Episode list

Sesame Street

The Count counts hellos and Barkley gets a name
Sesame Street names its new Muppet dog "Barkley"; Comedian/pianist Victor Borge demonstrates high notes and low notes; actress Madeline Kahn sings, "Me, Me, Me"; Herry Monster learns "up" and "down" with John-John, and Ernie is fooled by a newspaper boy.
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Bob and Big Bird try to train Barkley
Big Bird brings Barkley up to Bob's apartment for a surprise visit. Bob is naturally opposed to the idea, as Barkley gets his dirty paws all over his furniture. Bob tries to teach him some basic lessons about visiting an apartment. Men in boxes sound out the word RUN. "There's a Hole in the Bucket".
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Grover in the rain
At the crack of dawn, Olivia sings about how she's "Out with the Morning." The profile of a man's face morphs into different faces to the sounds of a Moog synthesizer. Artist: Etienne Delessert. The Alphabet Dancers form the letter T. Baby Breeze participates in Headball at Roosevelt Franklin Stadium. His question: what would you do if your ball rolled into the street? A photographer tries to look for some animals quietly, but they all end up secretly following him. The letter T is a very useful letter.
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Biff and Sully dig a subway tunnel
Herry Monster comes across Olivia looking after Mrs. Starbuck's newborn while she runs some errands. Herry reminisces to his youth and sings about what it was like being "Just a Little Baby." Cartoon It's a circle. Kermit the Frog counts six happy little Twiddlebugs, and when he is finished, the Twiddlebugs have a party.
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Big Bird Redecorates his Nest
Big Bird observes how there may be more than one John in the world, but he's never met someone else named Big Bird. He spins a story for the kids about he got to be named Big Bird - The scene shifts to a quaint little cottage, where Big Bird's great-great-great-great-great-grandfather resides with another bird. The two don't have names, so they constantly call, "Hey, you" to get the other's attention. They try thinking of names that could differentiate the two using their physical attributes, but Big Bird's grandfather finds they are just too similar. That is, until he realizes they're different sizes. He proposes rather long names based on their sizes, then is convinced shorter names would suffice, such as Arnold or Florence.
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Bob tries training Barkley
Linda tells Bob and the kids about a letter she's received about an upcoming family picnic. She signs about the last picnic and the kids guess what occurred. A kid marching band forms a triangle. S for Snail Artist: Jeff Hale. Marshal Grover and Fred the Wonder Horse are hot and thirsty, so they stop in at the Short Branch Café for a nice cold glass of milk. The bartender is distressed to see Grover riding his horse right inside, knocking over tables. "I just redecorated the place, too," he sighs. Grover orders a glass of milk, and the bartender asks if he wants the big glass, the bigger glass or the biggest glass. Fred tells the bartender that Marshal Grover doesn't know the difference, so the bartender shows off all three sizes. Marshal Grover and Fred come behind the bar to get a closer look, breaking bottles and glassware. The annoyed bartender shouts at Grover to choose a glass, and Grover picks the biggest glass. The bartender asks if Fred wants anything, but Fred says, "No thanks, I'm drivin'." As Grover rides his horse out of the café, the bartender asks who's going to pay for all this stuff. Grover says he'll be back to pay for it tomorrow. Panicked, the bartender says not to come back; it's on the house.
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I'm Up

Tue, Dec 05, 1978
Big Bird excitedly tells the viewer that he's the first one awake on Sesame Street today. He loudly declares this to the rest of the block, only to be met with yells from surrounding neighbors telling him to keep quiet. Big Bird vows this will be the last time he tries something like this. Cartoon Rumba pencils (first, last, Crazy Melvin). Film - A kid enters a tunnel made of snow to demonstrate "head first" and "feet first." Bert says he's too cold, so Ernie goes overboard to get him warm by putting layer after layer of clothing upon him. This makes him too hot, so Ernie opens the window, gives Bert an ice bag, and brings his electric fan.
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A rainy day

