Episode list


Fear Factor Phony
Ash and friends wander into a ghost town, where they try to help settle a dispute between a group of Ghost-type Pokémon and a group of Psychic-type Pokémon.
6 /10
Enter Manene! Mansion of Rest!
When James' Chimecho falls ill, he brings it to his old mansion to recover. May's Munchlax is also sick and an old man and woman bring it to the same mansion Team Rocket is at. Jessie and Meowth then decide to steal all the Pokémon in the garden while the others are taking care of Chimecho and Munchlax... Afterwards, James is force to leave Chimecho behind so it can recover..
7.6 /10
Mizugorou and Mokoko! Wonder Drug of Love!?
When Brock's Mudkip evolves into a Marshtomp, it accidentally injures a Flaaffy with a wayward Mud Shot. Brock apologizes profusely to Flaaffy's Trainer, Mariah, and offers to go get some medicine, but Mariah has a better idea. She takes our heroes to meet her grandmother, Katie, whose specialty is making Pokémon medicines that are in big demand by Pokémon Trainers everywhere. This of course includes Team Rocket...although their only demand is to steal everything they can from Katie, including her entire medicine supply! They're unsuccessful, thanks in large part to Katie's other employee, a young man named McCauley, who displays surprising courage when he teams up with Mariah to stand up to Team Rocket. Katie, much impressed with her two brave employees, decides to retire and let them take over the business. In the process, Mariah and McCauley discover that they have feelings for each other--much to Brock's disappointment!
6.9 /10
Wheel of Frontier
Finally, it's time for Ash's second frontier battle. The Battle Arena's frontier brain, Greta, won't give up her Guts Symbol without a fight. Will Ash be able to beat Greta in a double battle using his Grovyle and Snorlax against her Medicham and Hariyama?
7.3 /10
Breeding House Practitioner and the Pokémon Egg!
As they continue towards the Battle Dome and May's 2nd contest, Ash and co. happen upon a farm dedicated to raising Pokémon eggs when May accidently falls into a group of Voltorb protecting it. They meet a young girl, Nicolette, who takes care of the farm with her parents, Christopher and Jeannie. However, Nicolette's true dream is to venture out into the world and become a Pokémon Coordinator. The only problem is, as her parents tell the group, she doesn't feel ready to leave the farm behind. While May contends with Nicolette's jealousy at her actually being a coordinator, Team Rocket works on a plan to poach every egg for themselves.
7 /10
Weekend Warrior

Wed, Nov 09, 2005
May competes against a former rock'n'roll guitarist and band leader in the Silver Town Pokémon Contest for her second Kanto ribbon!
7.2 /10
On Olden Pond

Wed, Nov 16, 2005
Still heading to the Battle Dome and Ash's 3rd symbol, the gang decides to stop at a pond and go fishing. Unfortunately, the place is deserted and the owner of the shop says that a rich man wants to buy the lake to turn it into a resort paradise. Ash, not willing to stand and do nothing decides to fight the man who wants the lake and his Crawdaunt. Will he be able to defeat Crawdaunt with his Corphish or will the lake be the man's to keep?
7 /10
Battle Dome! Fusion of Fire and Water!!
Ash Ketchum arrives at the Battle Dome, and challenges Dome Ace Tucker to a battle. Tucker gives Ash one of the toughest challenges of his life. Can Ash overcome the superb tactics of Tucker and win his 3rd Frontier Symbol?
7.6 /10
Reversing the Charges
Ash wins his third Battle Frontier symbol, the Tactics Symbol. On their way to the next Battle place the Battle Pike, Ash and friends encounter an Elekid. After an accident, May's Egg becomes stuck in Elekid's antenna and it runs off. Now Ash and the others must find Elekid and get May's Egg back... Meanwhile, Ash's Phanpy evolves into a Donphan.
7.6 /10
The Green Guardian
The Mythical Pokémon Celebi has been injured in the forest, and Ash and friends, along with a Pokémon Ranger, nurse Celebi back to health.
