Episode list


The Nicotine War
FRONTLINE tells story of Food and Drug Administration chief David Kessler's bold attempt to regulate tobacco--an industry.
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Does T.V. Kill?
Before average American child leaves elementary school, researchers estimate he or she will have witnessed more than eight thousand murders on television.
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Rush Limbaugh's America
An investigative biography of Rush Limbaugh, his "ditto head" radio listeners, and his political role in the "Republican revolution" of the mid-1990s.
5.9 /10
Divided Memories Part 1
About the validity of repressed memory about sexual abuse divides the therapeutic community, the women's movement, and thousands of accusers and accused.
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Divided Memories Part 2
Examines the complicated issue of repressed memory, looking at what we know about memory and the way it works. Tracing the repression debate back to Sigmund Freud.
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The Homecoming

Mon, Apr 24, 1995
In February 1974, Nobel prize-winning author, Alexander Solzhenitsyn was arrested, stripped of his Soviet citizenship,.
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When the Bough Breaks
John Bowlby, a famous attachment theorist, does play therapy with a mother and infant son who cannot sleep through the night. The mother accuses the son, her second child, of wanting to "get away with things" in the therapist's office. (The older child is a well-behaved happy child.) The therapist asks her to consider the fact that the son might be inviting her to play and have fun instead. She realizes she is very angry at her son for the hard pregnancy and difficult birth. She forgives her son and begins to enjoy playing with her son. The son calms down and sleeps through the night.

A mother from Jamaica feeds her reluctant 22 month old daughter for hours, just as she was fed for hours by her own mother. When her daughter does not eat the food she is served, the mother sits with her for hours at the table, late into the night feeding, hitting and arguing with her younger daughter. (The older daughter is a well-behaved, happy child.) In play therapy the mother is instructed to let the daughter lead the play. The daughter decides to feed a doll pizza for breakfast. "No!" the mother cries, "Not pizza, for breakfast. Porridge for breakfast." The mother discusses with the therapist her reluctance to let her daughter be in charge of her own intake of food. The feedings are reduced by two thirds. The daughter begins to sleep through the night. The implications of this video call into question the idea that psychological illnesses are caused by genetics or brain damage. The clear indication is that most mental illnesses are caused by problems in the parent-child bond, especially anger and unforgiveness from the parents.
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Welcome to Happy Valley
Prozac is most prescribed antidepressant drug in America. FRONTLINE travels to Prozac capital of world, Wenatchee, Washington,.
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Currents of Fear
Adrian Dedinger, who grew up across street from an electric tower, became convinced of dangers of electromagnetic fields after she and her family were diagnosed with multiple cancers and health disorders.
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Waco: The Inside Story
Frontline looks at the 1993 siege on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. It talks to Branch Davidian survivors and FBI agents from both the negotiation and hostage rescue teams. On April 19, the FBI attempt to tear gas the compound which precipitates a fire which takes the lives of 76 people.
7.8 /10
The Search for Satan
Frontline examines the cases of two women who were diagnosed as victims of Satanic ritual abuse. Doctors claimed they were suffering from multiple personality disorder and were targeting their own children for cult indoctrination and abuse. After leaving treatment, the women came to believe that the doctors themselves made up their diagnosis and were victimizing them.
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Living on the Edge
Bill Moyers tells story of several hardworking Milwaukee families struggling with low-paying jobs after previous employers downsized their operations.
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