Wed, Dec 06, 1978
Big Bird and Mr. Snuffleupagus act out the story of "The Three Little Pigs," where Snuffy plays the Big Bad Wolf. He huffs and puffs and causes a huge mess of Big Bird's nest. Big Bird suggests they play jacks instead. Cartoon G For Giggle (voice of Allen Swift). Ernie and Bert - Ernie makes a mess of the apartment in order to find a note he wrote to Bert. "I Can Remember": A little girl remembers what to buy at the store (A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter) by visualizing her mother giving the instructions. Artist: Jim Simon.
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Oscar's friend Georgie visits
Big Bird holds a lecture on the difference between heavy and light. He shows off some light items, including one of his feathers, a balloon, ping-pong balls, lettuce and paper airplanes. When it comes time to show something heavy, Big Bird explains he wasn't able to bring anything he couldn't lift. Gordon tries helping, but finds he's stuck under something heavy - Barkley, who's resting on his lap. Cartoon- I've got a mind: squares make a box. Artist: Cliff Roberts.
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Gordon and Susan Wash Cars
Oscar is upset that Gordon and others are picking up all the litter left by a windstorm. The Amazing Mumford believes he can help Oscar and magically litters the street again. Gordon insists the mess be cleaned up, while Oscar wants even more. Mumford thinks of a compromise - he magically cleans the street and places all the trash into Oscar's trash can, now overflowing with trash. Muppets Ernie and Bert - Bert tells Ernie to put away his toys, and Ernie devises a system of arranging them. Unfortunately, all the categories he names apply only to his toy fire engine. Film Olivia briefly narrates a film of re-paving a street.
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Waiting for the Sun
"Poverty U" -- A figure gives a salute to the letter U, and presents the letter with a bouquet of flowers. Artist: Cliff Roberts. Celebrity- Tennis star Arthur Ashe says the alphabet. Cartoon-Speech Balloon: U for UP. The Magic Painting Lady shows off her magic painting of a doorway which will help show "through". Three Anything Muppets in the painting come through the doorway. When it comes time for Grover's turn, he ends up breaking through the painting. Film- A gymnast demonstrates over and under.
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Brad's baby teeth
E for Elephant and Elk, the nominees for best E animal. Muppets "The Ten Commandments of Health". Film Joe Raposo sings "Look at This" over footage of something - can you guess what it is? Ernie and Bert - Ernie has two slices of apple pie. He takes the big piece, and gives Bert the small piece. Bert takes offense to this, saying that he would have given Ernie the big piece and kept the small piece for himself - but the outcome is the same, so what's Bert angry about?
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Message for Olivia
Alphabet Chat: O. Mr. Chatterly tries to deliver a lecture about the letter O, but is distracted by several things that don't begin with O, like a rabbit walking with a cow. The Anything Muppet producers decide to cancel the show and take down the set. Film Kids narrate a film about water in hoses, fountains, puddles, streams, bathtubs, rivers, oceans, and other places. Celebrity- Bill Cosby counts three kids, but a fourth keeps hiding behind him. The Typewriter: O for Owl. Film Baby animals nurse. Music: Joe Raposo.
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Don't You Know You're Beautiful?
A boy demonstrates why his dog's name is Happy. Muppets- Grover asks Frazzle about his day, and Frazzle responds with growls to demonstrate how he felt. Ernie and Bert - Bert finds it difficult to listen to Pigeons in the News while Ernie and the Sesame Street Citizens' Band are outside practicing. In yet another case of miscommunication between the two, since Bert doesn't like it when they practice outside, Ernie leads the band into the apartment so they can practice inside.
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Big Bird prepares a tortilla for Luis's lunch
A gymnast demonstrates close to and away from. Fred, a singer, fails to figure out the words that rhyme with his name in the song he sings. Artists: The Hubleys. Big Bird invites Luis to lunch over at Hooper's Store, where Mr. Hooper has taco fixings. Luis is too occupied in repairing a TV set. Big Bird offers to make tacos for both of them and bring them back to the Fix-It Shop. Big Bird goes to Hooper's, but realizes he doesn't know how to make a taco. Big Bird constantly phones Luis to walk him through the process, while Luis gets more and more frustrated, unable to get any work done. Finally, Big Bird phones him to let him know lunch is ready. Once he reaches Hooper's, he explains how he hasn't been able to get anything done and Big Bird suggests he not answer the phone as much.
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Playing a ball-carrying game
Big Bird finds it odd when he sees Bob waving his hands while listening to music. Maria, David, and Linda explain that he's practicing conducting for a high school music performance tomorrow. They sneak out of Hooper's Store to watch him and give him a round of applause when he's through. Cartoon- A cleaning lady (reminiscent of Carol Burnett's character) wanders into a music rehearsal room, plays each instrument, and puts all the sounds back into the wrong instruments. Guy Smiley hosts the game show "What's My Part?". The contestant is Mr. Nose. The panelists -- Bennett Snerf, Arlene Frantic and Cookie Monster -- don't know what a nose is, because none of them have noses.
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Polka Dot Family
The Polka Dot family (Percible, Petula and baby Petulant) stroll through Sesame Street. The family, clothes and belongings are all covered in polka dots. They find Big Bird's appearance very comical, as where they come from (Polka Dot Place) everyone and everything is covered in polka dots. They believe that since everyone is so much alike, they must be smarter, nicer and better than anyone else in the world. Big Bird shows them how there are many different types of people living on Sesame Street and how they're just as smart and nice as the Polka Dots.
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Injured Arm