7.5 /10
From Cradle to Save
Ash and friends have arrived at Ninja School, where they meet a Bonsly who cries a lot and that does not get along with the other pokemon at the school. Then Team Rocket appears and decides to capture all of the Pokémon at the school. later in the episode Brock captures the Bonsly.
7.5 /10
Haruka Travels Through Time!!
Ash and friends have arrived at Fuschia City for Ash's fourth Battle Frontier battle. But May's Squirtle seems to have vanished. The frightened May began searching for her Squirtle. Meanwhile, May arrives at a mysterious old station, where she meets an old woman, named Kuni. She has not been able to comprehend her husband Isao's death in a faraway town many decades ago, and has hence waited at the station ever since. Will May be able to save Isao's life...?
7.5 /10
Off the Unbeaten Path
On their way to the Battle Palace, our heroes arrive on Potpourri Island by boat. They meet the local Pokémon Center's Nurse Joy, who tells them about a Pokémon Orienteering competition that's about to begin! In this competition, each Trainer teams up with a single Pokémon, and each team travels to several different locations, using a map to locate the spots. They stamp their maps at each check-in point, and the first team with five stamps wins the prized "Pokémon Teamwork" medal! The Team Rocket trio attend in disguise, but James decides to compete in earnest, while Jessie and Meowth attempt to foil our heroes' efforts. When the competition comes to an end, the winners are none other than James and Mime Jr.! Nurse Joy overhears May talking about her Pokémon Contest ambitions and tells her there's a contest coming up right there on Potpourri Island. Of course, May can't wait to enter!
7.1 /10
Gonbe's Debut Battle! Harley and Taking the Game Seriously!
When our heroes cross Potpourri Island to Wisteria Town so May can participate in a contest there, they are surprised (to say the least) to run into May's treacherous rival, Harley! This colorful character has won multiple Pokémon Contests--often through the use of unsavory tactics--and is not fond of anyone he competes against. This of course makes for a wild and frenzied competition when they meet up in the final round, where May's Munchlax makes its contest debut against Harley's Octillery! May seems to be ahead when Harley commands Octillery to use Rest. Munchlax can't land enough hits before Octillery wakes up, fully healed, and takes Munchlax down! Harley wins the Wisteria Ribbon, and though May is disappointed, she decides to look on the bright side--she's learned a lot that will help her in her next contest. What's more, someone has sent her an unsigned note of admiration and a lovely rose...does May have a secret admirer?
7.1 /10
Juptile vs. Tropius! Grassland Duel!!
On their way to Chrysanthemum Island for May's next Pokemon Contest, our heroes have stopped on Chamomille Island, home to many interesting kinds of Pokemon! Ash discovers that his Grovyle has wandered off and gotten into a fight with a territorial Tropius. At the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy is assisted by a lovely Meganium, who immediately wins Grovyle's heart--but when it turns out Meganium and Tropius are a couple, the jealous Grovyle goes to challenge it to a rematch. Team Rocket interrupts the battle, stealing both Meganium and Tropius, and Grovyle evolves into Sceptile to battle the villains...but it's so upset that none of its attacks are working. Meganium and Tropius make a great team, working together to blast Team Rocket off, and it becomes obvious to Sceptile that the two of them are meant to be. Nurse Joy assures Ash that Sceptile will be fine, and our heroes continue their journey.
7.3 /10
Pokémon Contest! Yuzuriha Convention!!
May enters the Chrysanthemum Convention Pokemon Contest in hopes of winning her 3rd ribbon. Jessie of Team Rocket also enters this contest, but she uses James's Mime. Jr as her partner for the contest. Can May and Combusken win against the newly forged team of Jessie and Mime Jr.?
7.5 /10
Cutting the Ties That Bind!
