its fears and walks right up to Bohmander, immune to the flurry of Dragon-type attacks. Pukurinn uses a powerful Heal Pulse, which calms the raging Pokémon and saves the day. The Rocket-Dan's device is removed, and a grateful Bohmander quickly sends the villains flying. Pukurinn's future at the Pokémon Center looks bright, as our heroes say their goodbyes and continue their journey.
6.4 /10
Serena's First Capture!? Yancham VS Fokko!!
Our heroes meet up with Sana, their friend from summer camp, who takes them to see their first Pokémon Showcase. Elle, the Kalos Queen, starts things off with a fantastic exhibition performance with her Mahoxy--but just as the competition is getting under way, a wild Yancham runs onto the stage and cuts things short with its antics. Satoshi is disappointed, but Sana and Serena are delighted that they got to see Elle perform--and Sana is already making plans to enter the next Pokémon Showcase. Later, the same Yancham steals Satoshi's hat and Citron's glasses and runs away. Serena finds Yancham practicing near its cave, which is full of stolen items, and realizes it's using them as props because, like her, it loves to perform. When she tries to catch it, the Rocket-Dan interrupts the battle. Annoyed, Yancham demonstrates its strength by battling the villains, and then joins Serena on her journey to become a Pokémon performer.
7.2 /10
Bonnie for the Defense!
As our heroes continue toward the Coumarine City Gym, Bonnie makes some new friends--and they're a force to be reckoned with.
6.3 /10
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