Thu, Dec 21, 1978
On stage, Gordon, Luis and Linda say "DANGER" in their own ways. David doesn't listen and take the brunt of some pratfalls that send him off the stage. Animation- Sand C/c. Film - A baker decorates a birthday cake to a jazz percussion beat. After the oilman has visited Hooper's Store, he's accidentally left some oil on the sidewalk. Mr. Hooper is concerned about folks slipping on it and needs some sawdust to help clean it up. He intends to close up shop while he goes to the hardware store and sets out an English and Spanish "Danger" sign warning people of the oil slick. He ignores his own signs and slips. His arm is now in pain and Gordon recommends they visit the hospital right away, though Mr. Hooper is a little afraid. Big Bird offers to tag along as well.
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Rooptop Picnic
Big Bird has the feeling that today will be one of surprises, when he suddenly hears voices from above. Olivia, Bob and Luis summon him to the roof of 123 Sesame Street for a surprise - a rooftop picnic. They also have yet another surprise in store - Buffy and her family are back in town. Cartoon / Film- Things that begin with N: nail, nest, net, notebook, needle, noodle, nuts, napkins, nose. (Don't make noise at night). The letter N is nice. Cartoon N is for nose.
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Bert meets Bertha
Today, Bert meets a girl named Bertha, who not only looks like him, but likes a lot of things he likes, such as paper clips, bottle caps, oatmeal, marching bands, and even pigeons. You might say there's a spark between the two of them.
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Big Bird's missing book
Ernie and Bert - Ernie wakes up and tells Bert it's time to get up, but notices that Bert isn't in his bed. He slowly ponders what happened to his best friend, coming to the conclusion that maybe some Martians took him away in their spaceship. As it turns out, Bert just got up early to fix some oatmeal. Ernie is relieved - until a real spaceship lands and the Martians enter the room. Cartoon- Two men hammer a stake into a hole.
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Toy Cars

Wed, Dec 27, 1978
Luis and Herry Monster explore what's inside of his toy car. Herry pops a large balloon to find out what's inside of that - just air (and a loud bang). Cartoon- "Why Bears Smile" - a story of a bear who learned which body part to cover when sneezing. Artist: Bruce Cayard. Ernie and Bert - At the beach, Ernie notices that Bert is missing; all he sees is Bert's hat. Sherlock Hemlock helps find Bert, and in the process, discovers that Ernie accidentally buried Bert under the sand. Where the buffalo roam - (instrumental: Home On The Range). Donnie Budd sings about three trios of animals who live on a fat lady's lap. Artist: Bud Luckey.
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A Day with Bob and Buffy/Big Bird's Daycare Center
Ernie and Bert - Ernie can't sleep, so Bert tells him to count sheep. Ernie tries to count sheep, but it's dull -- so he starts counting fire engines. The noise from the imaginary fire engine wakes Bert up. Bert says that Ernie's waking up the whole neighborhood, and tells him to count something quieter. Ernie counts balloons -- but the balloon gets bigger and bigger, finally bursting with a huge explosion that wakes Bert up again.
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In the Rain