After arriving on Metallica Island, Ash and Sceptile are training for their next Frontier battle, but Sceptile is still having trouble with its attacks. Frustrated, it runs into the forest with Ash and Pikachu in pursuit. But when they're confronted by an angry swarm of Beedrill, they're injured trying to escape, and Ash and Pikachu fall into a river and are separated. After being washed downstream, Pikachu is rescued by Spenser, the wise old Frontier Brain of the Battle Palace. Meanwhile, an injured Ash and Sceptile continue their search for Pikachu, only to get attacked again by the Beedrill. They're finally rescued by Spenser and Pikachu, along with Brock, May, Max, and Scott, who have joined up with them during their search. After a long, hard day, Ash asks Spenser if he can challenge him to a battle tomorrow, and he agrees, leaving our heroes to a good night's sleep!
7.1 /10
Usohachi King and Manene Queen!?
After yet another Team Rocket attempt to capture Pikachu ends in a massive explosion that sends Pikachu, Bonsly, Mime Jr., and Meowth flying, our heroes come across a large group of screaming fans chasing after the stars of TV's latest hit drama series, Queen Mime Jr. and King Bonsly. Meanwhile, Brock's Bonsly and James's Mime Jr. have been mistaken for the stars and get into a chase of their own. After our heroes (and villains) and their Pokémon are reunited, they learn that the real King Bonsly and Queen Mime Jr. have collapsed from stress and exhaustion, so they're asked to fill in for the stars. While filming, Team Rocket ruins a scene and gets thrown off the set. A wild Pokémon battle ensues, and while our heroes, Team Rocket, and all their Pokémon hurl one attack after another, the director, who's filming the event, happily declares this last scene the greatest work of his career!
6.9 /10
The Red Lightning of Skyscrapers!
On their way to Ash's next Battle Frontier challenge, our heroes take a sightseeing tour of Commerce City, where they learn of a mysterious talking Pokémon named Red Lightning, who has been challenging and terrorizing Trainers all over town. Vowing to get to the bottom of this, our heroes eventually find their way to the skyscraper mansion of Luna, Red Lightning's Trainer, and discover that the mysterious "talking" Pokémon is actually a Scizor in disguise, equipped with a microphone. Luna is utterly shocked when Ash defeats Red Lightning with his Sceptile, and our heroes learn that she's a lonely girl whose famous inventor parents are rarely around and who plays tricks on people so they'll pay attention to her. May offers to take her on in a real Pokémon battle, and though Luna loses again, she has so much fun that she promises to battle honestly from now on and stop making mischief.
7.1 /10
Decisive Game! Haruka vs Takeshi!!
As May prepares to enter the Gardenia Pokémon Contest with hopes of earning her fourth ribbon, our heroes meet a Pokémon breeder named Yuma who recognizes Brock as a fellow breeder. Thanks to their mutual admiration and Yuma's history as a Grand Festival champion, she talks him into entering his first Pokémon Contest! He's nervous at first, but Bonsly's performance is impressive, and he makes it all the way to the finals--where his Marshtomp takes on May's Eevee, who's also competing for the first time! An unpredictable battle ensues, and when time runs out, May just barely squeaks by with the win, claiming her fourth ribbon! Yuma is delighted at Brock's performance, but decides that he has enough natural talent that he doesn't need her help. May is one win away from qualifying for the Grand Festival, and Brock won't be getting in her way--he's not interested in training for any more contests!
7.5 /10
Muchul and Three Rougela Sisters!
As our heroes approach the final mountain they need to cross before getting to Cremini Town and Ash's sixth Battle Frontier challenge, they come across a cute little Smoochum that immediately steals everyone's hearts. But Smoochum is under the protection of three Jynx, who think our heroes are a threat--and end up going on a rampage through the whole town! When the Team Rocket trio decide to steal Smoochum for themselves, Ash manages to convince the Jynx that he wants to help, and risks life and limb to rescue Smoochum from the tall tower where Jessie has taken it! Just then, Jessie loses her balance, Smoochum starts to fall, and Ash leaps to catch it in midair! The Jynx use their psychic powers to keep them from hitting the ground, and when they land, Smoochum evolves! Our heroes bid farewell to the four happy Jynx and continue their Battle Frontier journey.
