Episode list

Sesame Street

Visit From Cowboy X
Today, two new people visit the street: the Count's fifth cousin, Countess von Dahling, who makes it rain whenever she counts, and Cowboy X, now in Muppet form, who learns that X is actually a letter of the "al-fee-bet".
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Telly and Max have a problem
Ringmaster Big Bird presents his acts to a crowd of Olivia, Mr. Hooper and Luis. Daredevils Frankie, James and David walk across the tightrope without using a net (though he urges the crowd to imagine it's actually up in the air). Barkley the Wonder Dog is next, but he doesn't seem to get the idea. Big Bird rallies the kids on the other side of the rope and call him over, thus making it look like he's crossing the rope.
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Have a Nice Day
Bob sings "Have a Nice Day." The Two-Headed Monster shares a bathtub and help each other get clean. They are discouraged when they are finished and drain the tub, but find joy in drying. A man jumps up and down on a trampoline. Artist: Tom Gabbay.
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Linda Returns from Japan
Linda is back from a trip to Japan with the National Theatre of the Deaf and she tells her friends all about her experience.
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P. T. Bunkum looks for an act
Big Bird asks Maria, Luis, Gordon and Olivia to hold some random items as he fetches others. Maria figures out that all the items are circus-related. Big Bird explains that P. T. Bunkum, of the Bunkum and Ballyhoo Circus, is in town. A roof finds its way to the top of a house.
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You Are What you Eat
Oscar wonders what he should have for lunch, but ultimately thinks it doesn't matter what he eats. This prompts Gilbert and Sullivan to explain the importance of a healthy diet with a street-wide song about foods ("You Are What You Eat"). Violet climbs a vine with V words.
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Poco Surprise

Tue, Dec 02, 1980
Luis welcomes the viewer as he opens the Fix-It Shop for the day. Poco Loco already knows the topics for today - the letters Y and W and "surprise," though he's not sure what the latter means. Luis gives an explanation and soon, Poco starts surprising him.
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Gordon and Susan pretend to have tea with Snuffy
Gordon and Susan make their way to Big Bird's nest for a pretend tea party and assume Big Bird's imaginary friend, Mr. Snuffleupagus, will be there too. At the party, they address the empty seat as Snuffy and pretend to give him some tea, though Big Bird is left wondering who they're talking to.
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Radio and Umbrella
Ernie is planning to go to the library, when he hears on the radio that it might rain. So he gets out his umbrella, and puts on his raincoat, rain hat, and galoshes. Then, in case it floods, he takes a bag of groceries and a life preserver. Finally, he makes Bert go to the library with him, so he won't be stranded in the flood without him.
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We're Closed

Mon, Dec 08, 1980
Mr. Hooper welcomes the viewer, and is about to explain the word "closed" when Big Bird interrupts him. Big Bird assumes Mr. Hooper is going to talk about the letter L, the alphabet, and rectangles, all of which have to do with the sign -- but Big Bird can't see the word "closed" until Mr. Hooper points it out.
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Deena Plays Garden/Oscar's Toaster
Telly is worried that the rain will never stop. Olivia explains to him why we need rain. The rain stops, and then Telly worries that it won't rain again. Melvin the Moving Man. Billy Jo Jive and Sunset help out Wrong Way Willie, a kid who gets many things wrong (such as wearing a football outfit on the way to play basketball).
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Big Bird wants to fly
Big Bird is upset about being unable to fly. Poco Loco suggests he could flap his wings, but that doesn't work. They look up in the sky at an airplane, and Big Bird suddenly gets inspired and runs off. A boy needs a letter U to complete the word UP.
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Rooftop picnic
Big Bird joins his friends for a picnic up on the roof. Sesame Street is brought to you today by the letters O and Q and by the number 5.
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Alphabet Imagination
Big Bird can't stand the mess his nest area is. Susan suggests he throw out items he no longer needs, but Big Bird has a reason for keeping everything. "Alphabet Imagination": A female voice quickly recites the alphabet followed by a male voice narrating each letter in a series of psychedelic vignettes.
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Get the Clues