Sun, Dec 31, 1978
Big Bird has prepared his own lunch at Hooper's Store - a sandwich, carrot sticks and an apple. As he makes himself a glass of milk, Barkley, resting under the window, rises up and gobbles up parts of the meal. Big Bird finally catches on and reveals he's also prepared a bowl of dog food for Barkley, who is much too full now. Cartoon-The Carrot Artist: Bruce Cayard. Muppets Old West: Sinister Sam is looking for the biggest man in the saloon. The frightened customers point him towards Big Barney, who's cowering under the table. When Sam discovers that Barney is the biggest man there, he gives him a hat: "This ol' hat here don't fit me. I thought maybe you could use it, huh? I'll see you, fellers." Sinister Sam leaves the baffled customers behind. "Now, that's a nice gesture," one says. "He's a little weird, but he's okay after all, isn't he?"
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A Day with Cody
Maria and Mr. Hooper watch as Barkley follows Cody everywhere. They wonder why until Barkley scarfs up a piece of food Cody has dropped. Muppets- Sesame Street News Flash Kermit explores the lab of Professor Nucleus Von Fission, who has just built a robot called the Six Dollar Man, out of parts which cost him six dollars total. The robot destroys the lab, while Von Fission laughs. Kermit is horrified, but Von Fission explains, "What do you expect for six dollars?" Lazy Wanda's knees converse with each other. Artist: Bruce Cayard.
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Learn a New Song
Luis struggles learning a new song on the guitar. The Amazing Mumford believes magic can help. First, he changes the sheet music to an easier song, then makes the guitar play the more complicated piece all on its own. Luis insists he doesn't need magic to help, except when needing Mumford to replace a broken guitar string. Celebrity- Arthur Ashe explains how practice made him a better tennis player. Film Letter R hoist. Music: Joe Raposo. Ernie has a collection of Rs in a box. He shows Bert, who says that Ernie will be the laughingstock of Sesame Street if anyone else finds out. Ernie sadly throws away his Rs, and Bert asks to have the box for his J collection.
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Oscar Joins a Parade
Business at the Fix-It Shop is particularly slow, with not one customer this morning. A Muppet named T. Compton Razzle (of the firm Razzle, Dazzle and Blather) pops up and offers to help Luis bring in business with a huge campaign. Cartoon P is for Pillow. Muppets- The Anything Muppets sing "P Is My Favorite Letter". Two hands make sounds from other sides of a wall. Cartoon- Shorty reaches a water fountain with a stool.
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Chez Oscar

