Episode list

Canada's Worst Driver

Episode #2.6
Sun, Nov 19, 2006
  • S2.E6
  • Episode #2.6
The panel of experts decided at the last deliberation not to graduate anyone after the previous set of challenges, meaning that there are five participants still remaining at the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre. The first in the next series of challenges is an off road course mimicking desert driving, including steep uphills and downhills. Because of the potential for injury on this treacherous course, an army sergeant specializing in off road driving will be the passenger in the 4-wheel drive vehicle used for this challenge. Because of her pregnancy, Shannon is given extra words of precaution. The next challenge has each nominator as a blindfolded driver, the participant as the passenger giving directions. The course has several obstacles and turns, plus what is considered the most intimidating section: a straight line in which the car must reach 40 kilometers per hour. There is a 40 minute time limit to complete the course. This challenge is to demonstrate each participant's driving thought process. Before the third challenge, the five participants are each given a different lesson or task based on their own situation. Henrietta, Jodi and Michael are each taught to burn rubber and to do controlled donuts. Sean is given an opportunity to race go-carts with panel expert Juliana Chiovitti in the hope that he will learn that fun driving has its place, such as on a go-cart track or on-line, but not on public streets. And Shannon is given the task of installing an infant car seat. The third and final challenge mimics a highway driving situation where the participants, driving at least 70 kilometers per hour, must avoid hitting boxes falling off a truck immediately ahead of them. This challenge provides a break though in attitude for two of the participants for different reasons. After these sets of challenges, each of the five remaining participants believe they will be named the next graduate, those not graduating going to the final on street road test. At the deliberation, the panel reach an unusual decision.
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Episode #2.7
Sun, Nov 26, 2006
  • S2.E7
  • Episode #2.7
With both Jodi Slobodesky and Sean McConnell graduating after the last deliberation (Sean's graduation albeit on the caveat that he promised no longer to speed excessively), three participants remain for the running of Canada's Worst Driver: Henrietta Gallant, Michael Telford and Shannon Willemsen. The first in their last series of challenges is to back a trailer into a campground parking spot. Scott gives each a lesson in trailer driving, but it doesn't seem to help on the actual challenge. The second challenge is an obstacle course, which is to test the cumulative knowledge gained from the previous twenty challenges. The only thing they are explicitly told not to do is run into Andrew's "mother". The final challenge is a 27 kilometer road test through the streets of downtown Toronto. One participant gets continually off course, while another has a total meltdown. During the final deliberation, the panel of experts have it narrowed down to two participants, one of whom they do name Canada's Worst Driver. That person takes the news in stride.
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Episode #2.8
Sun, Dec 03, 2006
  • S2.E8
  • Episode #2.8
With Henrietta Gallant being named Canada's Worst Driver on season 2, series host Andrew Younghusband reflects on life with the eight contestants at the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre over the span of their driver training. This reflection is showcased in a video he calls "147 Driver Don't s", which is to demonstrate to the viewer how not to drive.
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Episode #2.1

Sun, Oct 15, 2006
Unlike season 1 where the driving challenges were conducted on winter road conditions, season 2 takes place in the summer when drivers can be overconfident. The eight participants and their primary driving problems are: Karen Carson, a scared driver who is not emotionally supported in her driving by her traffic cop nominator husband Alan; Matt Elkind, a distracted multi-tasker behind the wheel; Henrietta Gallant, a nervous driver who feels physically ill when she gets nervous while driving; Sean McConnell, a video game car racing champion who treats the road like a video game without understanding the consequences of real on-road speeding; Colin Sheppard, a street racer, who uses the fact of being a Police Foundations student to get out of traffic tickets; Jodi Slobodesky, an indecisive and unconfident driver, who relies on her nominator husband Sam for every decision; Michael Telford, an overly analytical slowpoke of a driver; and Shannon Willemsen, who enjoys the rush of hitting things with her car. Given a set of directions, their first test with their nominator as their passenger is to drive individually 40km to the Driver Rehabilitation Centre at CFB Borden, which should take an hour. By the time the eight get to the Centre, their traffic violations collectively would have totaled $10,000 in tickets. Their second test is to drive a precision course, which includes extra height and length to the vehicle with a canoe longer than the car and bicycle strapped to the roof. Although one of the participants has an emotional meltdown on the course, the experts have their harshest words for the one who acted like an idiot in their mind.
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Episode #2.2

