Episode list


The Case for Innocence
Today, more than seventy inmates accused of rape and murder have been freed because DNA tests proved their innocence in a way evidence, courtroom testimony, and eyewitness accounts never could.
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War in Europe

Mon, Feb 21, 2000
Twelve months ago, in skies above Kosovo, NATO went to war. It was a war that unleashed terrible brutality.
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Dr. Solomon's Dilemma
In second hour of this analysis of a military effort hampered by diplomatic infighting, senior military leaders -- including Supreme Allied Commander General Wesley Clark.
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What's Up with the Weather?
In 1990s, cost-cutting HMOs were reviled as enemy of doctors and patients. After fighting to regain control of medical process, doctors are now struggling to manage tough financial decisions as well as patient care.
8.2 /10
Jefferson's Blood
Since late 1980s, rising temperatures and dramatic weather-from heat waves and hurricanes to melting glaciers-have fueled a global political and scientific debate about whether life on earth is imperiled by human-caused global warming.
7.8 /10
Return of the Czar
For years there existed a rumor that Thomas Jefferson had a long-standing relationship and several children by Sally Hemings.
0 /10
The Choice 2000
With more students than ever enrolled in kindergarten through high school, education is now a top voter concern.
7 /10
Drug Wars: Part One
As Americans prepare for first presidential election of 21st century, FRONTLINE opens its nineteenth season with a dual biography of two men who hope to become next president of United States.
8.4 /10
Real Justice: Part 1
The US Army is experiencing an identity crisis brought on by end of Cold War. As it heads into 21st century, nations largest military service is struggling to keep pace with changing technology.
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Real Justice

Mon, Nov 20, 2000
Homicides, drug arrests, car theft, assault and batteryit's all in a day's work for prosecutors of Boston's criminal courts.
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