Episode list

Canada's Worst Driver

Riding the Rails
Sun, Nov 29, 2009
  • S5.E6
  • Riding the Rails
Because her brother-in-law had just been killed in a traffic accident - the driver of the offending car who failed to yield - Crystal Farao voluntarily left the Centre and rehab to deal with this family tragedy. This news hits home with all the others, not only because of sympathy for Crystal and her family, but because all of them have failed to yield countless times in their lives. Out of respect for Crystal, there was no graduation ceremony, leaving five participants left at the Centre. The five are first taught how to make a 180 degree reverse skid turn. They require this skill for the first challenge, which has them doing this maneuver within a narrow course. Although each of the five could do it in practice, they show that skill retention can be short. The second challenge has the participants driving on two raised and angled narrow concrete platforms set in a parallel winding pattern. They are required to drive without falling off the platforms. This challenge is to test if the drivers know where their wheels are. Most think this challenge looks easy until they start driving. The participants are then given a lesson on towing a trailer. The third challenge takes that skill one step further: they will be towing a trailer, which is towing another trailer. In any manner they deem appropriate, they are required to park the vehicle and the two trailers in allotted spots, which requires some reversing. This challenge tests not only the skill of trailer towing, but also in puzzle solving, as reversing two trailers can be dangerous and thus it is more prudent to unhitch the last trailer and manually put it in place. One participant has another method of solving the puzzle, one that catches everyone by surprise. An extra challenge is thrown in courtesy of 'Mike Butt (II)', who shows everyone one of his favorite pastimes which he calls shopping cart hockey. This challenge requires hand/eye coordination and vehicle control. For this challenge, Andrew relinquishes hosting duties. At the panel deliberation, the experts have a short list of two: who they feel is the most skilled driver and who they feel is the safest driver. Coincidentally, these two are the only two who believe they should graduate. The panel's decision surprises both participants.
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Uphill Battle
Sun, Dec 06, 2009
  • S5.E7
  • Uphill Battle
With Father Giles Joly being named the most recent graduate, four people remain in the running for the title of Canada's Worst Driver. The first challenge for these four is a redo of the raised concrete platform challenge from the previous episode (the drivers are required to drive on the platforms without the wheels of their vehicle falling off the platforms), but this time driven in reverse. Like last time, this challenge tests to see if the drivers know where the wheels of their car are. Frustration gets the better of the participants. The second challenge has the participants required to balance their stick shift vehicle on a gimbel. Success on this challenge surprises some of the participants. The third challenge is on an off-road course, driving a four-wheel drive truck. This challenge solely requires being calm. With the exception of Angelina who is the last participant to drive the course, each participant is required to teach the following participant the safety rules of completing the challenge successfully. The fourth and last challenge has the participants making a last minute swerve to avoid hitting an obstacle. After their deliberation, the panel of experts decide to graduate the person whose new-found calmness has made that person a safer driver. The decision is unanimous and made without hesitation.
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Sun, Dec 13, 2009
  • S5.E8
  • Judgement
With Jakob Poirer being named the most recent graduate, there are three participants remaining at the Centre who will be in the finale for the running of Canada's Worst Driver: Mike Butt, Angelina Marcantognini and Arun Suryanarayanan. Their first challenge in the finale is a reverse serpentine slalom course, which they are required to complete in less than 30 seconds. They have ten attempts apiece. The second challenge is the mega challenge, which encompasses putting everything they have learned at the Centre into action. The final challenge has the participants off the Centre into the streets of Downtown Toronto, where they are required to drive a predetermined route with Andrew as their adjudicator. Despite an extremely poor performance in Toronto by one of the participants, another is encouraged to stop the drive and give up their license forever. In the panel deliberation, the vote is not unanimous, but one is named Canada's Worst Driver.
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Basic Training

