Episode list


The Lifer and the Lady
He was a convicted murderer. She was a prison volunteer. They fell in love. Frontline follows story of Ron Cooney.
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The Child Savers
Over a million cases of child abuse were reported in 1984-and figure is growing. Frontline follows a dedicated group of case workers from Emergency Children's Service of New York into homes.
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Buying the Bomb

Mon, Mar 04, 1985
Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh presents his first television investigation for Frontline.
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A Class Divided

Mon, Mar 25, 1985
An expanded edition of William Peters's classic study of the unique eye-color lesson in prejudice and discrimination taught by Iowa schoolteacher Jane Elliott. This new edition continues the story of Elliott and her sixteen third-graders of 1970, eleven of whom returned to their hometown in 1984 for a reunion with their former teacher. Peters reports on that meeting and its evidence that the long-ago lesson has had a profound and enduring effect on the students' lives and attitudes.
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Potomac Fever

Mon, Apr 01, 1985
Every two years, a desire to represent their home districts in Washington brings a group of first-time freshmen congressmen to nation's capital on shores of Potomac river.
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Men Who Molest

Mon, Apr 15, 1985
Experts estimate there are at least four million child sexual abusers in the US, and they do not fit our stereotypes. Almost half of those guilty of incest also molest children outside the family.
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The American Way of War
Frontline examines complex relationship between US Army, its fighting doctrine, American people, and government to understand army's role in fighting modern wars.
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Memory of the Camps
In 1945, camera crews went with the American and British armies in the nazis death camps and filmed the horror they found there. A group of directors among whom was Alfred Hichcock developed a script to present these horrors and be sure that people remember. Forty-eight years later it came out from the cave of the Imperial War Museum and was edited as forecast.
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You Are in the Computer
You go to rent an apartment and are turned down without any obvious reason. Then you find out your name is in a computer file of undesirable tenants and every other landlord in city has access to information.
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What About Mom and Dad?
Americans over age of 75 are fastest growing segment of nation's population. Many have spent all their lives planning carefully for retirement.
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Breaking the Bank
The year 1984 had more bank failures in the US than any other time since the Great Depression. Judy Woodruff investigates one of the largest bank failures (Penn Square in Oklahoma City) and a near bank failure (Continental Illinois in Chicago) in an effort to shed some light on the nation's banking system.
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All Filters