6.7 /10
Enter the Tower Tycoon, Lila!!
Ash arrives with his friends at the Battle Tower where he will challenge Salon Maiden Anabel. While Anabel has the ability to control her Pokémon with her mind Ash must give it all to win his sixth symbol. Will Ash be able to win from the Battle Tower's mastermind?
7.5 /10
All That Glitters Is Not Golden!
Ash and May spot a Sudowoodo of a strange golden color roaming the woods! Ash tries to catch it, but it escapes, and they try to convince Brock and Max of what they've seen. Several townsfolk overhear them and gather around, hoping for more information about the local "Legend of the Golden One"! Our heroes are trapped in the crowd until a boy named Keenan helps them escape. It turns out that Keenan is Sudowoodo's Trainer, and that a failed experiment is the source of its golden color. He wants to find Sudowoodo and return it to normal, but after the experiment, it ran away, afraid of him! When Team Rocket shows up in the forest to nab Sudowoodo, Keenan fiercely defends it, earning its trust again. It follows him home, where he reverses the experiment and returns Sudowoodo to its natural color. The townsfolk will just have to keep looking for their "Golden One"...
7 /10
Harley and Team Rocket! Formation of a Villainous Alliance!?
May enters the Mulberry Pokémon Contest, her last chance to win a fifth ribbon and qualify for the Grand Festival! To make matters worse, May's shady rival Harley shows up to taunt her with the five ribbons he's already won--and when he learns the true identity of competitor "Jessebella," he offers to help her to a Team Rocket victory by letting her use his Pokémon in the contest! Jessie, James, Meowth, and Harley create a plot to sabotage May's performance while bolstering Jessie's. During May's first round, she and her Combusken keep falling and losing points, until Ash discovers that Harley's Ariados is shooting webs from offstage to keep her off balance! Pikachu foils their plot with a Thunderbolt, and May and Combusken recover, making a strong finish to get to the second round along with "Jessebella" and six other Coordinators. Harley angrily storms off, leaving Jessie with an ominous vow to stop May at all costs...
7.5 /10
Haruka vs Musashi! The Last Contest!!
May has gotten past the first round of the Mulberry Pokémon Contest despite some dirty tricks from Harley and Team Rocket. James and Meowth capture and lock up our heroes, but May's friend and rival Drew rescues them, and they all make their way back to watch May versus "Jessebella" in the final round. Armed with Harley's Banette, Jessie appears unbeatable, but she quickly loses her temper at a simple misstep, and Banette stops listening to her. It's still powerful enough to prolong the battle until time runs out--and the score is tied! Because the Grand Festival is coming up, emcee Lillian announces an unusual "sudden death" playoff, and the battle continues. May and Squirtle's timing and teamwork prove too much for Jessie to handle, and she loses, prompting a furious Harley to denounce Team Rocket...and relish the thought of defeating May at the Grand Festival, where the two of them and Drew will all be competing!
7.6 /10
Team Rocket Dissolution!? Respective Roads!
Ash and friends make a stop in Sable City, where a one-day Pokémon battle tournament is about to take place! Ash decides he wants to enter, but the tournament turns out to be an evil scheme to steal the competitors' Poké Balls, cooked up by Team Rocket...not Jessie and James this time, but another pair of villains, Butch and Cassidy! Meanwhile, Jessie and James have decided to part ways after a squabble, and when they show up for the phony tournament, Jessie teams up with Butch and James with Cassidy. These unusual pairings are quite successful at stealing Poké Balls, but thanks to the efforts of our heroes, the villains' plot is thwarted and all the Poké Balls are returned to their rightful owners. With a tearful speech, Meowth convinces his friends Jessie and James that they should make up and be a team again, and they relent...only to be back to their old tricks in no time!
7.1 /10
Grating Spaces!
