Episode list


Last Battle of the Gulf War
In years following return home of last US troops who participated in ground war in Persian Gulf, attention has turned from historic victory to a strange new sickness press has dubbed Gulf War Syndrome.
0 /10
My Retirement Dreams
I began my journey as a voyeur in landscape of old age, but when it was over I was an insider,' says FRONTLINE producer Marian Marzynski.
0 /10
The Two Nations of Black America
In this FRONTLINE report, correspondent Henry Louis Gates, Jr., a Harvard scholar, explores the gaping chasm between the upper and lower classes of black America and probes why it has happened: "How have we reached this point where we have both the largest black middle class and the largest black underclass in our history?" His personal essay draws a picture of growing black success along with deepening black despair and argues that black upper classes now have more in common with their white colleagues and peers than with those they have left behind in the inner cities. Reviewing the thirty years that have passes since the death of Martin Luther King, Jr., Gates shows that while many blacks reaped the reward of the civil rights movement and affirmative action and gained middle class status , just as many were left behind in an expanding underclass of poverty. The program features interviews with prominent blacks such as Cornel West, William Julius Wilson and Maulana Karenga as well as civil rights veterans like Eldridge Cleaver, Angela Davis and Julian Bond. While they differ on historical interpretation, they all agree that the next phase of the black liberation struggle must be focused on economic deprivation and the class divide.
7.1 /10
Inside the Tobacco Deal
FRONTLINE goes inside tobacco deal, telling intriguing tale of how a group of small-town lawyers from nation's poorest state brought Big Tobacco to bargaining table.
9 /10
Secrets of an Independent Counsel
In a rare in-depth television interview given by a sitting independent counsel, Donald Smaltz takes FRONTLINE inside his investigation of former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy.
0 /10
The World's Most Wanted Man
FRONTLINE examines dramatic hunt for Radovan Karadzic, notorious Bosnian Serb leader indicted for atrocities by War Crimes Tribunal in Hague, but still at large in former Yugoslavia.
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Fooling with Nature
FRONTLINE examines new evidence in controversy over danger of manmade chemicals to human health and environment, thirty-five years after Rachel Carson first raised concerns of an impending ecological crisis.
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The Farmer's Wife
"The Farmer's Wife" takes us deep inside the world of Juanita and Darrel Buschkoetter, a remarkable young Nebraska farm couple, to tell a compelling love story. It follows the Buschkoetters over three years as they face seemingly insurmountable economic hardship, only to confront an even greater challenge: repairing their damaged marriage. What emerges is an epic story of faith, perseverance, and triumph, and an indelible portrait of a real American family's struggle to hold onto their dreams, and to each other.
8.8 /10
Plague War

Mon, Oct 12, 1998
With US special forces now participating in a ground war in Afghanistan, FRONTLINE updates this 1998 investigation of a United Nations peacekeeping mission gone awry.
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The Child Terror
The 1996 presidential campaign was most expensive in history and most corrupt since Richard Nixon's 1974 re-election.
0 /10

Mon, Nov 02, 1998
Today, there are at least ten nations in world with ability to produce biological weapons.
7.4 /10
Episode #16.18
In midst of a sudden willingness to believe children were being ritually abused in day-care centers.
0 /10
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