Episode list


Kogane Gym! Speed & Power!?
Our heroes have finally reached the next stop on the road to Johto: Goldenrod City. Looking to challenge the city's Gym Leader, Ash finds out the gym is closed for the day. Knowing they must wait until tomorrow, the gang decides to shop around and enjoy the city when they run into a local trainer, Whitney. After a close-encounter with Team Rocket, our heroes realize Whitney is actually the Goldenrod City Gym Leader.
7.3 /10
Miltank! Revenge Battle!!
Whitney takes our heroes to her uncle's Miltank farm in the outskirts of Goldenrod City. Here they sample the finest in Miltank dairy products and learn how to groom and care for these Pokémon. Ash realizes this is a great opportunity to study Miltank first-hand and hopes it will help him against Whitney's Miltank in their next battle. After learning about Miltank and coming out victorious in a battle against Team Rocket, Ash realizes the answer to overcoming Whitney's strongest Pokémon is good old-fashioned team-work.
7.3 /10
Battle at the Radio Tower! Surpass Spacetime!!
Following his victory against Whitney, Ash and the others sit down to have breakfast at the Goldenrod City Pokémon Center. Suddenly a man, who introduces himself as the producer of Pokétalk Radio, invites Ash to an interview at their radio show, saying all trainers who defeat Whitney must come for an interview.
6.6 /10
Where Is Usokkie!?
In return for passage across a river after a storm has washed out the bridge, Ash and his pals must find the Pokemon called Sudowoodo.
7.1 /10
Ancient Pokémon Park! Ruins of Alph!!
Ash, Misty and Brock have reached the famous Ruins of Alph. Summoned there by a note from Professor Oak they join him and an old student of his, Foster in a facility for studying Pokémon fossils. Foster has made an amazing discovery, live prehistoric Water-type Pokémon thought to be extinct for thousands of years! Does their appearance have anything to do with the interrupted water flow from a nearby reservoir?
7 /10
The Carrier Poppo of the Poppo Store!
Just outside of Ecruteak City, our heroes see a flying Pidgey being attacked by a huge Fearow and decide to intervene. With Brock carrying the wounded Pidgey, the gang enters Ecruteak City in hopes of finding its trainer.
6.7 /10
Zubat's Mansion! A Dangerous Labyrinth!!
Ash, brock and misty finds a castle where ana, a doctor treats people using pokemon. As the story unfolds, Team Rocket intervenes. They get trapped into an underground maze and brock and ana's zubat works as a team to find the way out. Brock's zubat evolves to a golbat.
6.8 /10
Kapoerer vs. Fushigidane! Hand to Hand Showdown!!
On their way to the next Gym, Ash uses Bulbasaur to stop a rampaging Tauros. A old man is impressed with his work, and asks Ash to come with him to his Dojo. When they arrive at the Dojo, he tells his granddaughter that Ash will become the Shihan (master) of the Dojo. His granddaughter challenges her grandfather's decision.
6.8 /10
Tsubotsubo vs Madatsubomi
When Ash comes down with a serious stomachache far from any hospital, a local healer and his Shuckle companions are on task to set him right!
6.8 /10
Blacky! Battle During a Dark Night!!
A run-in with his longtime rival Gary leaves Ash in a bad mood. But when Team Rocket's latest weapon starts terrorizing the local Pokémon Center, Ash might have to turn to him for help!
7.2 /10
Village of Sonans!?
The peace and quiet of a Wobbuffet festival is interrupted by some hooligans picking a fight. Pokémon battles are banned during the festival, so how can our heroes defend the town?
6.9 /10
Nyarth, Bull and Granbull!?
A Snubbull falls into a Team Rocket trap, and the villains try to ransom it back to its wealthy Trainer. But when the Pokémon fights back, Jessie, James, and Meowth might be the ones in trouble!
6.5 /10
Pikachu and Pichu!
Pikachu's in trouble when an orchard owner mistakes it for one of the hungry Pichu that have ransacked her harvests. Ash wants to help, but will the fruits of his labor satisfy both the orchard owner and the Pokémon?
6.9 /10
Hellgar and Togepy!
When Togepi gets lost in the woods, a Houndoom finds it and decides to take care of it until Misty finds it.
7 /10
Yamikarasu! The Stolen Badges!!
A mischievous flock of Murkrow cause trouble for Ash and Team Rocket by stealing some of their most prized possessions! Now, the race is on to get them back!
6.5 /10
Teppouo's Sky!

Wed, Feb 14, 2001
In a harsh desert landscape, a strange light appears, and a city of ruins rises up before our heroes. But how did the city come to be this way? Could it have something to do with the beautiful light show?
6.8 /10
Himeguma's Secret!
There's a food thief amongst our heroes...could it have anything to do with the cute and cuddly Teddiursa who has joined them on their journey?
6.9 /10
Windie and the Fire Stone!
Ash and the gang are rescued by a courier service of Arcanine and Growlithe, and in turn must rescue them and their cargo of Fire Stones from the burning ambition of Team Rocket!
6.8 /10
Sonans! Is That So?
The race is on to find Team Rocket's Wobbuffet when it runs off with the key to an indestructible cage...a cage that holds Ash's Pikachu!
6.8 /10
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