As our heroes arrive in Pewter City for a visit with Brock's family, they discover that three Gym remodelers (really Team Rocket in disguise) have convinced his parents to go on vacation while they overhaul Brock's old Gym--leaving Brock's nine younger brothers and sisters to fend for themselves! Brock tries to convince the remodelers to stop their work, but they refuse unless he beats them in battle. His Steelix and Ash's Donphan go up against Team Rocket's borrowed Charizard and Aggron, and at first our heroes seem to be losing, but the inevitable bickering between Jessie and James causes their strategy to fall apart. Ash and Brock win, and the Pewter Gym is returned to its original condition. When Brock's parents get home, he has some choice words about their thoughtless behavior, but forgives them when they apologize and promise never to do it again. After their visit, Ash and friends head off for the Battle Pyramid!
7.3 /10
Battle Pyramid! Vs Regirock!!
Our heroes have just caught a glimpse of the Battle Pyramid when the ground collapses under their feet! They find themselves in an ancient ruin underground. Curious, Ash picks up a statue of a Pikachu, which sets off an enormous boulder trap! They take off running and bump into Brandon, the Frontier Brain of the Battle Pyramid, who scolds them for messing with things they don't understand. The message doesn't register, however, and when Ash picks up a stone sphere, he is possessed by the angry spirit of the ancient king of Pokélantis! The king demands that everyone give up their Pokémon, and Brandon challenges him to a battle. Brandon appears to be losing, until Ash regains consciousness. After a struggle to reclaim control of his own body, Ash asks Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on him--which knocks Ash unconscious and drives out the evil king! Brandon and Ash make plans for a rematch after the Grand Festival.
7.8 /10
Slaking Kong

Wed, Jun 07, 2006
On their way to the Grand Festival, our heroes see a farmer chasing a group of Aipom. The Aipom are loaded down with berries, and as they pass, they grab May's ribbon case as well! Without her ribbons, May can't enter the Grand Festival, so our heroes agree to help the farmer retrieve his harvest. He tells them the story of the mysterious Mountain King, a giant monster who lives on the mountain and demands huge quantities of berries as tribute. When they investigate, they discover that the Mountain King is an enormous Slaking robot, powered by none other than Team Rocket! The villains have intimidated the mountain Pokémon into stealing berries for them, so they can make lots of Pokéblocks to sell at the Grand Festival. After a fierce battle sends them blasting off again, May gets her ribbons back and the berries are returned.
7.1 /10
May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!
When our heroes arrive at the Indigo Plateau for the Pokémon Contest Grand Festival, they realize that a mischievous Aipom has followed them there to steal the Coordinators' hats! May's rival Drew and his Roselia show up to put a stop to the madness, and Solidad, an old friend of Brock's from Pewter City, helps out along with her Slowbro. May and Solidad hit it off immediately, and Solidad tells May that she knows Drew pretty well and she's pretty sure he has a crush on her! Solidad says she admires both May and Drew as impressive opponents, and Drew holds Solidad in high regard as "one tough cookie." After the preliminaries, the field is whittled down to 16 competitors for the battle rounds, including May, Drew, Solidad, and Harley--who's still miffed at May for beating his Banette in the last contest. The second round promises to be exciting!
7.5 /10
Haruka vs Harley! Stage on with a Double Battle!!
With such a roster of talented Coordinators, it's no surprise that the competition at the Grand Festival is particularly fierce! Emotions are running high on all sides...especially for Drew, who seems to be more high-strung and quick to anger than usual. It seems May's strong performance in the first round has unsettled him a bit, and he's looking to get even! But first, May goes up against her old nemesis Harley, who brings out his Cacturne and Wigglytuff for a Double Battle performance against May's Munchlax and Eevee. Although Wigglytuff proves to be quite a formidable opponent, it can't overcome May's teamwork with her Pokémon! May wins the round, and Harley is out of the competition. Drew and Solidad have won their battles as well, moving forward into the quarterfinals. But the run is about to end for one of these three friends--because the next battle is Drew versus May!