Sun, Oct 25, 2009
This year's Driver's Rehabilitation Centre takes contestants onto an unnamed military base. The eight participants and their primary driving problems are: Mike Butt, a junk car collector whose driving reflects that he doesn't care what else happens to his junkers; Melissa Cook, whose biggest driving problem may be the constant barrage of verbal abuse thrown at her by her primary passenger, her common-law husband and nominator, Wil; Crystal Farao, who is more concerned about lighting cigarettes and dealing with her cell phone while behind the wheel than actually driving; Father Giles Joly, whose life mantra is slow and slower; Jojo Kopty, who is aggressive at all cost and who does not seem to care about the financial consequences of her bad driving since everything is paid for by her parents; Angelina Marcantognini, an emotional and self-absorbed woman, whose preoccupation with herself affects the amount of attention she pays to the actual act of driving; Jakob Poirer a punk rocker whose driving is an extension of that punk rock lifestyle; and Arun Suryanarayanan, a self-taught driver who never really learned the proper rules and safety tenets of driving. Given a set of directions, their first test with their nominator as their passenger is to drive individually to the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre. On that drive, most display the reason why they are in the running to be named Canada's Worst Driver. Their second test is to drive a precision course, which is to provide the panel of experts an overall assessment of the participants' driving skills, or lack thereof. The test is even more intimidating in that they are given to drive a brand new Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II, which no one wants to scratch or dent. Those participants who thought they were good drivers are humbled by this challenge. After all have completed this assessment test, the panel conclude that these eight are probably the worst drivers collectively from the first five years of the show.
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Standard Manoeuvres
The participants are given a medical test, primarily one of vision and reflexes, to see if there are any medical or physical reasons why they are either bad drivers or why they should not be driving at all. The poor results for one does explain his overall driving attitude. The first of this series of challenges is a high speed shoulder check challenge, where the participants are required to see if either or neither side is open to a lane change within a short distance. Although some succeed and some fail, Father Giles can't even get up to the necessary 70 kilometers per hour speed. As such, Andrew decides to take him out for an open drive to allow Father Giles to experience driving at 120 kilometers per hour, which he has never done in his life. The second challenge is a manual transmission drive challenge on a 300 meter off-road course, which includes parallel parking on a sandy surface. The participants' history or lack thereof of driving a manual transmission car does not materialize in the performance for some. The third challenge is to drive a limousine in reverse through a figure eight course. The other seven participants are to be passengers, who are allowed to (and do quite readily) provide advice. The panel of experts see that the excited frenzy inside the limousine may cause stress for many of the drivers. In their deliberation of who will be the first graduate, the panel weigh the merits of who they see as the safest driver against the best driver.
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Head to Head Combat
With Jojo Kopty being named the first graduate, there are seven participants remaining at the Driver's Rehabilitation Centre. Because the reversing challenge from the previous episode was such a disaster, the participants are given yet another reversing challenge. In another figure eight course, two participants drive the course at one time, unaware that there is only one section of the course where there is enough room to pass. This challenge highlights the attitudinal problems each has as the cause of their bad driving. However, both Arun and Father Giles end up reversing faster than they ever have before, one for not the right reason. The second challenge is moving a vehicle laterally both left and right using a series of S-turns. The third challenge is the annual "eye of the needle" challenge, where the participants are required to drive at high speed through a series of narrow arches. The difference this year is that they will be doing the challenge in a manual drive car, which means they have to shift gears while they are driving through the arches. As a bonus, the participants are tested on their knowledge of basic road signs. Before the panel deliberation, one nominator is taken aside to show the destructive behavior he/she causes. As such, the panel graduate the person whose biggest problem has changed, that problem which was not the actual driving.
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Sun, Nov 15, 2009
When her nominator common law husband was deemed to be her driving problem and after he changed his abusive manner toward her, Melissa Cook was named the second graduate of the Centre after the most recent panel deliberation, leaving six participants at the Centre. The first challenge the six face is more a lesson than challenge: they are required to drive a course at a regular speed while doing various tasks, such as eating, drinking, changing CDs, talking on a cell phone and applying makeup. This challenge is to demonstrate to the participants how dangerous it is to drive while distracted, which is a common occurrence for many of the participants. The second challenge has the participants doing drifting donuts around a stationary obstacle to show them how to control a rear end skid. This challenge may prove to be the most difficult of the year yet. The third challenge is the annual water tank challenge: participants are required to drive an obstacle course smoothly, or else get drenched by water sitting in a 200 liter tank mounted above the car. Most lose more water than they keep in the tank. The participants are also given a test of common road rules, with the best only getting a marginally passing grade. Before the panel deliberation, each participant is allowed to plead their case for graduation to the experts. The panel take these comments into consideration when they decide who to graduate.
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Close to Home

