Episode list


Inside the Terror Network
The hijackers of September 11 led such outwardly ordinary lives that they moved through Europe and America virtually unnoticed.
0 /10
Dot Con

Wed, Jan 23, 2002
An examination of the evidence for stock market manipulation during the dot-com boom of the late 1990s and early 2000s.
8.4 /10
American Porn

Wed, Feb 20, 2002
FRONTLINE investigates American Porn and the pending political battle that will soon engulf the multi-billion dollar business and its distribution partners - some of America's best known corporations.
6.8 /10
Testing Our Schools
President Bush's proposal for mandatory public school testing in grades three through eight signals beginning of a new era in public education
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Battle for the Holy Land
As Israelis and Palestinians prepare for possible all-out war, FRONTLINE investigates how combatants pursue deadly conflict on ground.
7 /10
Requiem for Frank Lee Smith
In December 2000, after spending fourteen years on Floridaís Death Row, Frank Lee Smith was finally cleared of rape and murder of eight-year-old Shandra Whitehead.
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Modern Meat

Wed, Apr 17, 2002
Frontline investigates modern meat safety, focusing on the process, politics, and hazards of ground beef manufacturing.
7.9 /10
Did Daddy Do It?
In 1984, Cuban immigrant Frank Fuster was living American dream. He had a new house in suburbs.
0 /10

Wed, May 08, 2002
The events of Sept. 11 left many Americans questioning how such atrocities could be perpetrated in name of religion: specifically, religion of Islam.
6.1 /10
The Siege of Bethlehem
On April 2, as Israeli tanks rolled into Bethlehem, some 200 Palestinians - many of them armed - stormed into fabled Church of Nativity.
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Bigger Than Enron
The meteoric rise and stunning collapse of Enron caused many to question why watchdog system was supposed to protect investors failed to sound any alarms about company's dubious financial underpinnings.
6.8 /10
Shattered Dreams of Peace: The Road from Oslo
In the early 2000's, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators nearly reached a peace agreement. Within weeks, the opportunity vanished. Frontline examines the faltering quest for peace in "Shattered Dreams of Peace: The Road from Oslo" - a film by Charles Enderlin, a Franco-Israeli journalist, specializing in the Middle East and Israel - beginning with the 1995 assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. The two-and-a-half-hour documentary traces the peace process through years of negotiations, with new footage of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and interviews with key figures on both sides.
7.6 /10
Campaign Against Terror
In this two-hour special, FRONTLINE recounts for first time on television behind-the-scenes story of US and world response to September 11 terrorist attacks on America.
8.3 /10
The Man Who Knew
As an FBI agent who specialized in counter-terrorism, John P. O'Neill investigated the bombing of the American embassies in Africa, the USS Cole in Yemen, the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, and the first attack on the World Trade Center. O'Neill came to believe America should kill Osama bin Laden before Al Qaeda launched a devastating attack, but his was often a lonely voice. A controversial figure inside the buttoned-down world of the FBI, he was forced out of the job he loved and entered the private sector as director of security for the World Trade Center.
8.3 /10
Missile Wars

Wed, Oct 09, 2002
Following America's withdrawal from Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, FRONTLINE examines reason why: Bush administration's determination to deploy an antimissile system.
0 /10
Let's Get Married
Marriage is in trouble. The past half-century has witnessed staggering changes in makeup of American family as number of single-parent households and children born out of wedlock has skyrocketed.
0 /10
All Filters