Episode list


To the Brink of War
On January 15, 1991, United Nations resolution that allowed use of force against Saddam Hussein took effect.
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Cuba and Cocaine
Frontline investigates long history of Castro's connection to drug trade. Despite Cuban government denials.
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The Mind of Hussein
Through interviews with Hussein's former neighbors, members of his government, military leaders, journalists, and Middle East experts, correspondent Hodding Carter reveals fears, passions, and intellect of man behind demonic image.
7.6 /10
Black America's War
Nearly thirty percent of all US soldiers in Gulf War were black Americans. But blacks were much more skeptical than whites about decision to go to war.
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The Election Held Hostage
On January 20, 1981, just as Ronald Reagan became 40th president of United States, Iran finally released 52 American hostages it had held for 444 days.
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Innocence Lost - The Accusations
Bizarre accusations of abuse surround the prominent Little Rascals Daycare Center in Edenton, North Carolina. The 3-part report "Innocence Lost" chronicles how a disagreement between two friends snowballed into a sexual abuse hysteria.
8.2 /10
The Spy Hunter

Mon, May 13, 1991
Correspondent Tom Mangold profiles mysterious, tortured life of James Angleton, ex-chief of counter-intelligence for CIA who was obsessed by belief agency was harboring a mole.
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To the Last Fish
Journalist and author Paul Greenberg (Four Fish; American Catch) spends a year eating only fish. From farmed fish in Norway to the biggest wild fishery in the world off Peru, he travels to investigate the health of the ocean - as well as his own.
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In the Shadow of Sakharov
Frontline recounts saga of Andrei Sakharov, nuclear physicist turned human-rights advocate who became father of Soviet democracy movement.
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The Great American Bailout
The biggest financial disaster in US history continues. Four years into process of selling off failed savings and loan assets, Resolution Trust Corporation, federal agency charged with managing bailout, hasn't stopped rising cost.
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Don King, Unauthorized
If Don King were a city he would be Las Vegas, flamboyant, awake 24 hours a day, driven by money, routed in gambling and the mob. Don King, the man himself is bigger than boxing, he is a cultural phenomenon.
8 /10
Losing the War with Japan
Frontline looks at challenge Japanese-style capitalism poses to US market. The program examines three industries-automobile, video games, and flat panel displays used in computers.
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The Secret Story of Terry Waite
Frontline, in co-production with BBC, examines secret connections between Oliver North and British hostage Terry Waite, Anglican church envoy released from captivity in Lebanon after nearly five years.
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