Unlike previous seasons, season 3 will have an extreme driving component in the hopes that it will make the drivers more confident in most day to day situations. The eight participants and their primary driving problems are:
Shelby D'Souza, an extremely slow driver;
Thomas Hobbs, an aspiring street racer;
Denice Koke, a nervous and scared driver;
Jennifer Kritzer, who has the worst record of any contestant thus far when it comes to hitting things and people while driving;
Billie-Jean Leslie, a careless driver who in turn doesn't care she's careless;
Marnie Maddison, a scared driver who doesn't like left turns;
Ed Porter, an internal road rager, an issue which caused the break-up of his latest relationship; and
Jason Zhang, who has a narrow focus of where he looks when he drives. Concerning passengers, Jason has the worst issue with his nominator husband,
Adrian Fehr, who will continually grab the steering wheel when Jason drives. Given a set of directions, their first test to drive 60km to the Driver Rehabilitation Centre, which should take each a couple of hours. On the drive, each displays the reason why they are at driver's rehab. Their second test is a drive around Barrie Speedway's course in reverse in front of a capacity audience, as they are the half time show for the speedway's regular race. This test is to gauge their driving skills under pressure. The third and last test is a slow speed precision course, which will require a number of different driving skills to complete successfully. Based on self-professions, the experts have their harshest comments for Jennifer.