Sun, Oct 22, 2006
A task the nemesis of many a bad driver, Scott gives each of the participants a refresher lesson on parallel parking, which many of the participants ace. They don't yet know that their first challenge will be to parallel park a motor home uphill, which they will first have to back up about 100 meters. Despite knowing how to parallel park after their lesson with Scott, the participants panic about the size of the vehicle. The second challenge is "threading the eye of the needle", a high speed predominantly straight but narrow course. On this challenge, Sean and Colin want to prove that driving fast is safer and cooler than driving slower. The third challenge is a narrow figure eight course which they must maneuver backward with another driver on the course at the same time; they will eventually have to pass the other driver on one section that is only wide enough to barely allow the two cars to pass. Above her own driving issues, Jodi has to overcome the constant and often bad advice of her husband Sam. Beyond these three challenges, Matt is given another challenge of his own to show him how being distracted is the cause of most of his driving accidents. And each participant is given a physical test to see if there are any issues which may hinder their driving ability. Henrietta has many issues to overcome. After the deliberation, the panel of experts decide to graduate the person who has more of a mental shift to overcome than bad driving per se. The graduate is only allowed to leave on the promise that this mental shift will indeed occur once home.
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Episode #2.3

Sun, Oct 29, 2006
With Matt Elkind being the first to graduate, there are seven remaining participants at the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre. Before they begin their next set of challenges, Shannon makes a confession on why she decided to participate on the show, which may affect what she will be allowed to do challenge-wise in the future. The first challenge they were going to be given was one of navigating through a small town situation. However, since most of the participants showed a lack of knowledge of basic road signs, the first challenge was changed to one at the Centre for public safety reasons. That challenge is one of driving forward and backward in a straight line on a raised platform and ramp. If they veer off course, the car will fall off the platform or ramp. The second challenge is a high speed straight line skid to avoid hitting an obstacle. This challenge is particularly important for Karen, who is so used to listening to her husband's instructions while driving. The third challenge is one of packing a station wagon truck so as not to create a blind spot if possible. The participants must then back the fully packed car out of a camping spot, with many physical obstacles along the way. To see if it makes a difference, each participant is given another nominator, and not their own, as their passenger. The fourth challenge is one of gas station etiquette, where all seven participants are required to approach a gas station at the same time, the station which only has six pumps and a multitude of other potential gas purchasers. Some of the participants see the challenge as who can get gas the fastest as opposed to its true mission of demonstrating driver courtesy. Some participants are given an extra challenge - one that was devised specifically for first graduate Matt - which is designed to show the hazards of driving while multitasking. After deliberating, the panel of experts graduate the person whose driving relationship with that person's nominator has improved from one of the nominator barking orders to a state of cooperation.
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Episode #2.4

Sun, Nov 05, 2006
With Karen Carson being named the second graduate (much to the surprise of most of the others), there are six participants remaining at the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre. The first of the latest series of challenges is the water test: they are required to drive an obstacle course smoothly, otherwise water from the 500 liter tank mounted above the car will drain on top of the car's occupants. Most get drenched with at least 200 liters of water. The second challenge is a navigational course through the massive Centre (which is really a military base), which if navigated properly should take 20 minutes to complete. They have a time limit of 40 minutes. Some do not finish. The third challenge is a three stage skid and swerve test, first in mud, then in dry gravel, then in a "mystery material" covered asphalt surface around a blind corner, which is hiding a walled barrier. Because of the results of the last challenge which is a culmination of all results, one participant is leaving the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre, but not as a graduate.
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Episode #2.5