Thu, Jan 04, 1979
Oscar the Grouch advertises the new album Great Grouch Sounds, with such tracks as the sounds of drilling, explosions and babies crying. The album spawns one of Oscar's favorite noises - the sound of his neighbors complaining. Cartoon- A cat makes noise with a telephone, typewriter, trumpet, and piano. When the cat leaves, the devices come to life, and when he comes back, they all sound at once, frightening the cat. Film Kids identify broccoli through close-ups.
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Big Bird plays with Cody
Buffy asks Big Bird to look after Cody for a few minutes. She also asks that they play some physical games so Cody can be nice and tired in time for his nap. Big Bird and he begin a round of hide and seek. Film- A girl gets on, in, and under a blanket in a park. A man talks about the letter J with a jack-in-the-box, whose lid ends up crushing him. Film 1-20 Ice Skaters Music: Joe Raposo. Big Bird and Cody now play catch, with Big Bird mostly running around. The Typewriter: B for Ball.
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Big Bird plays with Cody
Oscar has interest in becoming a photographer and asks Olivia for her professional opinion of his pictures. Despite the poor quality of the printing and unconventional subject matter (rusted cars and a trash basket, among others), Olivia thinks he has real potential, which discourages him from going professional. Cartoon- A goose and gander visit the land of the G's. Artist: Jeff Hale. Muppets- Ernie and Bert - Ernie plays a game of tag with Bert, who is reading his book.
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Counting Shoes
Oscar counts the shoes in his collection one by one, tossing them into the curb. Susan complains and shows him another way of counting them - tossing them back into the can. Muppets- The Count's bats are upset because the Count always gets to count, but the bats don't. The Count decides to let the bats count all of the Counts, while the Count counts all the bats...but there is only one Count. Animation Today's Secret Drawing is a fireman.
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Maria and the Count go camping
Marshal Grover asks Fred the Wonder Horse why he's walking backwards -- he can only see where he's been, and not where he's going. He also wants to know what happened to Fred's head. Fred explains that Marshal Grover doesn't know the difference between front and back. "That is a terrible, mean, cruel thing to say to me, Fred!" Marshal Grover exclaims. "It is true, but..." Fred tells Grover that he's facing backward, and if he turns around, he'll see Fred's head. Grover turns around, and cries: "Oh, Fred. I've missed you. Oh, it's good to see you!" Fred says that if he stays turned around, he'll be able to see where he's going. Grover tries it, and he's proud to know the difference between front and back. Unfortunately, now his head is resting on the saddle, with his feet in the air.
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Thu, Jan 11, 1979
Big Bird and Cody pick pretend strawberries, while some girls play jump rope. Big Bird encourages Cody to jump with them, but he just scampers off. Olivia comes by and tells Big Bird that Cody's too young. After all, "It Takes Some Time" to be able to do certain things. Muppets: Ernie and Bert - Ernie stacks cups and saucers in order to count them, making Bert quite nervous. Luckily, they're glued together. S is for snow, Santa, and sleigh. Film A girl narrates a film of her grandpa putting a horseshoe on their horse.
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Learn How to Say
Oscar asks Bob, who waits for Linda, to teach him the sign for "go away." Instead of being insulted, Linda applauds his signing ability for a beginner. Oscar, soaking in the compliment, asks to be taught more signs. Ernie eats one of the two pieces of chocolate cake that Bert was saving for their dessert. Bert sees Ernie holding a fork in one hand and a napkin with some chocolate on it in the other--and in front of him is a plate full of chocolate-cake crumbs. When Bert accuses Ernie of eating the cake, Ernie tells Bert that a monster came in, ate Bert's cake, and framed Ernie. Bert doesn't believe Ernie's lie. But when Bert leaves the room, Beautiful Day Monster comes in and does exactly what Ernie told Bert happened to the first piece. Ernie tries to explain, but Bert says, "I don't want to talk about it."
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Miserable and Nasty department store
Maria helps Oscar look through his delivery from the Miserable and Nasty department store. She finds his new set of pants, socks and shoes (all ratty and torn). She points out that all the clothing items are worn from the waist down, meaning nobody will see them if Oscar's in his can (which is exactly how he wants it). On a snowy day, a cold man desires firewood. He carries a huge log up the hill multiple times, but it rolls down each time. Using his "wits", he pushes his house down to the bottom of the hill to be closer to the giant log.
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Slimey is sick
The story of Aesop's "The Lion and the Mouse". Ernie tries to fool Bert with his disguises such as a pirate disguise and a bearded Red Riding Hood disguise, but Bert recognizes him each time and tells him to stop trying to fool him. Then a wolf knocks on the door and Bert is convinced it's Ernie in disguise again- until Ernie appears at the door. A gym instructor helps children perform a variety of stretching and bending exercises.
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Georgie at day care
Big Bird calls Mr. Hooper and the kids over to inform them of the new word he invented - "YO," used to describe the action of rubbing one's tummy and hopping up and down at the same time. Mr. Hooper points out the word already has a meaning - it's the Spanish word for "I." Big Bird is disappointed, but manages to create a new word to replace it - worple. Cartoon- A mouse tries looking for his pet, describing to his friend what they did yesterday. Bert wants to know why there is a cookie lying on the table. Ernie explains that he put it there to remind himself.
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Herry Monster lifts 4,000 tons
Herry Monster calls everyone over to witness a never-before-seen feat - he will lift a 4,000 ton weight. He struggles immensely to even move it, but with encouragement from his friends, Herry finds the strength to lift the weight. Animation- Three lines attempt to individually reach the top of the TV screen, but fail. They succeed after they combine all of their lengths. The Martians find a telephone. Animation- Sand E/e. Muppet and Kid Moment- Big Bird and Crystal demonstrate big and little.
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Big Bird meets new birds & Oscar's picnic
Oscar can't stand the cheery greeting Bob gives the viewer. He delivers his own, Grouchy message to welcome them. Bob is appalled, but Oscar claims it's a very special message he'd only deliver to some he considers extra special. Bob finds this nice, then realizes he's never been delivered such a message before. Film - I hab a cauld ib by dose. Artist: Bruce Cayard. Bert complains about Ernie having the radio volume on too loud. Ernie pulls the knob off the radio, puts it on Bert's stomach, and turns the volume of Bert's voice up and down.
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Window Leaks