Sun, Nov 22, 2009
Because all participants expressed that they did not feel ready to graduate at the last deliberation, the panel decided to honor their wishes and graduate no one, leaving six participants still remaining at the Centre. Their first challenge has all six on a two-lane oval course at the same time, the goal being to pass the lead car, driven by Andrew, twice. This challenge tests lane changing ability, especially the need to shoulder check and signal before changing lanes. On this challenge, one driver is oblivious to the fact of a missing car. The second challenge has the participants and the nominators at an undisclosed and secluded location at night 33 kilometers away from their hotel. With another nominator of their own choosing as their passenger, they must find their own way back to the hotel in whatever manner they see fit. This challenge ends up being quite different for one, whose disregard for their own vehicle ends up being the issue. Before attempting their third challenge, Philippe gives the participants a lesson in the specific maneuver called a hand-brake J-turn. This turn teaches car control, and the physics behind what a car is actually doing while in motion. The participants are required to make such a turn in a tight spot with an obstacle in the middle. The participant who ends up leaving the Centre after these three challenges does so for a personal reason, which hits home with all at the Centre, but especially the participants.
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Riding the Rails
Because her brother-in-law had just been killed in a traffic accident - the driver of the offending car who failed to yield - Crystal Farao voluntarily left the Centre and rehab to deal with this family tragedy. This news hits home with all the others, not only because of sympathy for Crystal and her family, but because all of them have failed to yield countless times in their lives. Out of respect for Crystal, there was no graduation ceremony, leaving five participants left at the Centre. The five are first taught how to make a 180 degree reverse skid turn. They require this skill for the first challenge, which has them doing this maneuver within a narrow course. Although each of the five could do it in practice, they show that skill retention can be short. The second challenge has the participants driving on two raised and angled narrow concrete platforms set in a parallel winding pattern. They are required to drive without falling off the platforms. This challenge is to test if the drivers know where their wheels are. Most think this challenge looks easy until they start driving. The participants are then given a lesson on towing a trailer. The third challenge takes that skill one step further: they will be towing a trailer, which is towing another trailer. In any manner they deem appropriate, they are required to park the vehicle and the two trailers in allotted spots, which requires some reversing. This challenge tests not only the skill of trailer towing, but also in puzzle solving, as reversing two trailers can be dangerous and thus it is more prudent to unhitch the last trailer and manually put it in place. One participant has another method of solving the puzzle, one that catches everyone by surprise. An extra challenge is thrown in courtesy of 'Mike Butt (II)', who shows everyone one of his favorite pastimes which he calls shopping cart hockey. This challenge requires hand/eye coordination and vehicle control. For this challenge, Andrew relinquishes hosting duties. At the panel deliberation, the experts have a short list of two: who they feel is the most skilled driver and who they feel is the safest driver. Coincidentally, these two are the only two who believe they should graduate. The panel's decision surprises both participants.
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Uphill Battle

Sun, Dec 06, 2009
With Father Giles Joly being named the most recent graduate, four people remain in the running for the title of Canada's Worst Driver. The first challenge for these four is a redo of the raised concrete platform challenge from the previous episode (the drivers are required to drive on the platforms without the wheels of their vehicle falling off the platforms), but this time driven in reverse. Like last time, this challenge tests to see if the drivers know where the wheels of their car are. Frustration gets the better of the participants. The second challenge has the participants required to balance their stick shift vehicle on a gimbel. Success on this challenge surprises some of the participants. The third challenge is on an off-road course, driving a four-wheel drive truck. This challenge solely requires being calm. With the exception of Angelina who is the last participant to drive the course, each participant is required to teach the following participant the safety rules of completing the challenge successfully. The fourth and last challenge has the participants making a last minute swerve to avoid hitting an obstacle. After their deliberation, the panel of experts decide to graduate the person whose new-found calmness has made that person a safer driver. The decision is unanimous and made without hesitation.
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Sun, Dec 13, 2009
With Jakob Poirer being named the most recent graduate, there are three participants remaining at the Centre who will be in the finale for the running of Canada's Worst Driver: Mike Butt, Angelina Marcantognini and Arun Suryanarayanan. Their first challenge in the finale is a reverse serpentine slalom course, which they are required to complete in less than 30 seconds. They have ten attempts apiece. The second challenge is the mega challenge, which encompasses putting everything they have learned at the Centre into action. The final challenge has the participants off the Centre into the streets of Downtown Toronto, where they are required to drive a predetermined route with Andrew as their adjudicator. Despite an extremely poor performance in Toronto by one of the participants, another is encouraged to stop the drive and give up their license forever. In the panel deliberation, the vote is not unanimous, but one is named Canada's Worst Driver.
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