Episode list

Canada's Worst Driver

Practice Makes Perfect
Sun, Dec 07, 2008
  • S4.E7
  • Practice Makes Perfect
With Lindsay Kloss being named the most recent graduate, four participants remain at the Centre. The first challenge the four will perform is the annual eye of the needle, where they are to drive at high speed through a series of arches without hitting them. Following individual lessons from Dan, the second challenge has the participants towing a trailer through a winding course, which includes a hairpin turn and a final back-up into a parking stall. Following individual lessons from Philippe, the third challenge has the participants doing donuts around an obstacle within an enclosed area. Before the second challenge, Dr. Gembora takes Ashley aside for a discussion about her volatile relationship with her nominator husband Bryan, especially when she's behind the wheel, and how that negatively affects her driving. At the deliberation, there is little consensus, but the panel do come to a decision on who not to send into the finale. The final three are incredulous about that decision.
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The Verdict
Sun, Dec 14, 2008
  • S4.E8
  • The Verdict
With Teagan Cramer being named the latest graduate, there are three participants left at the Centre in the running as Canada's Worst Driver: Ashley van Ham, Emily Wang and Amy Wisniewski. Their first challenge has them driving on a course with a slight curve, but with only eight centimeters of clearance on each side. They are required to hit 40 kilometers per hour and drive the course without hitting anything. The final challenge at the Centre is to drive a course that will require all that they learned in the twenty previous challenges. Their final challenge takes them to the streets of downtown Toronto, where they are to drive a predetermined route directed by their passenger, Andrew, during rush hour. Being real life issues, Amy and Ashley, however, have their nominator husbands, Bob and Bryan, as their respective passenger. Toronto traffic is overwhelming especially for the smaller town residents. The panel have a short list of two for the title, the decision on who is worse more philosophical in nature. But the panel do name Canada's Worst Driver, who is incredulous about winning the title.
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Guilty as Charged
Intimidating the participants, season 4's Driver's Rehabilitation Centre is located in an abandoned maximum security prison in Guelph, Ontario. The eight participants and their primary driving problems are: Teagan Cramer, an inexperienced driver who over steers and who has a habit of hitting and running; Donna Hicks, who gets an adrenaline rush by disobeying traffic signs, and who also drinks and drives; Curt Higham, who is distracted by other things happening besides traffic and other things on the road, which has resulted in him rear ending many vehicles; Lindsay Kloss, who prefers to do other things behind the wheel than pay attention to traffic; Ashley van Ham, an emotional driver who has an antagonistic relationship with her nominator husband Bryan van Ham when they're driving together; Emily Wang, who is oblivious to other cars around her; Ken Westwood, who has no respect for other cars on the road and who hates to back up; and Amy Wisniewski, whose nerves behind the wheel get her to the point of tears. Given a set of directions, their first test is to drive 45km to the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre, which should take each under an hour. Upon arrival, four of the participants are read the riot act by Sgt. Cam Woolley for breaking the Criminal Code of Canada either on their drive or in their day to day driving. Their penance hits home with each. Their second test is to drive a precision course. The added pressure they face is that they are driving an expensive new Porsche.
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Big Manoeuvres

