Ash and friends go to Granite Cave, where Steven Stone, the son of the Devon Corporation president, is said to be exploring. Unfortunately, Team Rocket has gotten there first, and has filled the cave with pitfalls to trap our heroes. The pitfalls collapse, sending our heroes and Team Rocket tumbling through the many levels of the cave. In the fall, everyone is shuffled into separate, mixed groups. Separately, each Team Rocket member complains about the others. It takes a lot of exploration and a lot of running from wild Aron for everyone to find Steven. Jessie, James, and Meowth, despite their complaining, are delighted to be together again. Steven, however, is enraged that Team Rocket has disturbed the wild Aron, and fights the villains off. He then finds what he was looking for in the cave--a Fire Stone--and continues his journey searching for rare Evolution stones.