Episode list


Tai ketsu! Pokemon senta!
Ash and Pikachu make it to Viridian City. As Pikachu rests in the Pokemon Center, after being attacked by Spearow, the Center gets attacked by Pokemon thieves calling themselves, Team Rocket.
7.5 /10
Pokemon getto da ze!
Ash catches his very first Pokemon, a Caterpie. However, Misty has a problem with bug Pokemon and rejects Caterpie's presence.
7.7 /10
Samurai shonen no chouse nichi!
While still traveling through the Viridian Forest, Ash and Misty find a Pokemon trainer named Samurai, who has been challenging all of the trainers from Pallet Town.
7.1 /10
Pippi to Tsuki no Ishi
With Brock as their new traveling companion, Ash, Misty, and Pikachu head for Mount Moon, where they discover a group of Clefairy and the legendary Moon Stone.
7 /10
Hanada shiti no Sui Chouka
The gang head for Cerulean City. But Misty mysteriously disapproves. When they arrive, they find out that the gym is run by Misty's sisters.
7.3 /10
Pokemon riigu e no Michi
With two badges, Ash begins to get cocky. He challenges A.J., a trainer that no one has been able to beat, because of his Sandshrew.
7.2 /10
Pokemon hissho manyuaru
The gang come across a Pokemon school, where the kids learn how to become trainers and get into the Pokemon League without badges.
7.1 /10
Kakure zato no Fushigidane
While lost in the woods on their way to Vermillion City, Ash and friends come across a little village where wounded Pokemon come to heal. The village is guarded by a courageous Bulbasaur.
7.7 /10
Lost Pokemon Hitokage
Ash and friends find a lone Charmander that's waiting for it's trainer to return. At the Pokemon Center, they discover it's trainer actually abandoned it.
8.4 /10
Masaki's Lighthouse
The gang find the lighthouse of the Pokemon researcher, Bill, who is trying to solves the mystery of the mysterious Dragonite.
7.3 /10
Electric Showdown! Kuchiba Gym
The gang finally make it to Vermillion City!! But the gym leader, Lieutenant Surge, is big and brutal with his Raichu. Will Pikachu be able to defeat his evolved form?
8.1 /10
Battle on the St. Annu!
With three badges down, Ash and the gang's next stop is the gym in Saffron City. But first, they decide to take a cruise on the Saint Anne, where trainers cruise for free. Unknown to the trainers, the cruise is a trap set by Team Rocket.
7.5 /10
Pokemon Adrift

Mon, Jul 14, 1997
The Saint Anne has capsized and sunk with Ash, the gang, and Team Rocket trapped inside. Now, both sides must put aside their differences in order to escape.
7.6 /10
Giant Pokemon's Island!?
The trainers, the Pokemon, and Team Rocket find themselves stranded on a mysterious island that is populated by giant Pokemon.
7.8 /10
Aopuruko no kyujitsu
After accidentally wrecking the boat of a local restaurant owner, Ash and the gang help him pay off a few debts by entering a beach beauty contest.
6.7 /10
Menokurage dokukurage
When a town is terrorized by a school of Tentacool and one giant Tentacruel, it's up to our heroes to bring balance between humans and Pokémon.
7.1 /10
Bye Bye Butterfree
It's the Butterfree Mating Season. Ash decides to let his Butterfree have a chance at love. Saying good bye may be harder than it seems for both of them.
8.2 /10
Casey! Psychic Confrontation!
The gang make it to Saffron City and challenge the psychic gym leader, Sabrina. However, there is more than just a trainer badge at stake: the gangs' freedom.
7.8 /10
Ghost vs Esper!
Haunter willingly travels back to Saffron City with Ash and the gang to help them against Sabrina and free her from her psychic prison.
7.6 /10
Don't Get Angry, Okorizaru!
Ash finds out that he's falling behind his rival, Gary, once again. When a Mankey shows up at their camp, Ash tries to catch it and ends up making it angry.
7.4 /10
Sleeper and Pokémon Hypnotism!?
All the children are missing and the pokemon are all weak. Ash and friends need to find the mysterious sleep waves and where they are coming from in order to find the lost children.
7 /10
Rokon! Breeder Confrontation!
The Rocket-Dan plans a scheme to steal many Pokémon by opening a grooming shop. Satoshi and his friends meet Yuki, a famous Pokémon breeder.
7.1 /10
Hand-to-Hand Fighting Pokémon! Big Battle!
While moving on his journey, Ash feels a need to catch a new Pokémon. But while trying to catch Hitmonchan they meet a girl named Rebecca who asks for their help to get her father back. To help, Ash uses his Primeape against her father in a fighting Pokemon tournament. Will he win?
7.3 /10
Do Coil See Dreams of Electric Mice!?
The group arrives in Gunjo City where everything is dark and gloomy. A Coil follows Pikachu everywhere ever since he caught a peculiar illness, but it is the Betobeta and Betobeton that are causing trouble in a local Power Plant.
7.2 /10
Full of Digda!