7.6 /10
Haruka vs Shu! The Final Battle!!
The Grand Festival battle between May and Drew is really heating up, as the two Coordinators pelt each other with sizzling combinations, each pecking away at the other's score! The lead keeps changing at a dizzying pace--and then May's Combusken learns how to use Overheat, a move that buys her just enough time to run out the clock and squeak past Drew on points! Drew is out, and May moves on...just as Ash finally catches the Aipom who's been stealing his hat! In the semi-finals, May goes up against her new friend Solidad, whose rock-solid strategy and powerful Slowbro and Pidgeot make short work of May's Munchlax and Combusken. Dazed and sad, May slowly makes her way off the battlefield, where she finds her friends waiting to support her. Solidad goes on to win the Ribbon Cup, and after an emotional farewell between May and Drew, our heroes are on their way to Ash's rematch at the Battle Pyramid!
7.6 /10
Eipam and the King!
Ash and friends find themselves in a village with a most unusual annual ritual: choosing a king who will rule for the next year! The candidates compete for possession of the crown, and whoever is holding on to it at sundown wins the royal title. Brock decides to compete to impress the ladies, but the continued shenanigans of Ash's Aipom cause the crown to become stuck to its head! The village elder, Zeus, rules that if Aipom still has the crown at sundown, it gets to be the king, so everyone pitches in to free it. Finally, a young villager named Hank, who's always dreamed of being king, comes up with an idea. He offers Aipom a Belue Berry, which is so sour that it makes not just Aipom's face but its whole head scrunch up--and the crown comes loose in Hank's hands, just as the sun sets!
6.9 /10
Perap and the Pokémon Comedian!
Our heroes meet a Chatot, a fascinating Pokémon who can mimic anything it hears, and its Trainer, Audrey. Audrey tells them that she and Chatot have formed a stand-up comedy duo called the North Sea Chat-a-lots, and when Ash and the others beg for a demonstration, they happily launch into their routine, much to the delight of our heroes! Afterward, Audrey says their training for the Comedy Grand Prix has been interrupted because Chatot flies away for several hours every day. When the chatty Pokémon returns from its mysterious trip that evening, our heroes listen to what it's saying and figure out that it's been visiting a children's hospital! The kids and Chatot absolutely adore each other, and Chatot has been reluctant to leave them. Audrey agrees to perform for the hospital before she and Chatot take their show on the road, and the rave reviews convince both of them that their dream is worth pursuing!
7 /10
Attack! The Stray Manyula!!
Ash's Aipom runs away in a forest and is attacked by a Weavile. Kerrigan, a member of the Wilderness Guard Corps, rescues it and tells our heroes that the Weavile is a stray who's abandoned its group. Prompted by Jessie, who wants to catch it, Meowth learns its story: The stray Weavile used to be the leader of the group, until a rogue Weavile challenged it and took its place. It's been living alone in the forest, challenging every Pokémon it meets so it can become strong enough to reclaim its throne--and now, after meeting a Sneasel who's left the group because of the new leader's tyranny, it's ready for the challenge! The two Weavile clash in a fierce battle, and it soon becomes clear that the stray's training has paid off! At Sneasel's urging, the two Weavile decide to call a truce, and the group is reunited in harmony.
7.2 /10
Battle Pyramid Again! Vs Registeel!!
When our heroes and Brandon arrive at the Battle Pyramid for Ash's final Battle Frontier challenge, they meet Nurse Joy, a big fan who knows absolutely everything about both Ash and May's Pokémon careers and has a scrapbook to prove it! She offers to help Ash train for his battle--and ends up beating him with her formidable Chansey, who also blasts the Team Rocket villains off as soon as they show up to steal it. Professor Oak sends Ash his Torkoal to face off against Registeel, a Legendary Pokémon who's fighting on Brandon's team, and the matchup seems to be going his way...until his overconfidence gets the better of him, and Brandon's power and experience prove too much for the young Trainer. The Frontier Brain offers some valuable words of wisdom, which Ash takes to heart, and promises to battle him again as soon as he returns from his quest for a mysterious Pokémon!