Sun, Nov 02, 2008
This series of challenges have all to do with big vehicle handling. The first has the participants driving a laundry truck through a narrow curving course in reverse. Some find the task difficult if only because they are not used to relying on their side-view mirrors. Mother Nature reeking havoc during the challenge doesn't help. For a task that took Andrew just under ten minutes to complete, some of the participants do not finish within the one hour time limit. The second has the participants parallel parking a minivan on a public street in front of crowd of on-lookers. They are allowed one minute for each of their two possible attempts, otherwise it is considered a failure. The third has the participants in a full sized car braking through an icy curve. Philippe explains the mechanics and the physics of the task before each participant attempts it. After these series of challenges, one participant wants to quit rehab, and the challenges themselves highlight a vision problem of another. With the latter issue, all participants are given an eye examination. Beyond the previously mentioned problem for one, another finds out about a color blindness issue. At the deliberation, the panel is split between two, but decide to graduate the one who has gained a better focus on the overall task of driving.
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The Urge to Merge
With Curt Higham being named the first graduate of the season, there are seven participants left at the Centre. With it being one of the most serious driving issues for the seven, the next set of challenges is devoted to the art of lane changing. The first has them in a straight course requiring a shoulder check which will display to them a sign to tell them in which direction to turn at an upcoming V intersection. In attempting this challenge, many are so concerned about the unfamiliar act of shoulder checking that they forget about other aspects of driving to complete the challenge. The second has them driving on a small circular course with six other vehicles in two lanes, each of those vehicles which is maintaining a constant speed. The participants are required to pass all six vehicles. The third has the participants on a public road where they are required to make fifteen successful safe lane changes as monitored by their nominator. The participants are given an additional quiz on the meaning of specific road signs, which end up mystifying most. At the deliberation, the panel is split but decide to graduate the person they feel has improved the most.
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Shifty Manoeuvres
With Ken Westwood being named the most recent graduate, there are six participants remaining at the Centre. The six will face a series of challenges all requiring them to drive a manual drive vehicle. Philippe will first give them all a lesson on how to drive a stick shift. The first has them driving onto a teeter-totter platform on which they must balance. The second is a stick shift version of the smooth driving challenge where a 200 liter water tank is mounted on top of the car, water from which will drench the vehicle's occupants unless they drive smoothly. Before starting the third, Andrew and the panel discuss not who should be the next graduate but the applicability of one participants being at the Centre due to a medical issue that was undisclosed to them prior to the show.
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A Turn for the Worst
Because of her stress induced angina which she did not disclose prior to appearing on the show, Donna Hicks was asked to leave the Centre as a participant. The experts also suggested that she stop driving altogether which she refused to do. However, upon her return home, her driver's license was not renewed. With her departure and no graduate after the last series of challenges, there are five participants remaining at the Centre. The next series of challenges all have to do with turning skills. A pre-challenge given to the participants is to drive a narrow circular course while multitasking. This pre-challenge is to demonstrate how dangerous multitasking can be when sitting behind the wheel. Their first real challenge has them driving on a narrow rolling snaking ramp. This challenge is to see if the drivers know where the wheels of their car are located at all times on the course. The second challenge is one where the participants must make a last minute swerve to avoid hitting a suddenly appearing object. Philippe provides a demonstration on a high speed swerve to each before they attempt the challenge. For graduation, the panel primarily take into account the participants' success on the swerve and avoid challenge.
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It's All Reverse
Because all the participants failed the swerve and avoid challenge, the panel decided not to graduate anyone after the previous set of challenges. As such, five participants still remain. Their next set of challenges all involve the art of reversing. The first requires the participants to learn how to do a 180 degree reverse spin-out, a skill which will be taught to them by Philippe. They are required to do the reverse spin-out in a confined course without hitting anything. The second has the participants in a parking lot with a limited number of open spaces. They are required to back into any legal space that is open. The third has them driving a Jaguar SJ6 in an enclosed cross shaped course. They must back the car into each of the arms of the cross without hitting the concrete barriers. The fourth has the participants driving reverse in a figure eight course, with the other four participants as the passengers. At the deliberation, the panel have a short list of two, one of who may be technically the best driver but has emotional issues while driving.
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Practice Makes Perfect
With Lindsay Kloss being named the most recent graduate, four participants remain at the Centre. The first challenge the four will perform is the annual eye of the needle, where they are to drive at high speed through a series of arches without hitting them. Following individual lessons from Dan, the second challenge has the participants towing a trailer through a winding course, which includes a hairpin turn and a final back-up into a parking stall. Following individual lessons from Philippe, the third challenge has the participants doing donuts around an obstacle within an enclosed area. Before the second challenge, Dr. Gembora takes Ashley aside for a discussion about her volatile relationship with her nominator husband Bryan, especially when she's behind the wheel, and how that negatively affects her driving. At the deliberation, there is little consensus, but the panel do come to a decision on who not to send into the finale. The final three are incredulous about that decision.
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The Verdict

Sun, Dec 14, 2008
With Teagan Cramer being named the latest graduate, there are three participants left at the Centre in the running as Canada's Worst Driver: Ashley van Ham, Emily Wang and Amy Wisniewski. Their first challenge has them driving on a course with a slight curve, but with only eight centimeters of clearance on each side. They are required to hit 40 kilometers per hour and drive the course without hitting anything. The final challenge at the Centre is to drive a course that will require all that they learned in the twenty previous challenges. Their final challenge takes them to the streets of downtown Toronto, where they are to drive a predetermined route directed by their passenger, Andrew, during rush hour. Being real life issues, Amy and Ashley, however, have their nominator husbands, Bob and Bryan, as their respective passenger. Toronto traffic is overwhelming especially for the smaller town residents. The panel have a short list of two for the title, the decision on who is worse more philosophical in nature. But the panel do name Canada's Worst Driver, who is incredulous about winning the title.
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