Mon, Oct 27, 1997
Satoshi finds himself among a group of Pokémon Trainers hired to protect a construction site from the interfering ground Pokémon, Digda. The construction is shut down after it is revealed that the Digda and Dugtrio are trying to protect their home. Musashi's Arbo and Kojiro's Dogas evolve into Arbok and Matadogas respectively.
7.1 /10
Fire Pokémon Big Race!
The gang enter the Safari Zone and find a Pokemon ranch, run by Lara, who's planning to enter a yearly Pokemon race, with her Ponyta. But when Lara gets injured, Ash decides to ride Ponyta instead.
7.6 /10
Garura's Lullaby
While traveling through the Safari Zone, the gang help a married couple find their lost son, who is being raised by a family of Kangaskhan.
6.4 /10
Miniryu no Densetsu
Satoshi wants to capture the rare Pocket Monster Miniryu, but the gun happy warden doesn't want him to have it.
7.4 /10
Storm on Cycling Road
The gang are asked to deliver medicine to a sick Pokemon in Sunny Town. But they'll have to cross a bridge that is run by a tough bike gang.
7.2 /10
Metamon and the Mimicry Girl
During a storm, Satoshi and his friends arrive at a mysterious Mansion. While there, Satoshi meets Imite, a girl who is an expert at impersonation, and she happens to own Metamon, a Pokémon that can transform into any Pokémon. However, Metamon cannot seem to figure out how to change its face, a fact that stopped Imite's variety show. As they all try to help Metamon perfect its transformation, the Rocket-Dan tries to steal the Metamon so it can transform into a Miniryu which they can give to the boss.
7.6 /10
Dennô Senshi Porygon
In the process of investigating a virus in the Pokémon Transport system, Ash and company become unwitting beta testers for a Human Transport System.
7.2 /10
Pikachu's Woods
The group come into a forest where it is quiet and peaceful. They notice a large group of Pikachu that Satoshi's Pikachu tries to make friends with. After saving a young Pikachu from drowning and rescuing the herd from the Rocket-Dan, Satoshi's Pikachu is welcomed among the other Pikachu as one of their own. Saddened by this sudden distance, Satoshi tries to leave Pikachu behind (to Kasumi and Takeshi's shock and dismay), thinking that in the long run, it is going to be better off with its own kind. As they attempt to leave the forest with Satohshi still standing his ground on leaving Pikachu.
8 /10
The Four Ivui Brothers
The gang come across a tied up Eevee. When they try to return it to it's owner, they find out that the owner's older brothers are trying to make it evolve.
7.6 /10
Wake up! Kabigon!
Ash and the gang come to a village where there is no food, because the river is dry and plants can't grow. They decide to investigate the problem and discover that the water is being blocked by a sleeping Snorlax.
7.4 /10
Showdown! Pokémon Gym!
The gang arrive in a place called Dark City to find that two rival gyms have been terrorizing the place with their feud.
7 /10
Nassy Squad Big March!
When at a carnival, Satoshi and his friends meet a magician who is really losing his touch and fails in his own magic show. In his effort to get better, he decides to hypnotize Satoshi and uses his Pokémon Tamatama to capture loads of Nassy. But the Nassy end up hypnotizing themselves and the Rocket-Dan and almost destroy the entire carnival. Luckily, they are saved by Hitokage, who evolves into a disobedient Lizardo.
6.8 /10
Paras and Parasect
Having run out of medicine, Satohsi and his friends go to a local shop to get some Potions. However, they don't have much due to the owner's Paras being weak. Satoshi and his friends decide to help out the owner by training her Paras, hoping that it can evolve into Parasect.
7.2 /10
Sing! Purin!

Wed, May 20, 1998
Entering Neon Town, a bustling Metropolis where everyone is tired and rude, Satoshi and his friends find a Purin who is too shy to sing its hypnotic song. Realizing they can kill two birds with one stone, Kasumi tries to teach the Purin to sing while the Rocket-Dan attempts to record the song so they can use it against Satoshi. Everyone falls asleep, including Satoshi and his friends and the Rocket-Dan, and a miffed Purin uses the marker hidden in her microphone to draw on everyone's sleeping faces.
7.6 /10
Resurrection!? Fossil Pokémon!
Ash and friends get caught up in a Pokémon Fossil rush. During the rush, extinct Pokémon get discovered as still alive and a new Pokémon is discovered in the form of an egg.
8.1 /10
Lucky's Clinical Records
After Pikachu gets an apple stuck in its throat, Satoshi and his friends rush it to a Pokemon Center. After being treated, they hear of a traffic accident (caused by Rocket Dan) that has left many Pokemon injured. Satoshi and the gang are recruited to help treat all the Pokemon that cant fit in the Pokemon Center.
7 /10
Gardie and Kojiro
After finding a missing person sign featuring Kojiro, Satoshi and his friends decide to find Kojiro and inform him of his parents' death. However Kojiro's parents turn out to be alive, and their death was only a decoy to get him to return home to the rich Rumika, a girl Kojiro was arranged to marry from when he was a little child. Kojiro has left because Rumika is terrifying, so everyone tries to save Kojiro from this fate, including Kojiro' old pet Gardie, Gar-chan.
7.6 /10
Kamonegi's Easy Mark
When Kasumi's Monster Balls are stolen by Kamonegi, Satoshi and the gang investigate to try to find the thief and get all the stolen things back.
7 /10
Who Gets to Keep Togepy!?
The mysterious egg finally hatches to reveal an unknown Pokemon, named Togepi. Now the gang begins to fight over who gets to be it's trainer.
7.5 /10
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