8 /10
Haruka vs Shu! Rivals Forever!!
As our heroes await Ash's next rematch with Brandon, it appears both Ash and May are having trouble coming to grips with their recent defeats. They get support from Max and Brock, of course--and from some surprising sources as well! Professor Oak brings a special gift for Ash from his many Pokémon and human friends back home. Then, Drew arrives to cheer May up and challenge her to a contest battle! The Team Rocket trio try to interfere, but they're defeated by an unexpected champion: May's old nemesis Harley, who simply can't bear the thought of anyone other than him being allowed to ruin her day! After an intense performance on both sides, Drew emerges victorious, and May happily congratulates him. Drew and Harley are off to compete in Pokémon Contests in the Johto region, and they invite May to come along--but first, May wants to find her own battle style!
7.7 /10
Pinch Healing

Wed, Aug 16, 2006
Ash and friends--including Professor Oak--are staying at the Fennel Valley Pokémon Center when Nurse Joy comes down with a bad case of the flu and has to stay in bed. It's bad timing, because a Pokésitter named Matt has just gotten into a bus accident on a nearby mountain road, leaving several Pokémon injured. Our heroes head out immediately to bring them back to the Pokémon Center for treatment--and quickly discover that taking care of a big group of Pokémon is a lot of work! Brock seems to have a talent for it, and Professor Oak praises his gift for healing. Soon, Nurse Joy is feeling well enough to take over, all the Pokémon are restored to health and loaded back on the bus with Matt--and Ash learns that Brandon is on his way back for their rematch at the Battle Pyramid!
6.7 /10
Gathering the Gang of Four!
When his last Frontier Battle with Piramyd King Brandon is about to start. Ash heads for the mountains to camp with 4 of his most beloved Pokémon.
7.7 /10
Deciding Match! Vs Regice!!
At the Battle Pyramid, Charizard has fallen to Brandon's Dusclops, and Ash calls out Bulbasaur. Dusclops again uses Confuse Ray, but with a heartfelt pep talk from Ash, Bulbasaur snaps out of it and defeats Dusclops! Ash brings out his Squirtle to face Brandon's Ninjask, but Squirtle is defeated, and Bulbasaur is called up once more to take Ninjask down. Brandon's next Pokémon is Solrock--and this matchup ends in a double knockout, leaving one Pokémon left on each side! Ash's final Pokémon is Pikachu, of course...but after using Registeel in their first battle, Brandon has another Legendary Pokémon up his sleeve: Regice! All seems lost as Regice freezes Pikachu solid, but Ash's voice manages to reach his best buddy's ears, and with a blazing Thunderbolt and Volt Tackle, Regice is defeated--and Ash claims victory over the Battle Frontier! He has the option to stay and become a Frontier Brain himself, but Ash decides he'd rather keep traveling!
8.1 /10
Satoshi vs. Haruka! Last Battle!!
Ash's Frontier Battle journey has come to a successful end, but before our heroes part ways, they learn of an unofficial Pokémon Contest in Terracotta Town, and Ash and May both decide to enter! When May takes the stage, the crowd goes wild, recognizing her from her semi-final finish at the Grand Festival. She's delighted by the applause, and her Eevee creates a gorgeous fireworks display! Ash gets a similar welcome thanks to his quarterfinal showing at the Hoenn League, and Pikachu puts on a strong performance in its contest debut--strong enough to send Ash to face May in the finals! But first, there's the little matter of Team Rocket to deal with. May's Combusken and Ash's Sceptile team up to blast them off, and during the battle, Combusken evolves into Blaziken! It's Blaziken vs. Sceptile in the finals, and when time runs out, the score is nearly tied and there's no clear winner...yet!
7.6 /10
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