Mon, Dec 15, 1980
Susan and Mr. Hooper discuss how it's Big Bird's turn to feed Barkley; they hope he doesn't forget. Over at his nest, Big Bird feels as though he's forgotten something. He looks around and sees some clues - a bone, a dog food bag, a bowl and some biscuits. When Susan arrives with Barkley, Big Bird believes he has the items to discuss the letter B. He also notices Barkley looks hungry and suggests someone should feed him.
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Telly and the Bus Stop sign
Telly Monster reads the BUS STOP sign and Gordon explains its purpose. Telly notices buses passing right by without stopping. He frantically waves and yells to get the next incoming bus to stop. The driver is not amused that Telly isn't going to board. Telly vows to stay put and ensure all the other buses stop at the sign.
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Tricks are for Kids
Oscar lets the viewer in on a trick he's about to pull on Olivia - he has an ordinary pitcher of regular grape juice, but the glass he has is full of holes. Olivia suspects something is up and correctly discovers the glass is rigged. Maria comes by and sips from it, getting juice all over her; she blames Olivia.
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Introducing Ferlinghetti Donizetti
Bob meets Ferlinghetti Donizetti, a hep cat who rhymes everything in their conversation.The Typewriter: N for Nose. Grover watches as Ernie loads various things into a machine that start with M and N. The machine then displays the letter it begins with. Since Grover is a monster, he decides to go in the machine, causing a mess.
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Barkley meets a cat
Oscar the Grouch greets the viewer very early in the morning and explains that it's his favorite time of day because no one else is awake yet to ask him to play games or sing songs. He revels in the sound of a passing garbage truck, but cringes at the tweets of birds waking up - which makes him grouchy. When Big Bird wakes up in his nest and states how beautiful the morning is, Oscar retreats to the depths of his trash can.
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Oscar's elevator
Ernie won't stop saying how thirsty he is, no matter how many glasses of water Bert brings him. Even after he's finished, he still won't stop saying "Boy, was I thirsty." Oscar has built an elevator in his trash can to take him up and down. Olivia notes that it moves very slowly. Oscar sets it to fast, sending him flying up out of the can.
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Sleeping Beauty
Deena wants to play with Barkley, who is currently resting. She wakes him up and assumes his growling means he's pretending to be a ferocious lion. Gordon tells Deena that she should leave Barkley be while he tries to sleep. She plays with the sleeping dog anyhow, making him "Sleeping Beauty" as she blows kisses to try and wake him up.
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Barbershop Sesame Street Quartet
Oscar asks Susan why he's not feeling so well, especially in his stomach. She learns he hasn't eaten anything all day and recommends having a meal. Oscar thinks about having sardines with chocolate sauce and now Susan is the one with the sick feeling in her stomach.
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A gift for Granny Bird
Today is Granny Bird's birthday and Big Bird has a gift for her. He asks Gordon to help wrap it, until it's revealed the gift is a live goldfish. Gordon tells Big Bird he can't put this in the mail, so Big Bird gives him the fish as a birthday gift and dashes off to find something else for Granny Bird.
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Big Bird watches Mr. Macintosh's cart
Mr. Macintosh has to go downtown, but needs someone to look after his produce cart. Big Bird volunteers, although he has no idea what he's supposed to do. A man gets a letter C in the mail. Fish swim around. Music: Joe Raposo. An Anything Muppet boy and girl have a conversation using the letters of the alphabet.
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Telly plans for a walk
Maria gets impatient as Telly comes back, now with a muffler and earmuffs (with some snow gear for Maria as well). He also brings a first-aid kit in case one of them trips and scrapes their knee. Maria asserts today is a nice, sunny day, prompting Telly to run off again.
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Small Ears