Mon, Jan 22, 1979
On a rainy day, the front window of the Fix-It Shop has begun leaking. Luis asks Big Bird to put something under the drops while he leaves to get some supplies. Big Bird finds a coffee mug, which he doesn't think is big enough. He gets a bigger glass bowl, which he still feels isn't sufficient. He finally finds a large washtub, which he thinks is just big enough. Luis returns and points out that the tub is too big for such a small leak. Big Bird grabs a hammer with the intention of making a bigger leak.
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Buffy and family head back home
Buffy is taking Cody over to the Day Care Center while she packs up to head back home. Big Bird hears Maria is helping out there today and wants to help out as well. He starts by escorting Cody over to day care. Big Bird follows Maria around the day care center, assisting her by essentially repeating everything she says to the kids. He then gets wrapped up in playing with blocks. Cartoon-An orchestra conductor asks "May I have an A, please?" at which point a giant letter A falls from the sky. Film A man karate chops 5 boards.
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Cookie Monster's broken cookie
Mr. Hooper has many deliveries to make, but he loaned all his empty boxes to Big Bird and Grover. Over at Big Bird's nest, the two have made a building from the boxes, but can't agree whether to call it "Big Bird's Barber Shop" or "Grover's Garage." When Mr. Hooper comes by to reclaim his boxes, the two now debate over who will be the one to help bring them over. A baby sees a "danger" sign, which points to several dangerous images.
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Can't Come In

Thu, Jan 25, 1979
Ernie won't let Bert into the apartment. Bert thinks he might be sad, and then Bert thinks Ernie might be hiding something from Bert, which makes him mad and demand to be let in. He comes in, and Ernie has thrown him a surprise party. Guests at the party include Roosevelt Franklin, Herbert Birdsfoot, Prairie Dawn, Sherlock Hemlock, Grover, Guy Smiley, and a mailman. David sings "Street Fever" as he finds rhythms in doing ordinary tasks, such as sweeping and hammering, around the city.
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Mr. Hooper celebrates Anniversary
The viewer surprises Grover, who is listening to the Sesame Street theme. Since the adults are all present, Grover decides to give them a special surprise. Cartoon- A woman displays a BUS STOP sign to a crowd. Artist: Irra Verbitsky. Muppets - An Anything Muppet brings his broken BUS (the word) to a garage for a mechanic to fix up.
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Ernest Grouch Comes Back
Maria takes notice of Oscar's newly-beautified trash can, decorated with flowers, a clean picket fence and a welcome mat. She rings the calm-sounding doorbell, and a neatly-dressed Oscar politely answers. Oscar then explains that he's preparing for a visit from his brother Ernest. Oscar holds a grudge against Ernest for being the favorite kid in the family, so he plans to act nice and un-grouchy as a way of getting even with him. Cartoon- Two kids argue over a cat and a dog, who chase each other around the fence.
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Counts for the Count
Olivia finds the Count waiting outside Oscar's trash can. The Count explains that Oscar invited some kids over and he's waiting to count them as they leave. Olivia doesn't think many kids could fit in the tiny can, but the Count wants to take advantage of the counting, no matter how little there may be. Five children then emerge from Oscar's can, to the Count's delight. Once the Count is gone, another guest appears to be exiting the can - Mr. Snuffleupagus.
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Get going to Exercise
Mr. Hooper has a single container of strawberry yogurt at the store, but isn't sure how to get rid of it, knowing it's not a very popular item. He puts it on his specials board, thinking someone will take it off his hands. Gordon stops in and orders it, but soon, everyone on the block comes over and orders some too. Willy proposes they all go to the supermarket and get their yogurt there. Everyone piles out of the store, leaving behind the sole yogurt container. Mr. Hooper shrugs and eats it himself. Cartoon- Two circles demonstrate next to and away from.
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Birthday Time

Thu, Feb 01, 1979
After watching the King Minus cartoon, Cookie Monster tells Big Bird how great it would be if everything he touched turned into cookies. He imagines a scenario where he holds this power, but he panics when he turns Susan and Bob into a pile of cookies. Big Bird and David rouse him back to reality where he begins to realize his imagination had run away with him - until Susan presents him with a plate of cookies where Big Bird had been standing.
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