Sun, Nov 12, 2006
With Colin Sheppard's expulsion from the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre (he being the first person ever on any of the "Worst Driver" series to befall that fate) because of his unwillingness to learn, there are five participants remaining. Their first challenge in this series of three is called the dirty circle, where the participants must maneuver the car in a 360 degree turn on a mud surfaced "island" surrounded by a moat, so that they can drive on and off the one and only entrance/exit without falling into the moat. Most end up doing the challenge with another participant as their passenger, which helps some and annoys others. The second challenge is a nighttime scavenger hunt with the participants as the navigators, and their nominators as the drivers. They are each given one more test in this challenge in that each car has a flat tire which must be changed before they start. This challenge should take just over an hour to complete, but the first car arrives three hours after the start and one car does not make it at all. The slow times are despite one car receiving a speeding ticket along the way. The third challenge is driving a right side manual drive jeep through a course. Only one of the five has extensive experience driving a manual drive car, let alone a right side drive one. One of the participants has a meltdown on the course. During the panel deliberation, Sean should be named the graduate if only he would admit that driving slower is better than speeding. Sean knows this to be the case. Will he admit to the error of his thinking in order to graduate?
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Episode #2.6

Sun, Nov 19, 2006
The panel of experts decided at the last deliberation not to graduate anyone after the previous set of challenges, meaning that there are five participants still remaining at the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre. The first in the next series of challenges is an off road course mimicking desert driving, including steep uphills and downhills. Because of the potential for injury on this treacherous course, an army sergeant specializing in off road driving will be the passenger in the 4-wheel drive vehicle used for this challenge. Because of her pregnancy, Shannon is given extra words of precaution. The next challenge has each nominator as a blindfolded driver, the participant as the passenger giving directions. The course has several obstacles and turns, plus what is considered the most intimidating section: a straight line in which the car must reach 40 kilometers per hour. There is a 40 minute time limit to complete the course. This challenge is to demonstrate each participant's driving thought process. Before the third challenge, the five participants are each given a different lesson or task based on their own situation. Henrietta, Jodi and Michael are each taught to burn rubber and to do controlled donuts. Sean is given an opportunity to race go-carts with panel expert Juliana Chiovitti in the hope that he will learn that fun driving has its place, such as on a go-cart track or on-line, but not on public streets. And Shannon is given the task of installing an infant car seat. The third and final challenge mimics a highway driving situation where the participants, driving at least 70 kilometers per hour, must avoid hitting boxes falling off a truck immediately ahead of them. This challenge provides a break though in attitude for two of the participants for different reasons. After these sets of challenges, each of the five remaining participants believe they will be named the next graduate, those not graduating going to the final on street road test. At the deliberation, the panel reach an unusual decision.
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Episode #2.7

Sun, Nov 26, 2006
With both Jodi Slobodesky and Sean McConnell graduating after the last deliberation (Sean's graduation albeit on the caveat that he promised no longer to speed excessively), three participants remain for the running of Canada's Worst Driver: Henrietta Gallant, Michael Telford and Shannon Willemsen. The first in their last series of challenges is to back a trailer into a campground parking spot. Scott gives each a lesson in trailer driving, but it doesn't seem to help on the actual challenge. The second challenge is an obstacle course, which is to test the cumulative knowledge gained from the previous twenty challenges. The only thing they are explicitly told not to do is run into Andrew's "mother". The final challenge is a 27 kilometer road test through the streets of downtown Toronto. One participant gets continually off course, while another has a total meltdown. During the final deliberation, the panel of experts have it narrowed down to two participants, one of whom they do name Canada's Worst Driver. That person takes the news in stride.
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Episode #2.8

Sun, Dec 03, 2006
With Henrietta Gallant being named Canada's Worst Driver on season 2, series host Andrew Younghusband reflects on life with the eight contestants at the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre over the span of their driver training. This reflection is showcased in a video he calls "147 Driver Don't s", which is to demonstrate to the viewer how not to drive.
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