Episode list


The Resurrection of Reverend Moon
Frontline investigates Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who after serving 13 months in prison in early 1980s for conspiracy and false tax returns, has reemerged as a major media, financial
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The Last Communist
The Cuban Revolution has turned into a struggle to feed its people. To understand what has happened to Cuba, Frontline tells story of Cuba's controversial and charismatic leader, Fidel Castro-from early days.
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Coming from Japan
The Matsushita Electric Company is largest corporations in world, with a controversial history in US stretching back more than 30 years.
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Who Is David Duke?
Correspondent Hodding Carter investigates life and political career of presidential candidate David Duke-exploring Duke's troubled childhood, his intellectual journey into extremist ideology of Nazis and Ku Klux Klan
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Saddam's Killing Fields
From PBS and FRONTLINE: For the women who pick and process the food we eat every day, getting sexually assaulted, and even raped, is sometimes part of the job. Here is the story of the hidden price many migrant women working in America's fields and packing plants pay to stay employed and provide for their families.
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The Betrayal of Democracy
Journalist William Greider examines what he calls 'deepening divide between governed and governing' in this PBS Election '92 Report.
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The Bank of Crooks and Criminals
Frontline examines global banking scandal surrounding Bank of Credit and Commerce International by tracking aggressive investigation of case by New York District attorney Robert Morgenthau.
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Who Cares About Children?
With 410,000 children in foster-care and over half a million expected by 1995, child advocates across country say nearly every state is in, or approaching.
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Dear Frontline
Frontline airs reactions to some of controversial broadcasts in its tenth season. The program contains excerpts from viewer letters, responses from subjects of Frontline documentaries,.
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A Kid Kills

Mon, Jun 15, 1992
When 15 year old Damien Bynoe and two friends took a gun and went to settle a dispute, 15 year old Korey Grant and 11 year old Charles Copney, Jr.
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Your Loan Is Denied
Peter and Dolores Green, African-American professionals, are suing a Chicago-area bank for refusing to finance their purchase of home they have lived in for 30 years.
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The Politics of Power
Frontline, in a co-production with Center for Investigative Reporting, examines story of our nation's failed energy policy.
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The Choice '92
In this Election '92 Special Report, Frontline presents political biographies of two leading candidates for presidency-Republican George Bush and Democrat Bill Clinton.
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Monsters Among Us
Westley Allen Dodd (1961-1993) was an American convicted serial killer and sex offender. In 1989, he sexually assaulted and murdered three young boys in Vancouver, Washington.
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In Search of Our Fathers
Marco Williams was 24 years old when he learned his father's name. It was first of many things he would discover about himself and his family in a journey into his family's past.
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