With eight people thus far named "Canada's Worst Driver" over the eight seasons and several more who did not graduate, the producers bring back nine of the worst drivers thus far, one who will be named Canada's Worst Driver Ever. Covering almost every season, the nine in chronological order are:
Chris Ferguson, the first of the worst;
Henrietta Gallant, who gets flustered whenever things don't go her way;
Michael Telford, who over-analyzes his driving;
Shelby D'Souza, who Andrew believes may be the nicest of the nine and the most aware of how bad his driving is;
Angelina Marcantognini, an emotional wreck of a woman who is more concerned about how she looks behind the wheel than how she drives;
Dale Pitton, whose problem may be that she doesn't think she's a bad driver;
Shirley Sampson, who can't think quickly on her driving feet;
Sly Grosjean, who used to be a professional driver; and
Kevin Simmons who is blind in his right eye, but who does not move his head to compensate for lack of peripheral vision on that right side. Host
Andrew Younghusband provides video remembrances of each of the nine, including their final on-street challenge, which led to many being named Canada's Worst Driver for their season. Andrew also provides his perspective of who among the nine he believes is the worst of the worst, that person who may or may not end up proving him wrong by the end of season nine.