The family's dream of climbing Mount Everest turns into a nightmare when Stan tries to save a buck and takes them to a different, much cheaper mountain.
Being the only one of his friends to not like a new fast-food restaurant drives Steve to madness. Stan and Francine go on a quest to return mistakenly delivered mail.
After Hayley is deemed a "big child" by The Lady from The Hamster Rescue Society, she gets involved with two Roger personas who have a complicated family dynamic in an effort to prove that she is an adult woman.
After a nearly fatal interaction with one of Roger's personas, Steve and Stan work together to uncover the persona's mysterious past. Meanwhile, Jeff, Hayley and Francine explore new hobbies.
Bullock throws a private, star-studded Christmas party the exact same night as the CIA work party. Stan and Klaus are determined to get in, by any means necessary.
Jeff gets a job after the family calls him out for being a mooch. When he unexpectedly strikes it rich, Hayley must protect Jeff from the family's greed.
Hayley scores an internship at Morning Mimosa but finds herself on thin ice when she tries to inject real journalism into the show. Meanwhile, the rest of the family suffers through a ravaging case of food poisoning.
After Danuta goes missing, Hayley joins forces with Wheels and The Legman to investigate the Bazooka Shark Babes' involvement in her friend's mysterious disappearance.