Tue, Dec 30, 1980
A princess claims that the man she intends to marry has small ears, bulgy eyes, and a funny voice, wears a hat and coat, and is a frog. Kermit the Frog is the only one who fits that description, so she kisses him and, in a puff of smoke, she turns into a frog. Kermit invites her to "the hop", and she accepts.
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Countess Dahling
Countess Dahling von Dahling arrives on Sesame Street with Masha, her dog. Gordon is reluctant to let her count him and the kids, citing the rain that always occurs when she finishes. The Countess assures him she will immediately put a stop to it by counting backwards. She counts the five people in the yard, then counts backwards to stop the rain. As she prepares to go, she counts their goodbyes, leaving them stuck in a downpour.
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Elmo learns Spanish
At the Fix-It Shop, Luis shows Elmo the word "casa" which is Spanish for "house". Elmo mumbles his acknowledgement which turns into a questioning mumble. Luis assumes he's asking to learn how to write it, so he spells the word out on a piece of paper. Elmo mumbles quizzically again, so Luis explains that he just has to practice writing it over and over again. Elmo mumbles his understanding; Luis says that should keep him busy for a while.
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Slump Day

Sun, Jan 04, 1981
Susan greets Big Bird walking down Sesame Street in a slump because he wanted to talk to Luis's grandmother on the phone in New Mexico, but he couldn't think of anything to say. He's told that he was just shy, and she sings to him "Everyone Feels a Little Shy Sometimes".
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Big Bird the night watchman
Oscar recites a tone poem to Luis and Olivia, "Ode to the City." The poem describes the various noises he enjoys, which are audible to the grown-ups and drive them away. I - ice cream. The kids form a capital I. Capital I, he's quite a guy. A scuba diver swims away from.
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Olivia tries to take a cab
Mr. Hooper gives Olivia four dollars to take a cab so he doesn't have to carry a heavy crate, despite her claiming she only needs to go two blocks. She calls for a taxi anyhow and Oscar pulls up in the Sloppy Jalopy. Olivia really doesn't want a taxi now, but Oscar promises to bump off on the cost of the ride. He allows a cheaper and cheaper ride until the ride costs zero dollars at all. Olivia hops in, but the car stalls and falls apart. "You get what you pay for," says Oscar.
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Telly thinks the night will never end
Telly Monster's latest worry is that it will stay dark forever and the sun won't rise again. Gordon acknowledges how silly this is, but Big Bird easily falls for the paranoia. Y for Yak Artist: Jeff Hale. He, She and It.
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Into the Can

Thu, Jan 08, 1981
Linda acts out different emotions for Bob and the kids to guess. Oscar wants them to scram, but this makes Linda angry and she furiously signs at him, driving him into the can. "Boy, what a Grouch," remarks Oscar. Vitamins give vim, vigor and vitality to a droopy V. John Hubley.
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Plants on the Rooftop
Olivia makes her way to the roof of 123 Sesame Street, which is full of various plants. She hears Big Bird, but can't see him. She hears him talking to somebody and assumes it's actually Mr. Snuffleupagus. Instead, he's talking to a palm tree to help it grow. A red man tries to get apples from a tree by himself, while a yellow man builds a ladder.
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An evening with Howlie the Owl
Ernie asks Bert to keep an eye on his pyramid of blocks. The Count walks by, and counts the blocks, moving them out of the pyramid shape. Then he counts them again, putting them back into the pyramid. Bert yells at the Count for moving Ernie's blocks, so the Count counts the blocks again, taking the pyramid apart.
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Castle of Blocks
Telly Monster is building a castle of blocks in the arbor, but he's afraid to put the last one on for fear that it will fall. Gordon approaches and asks if he can help, and together they sing "Lending a Helping Hand." Two hippie kids wonder how to make their droopy plant grow.
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Bob thinks he's been burgled
Bob returns from his concert tour and Big Bird reports he did a good job watching his apartment while Bob was gone, with some help from Mr. Snuffleupagus. They arrive at Bob's place to find everything is missing. Big Bird explains that he and Snuffy got bored while watching the stuff, so they brought it all to Snuffy's cave while they played there. Bob is instead convinced somebody broke in and stole everything. He resolves to call the police, despite Big Bird's protests.
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Gordon's exercycle
Oscar calls over Gordon, Susan and the kids to judge his "Oscar the Grouch Look-a-Like Contest." Three Grouches, including Osvaldo, el Gruñón, are assembled and they compare how they look to Oscar. Osvaldo resembles Oscar the most, so the judges suggest he be the winner. Oscar, however, assumes the role as entry #4 and declares himself the winner, since no one looks more like him than himself. The adults and kids all leave, while the Grouches propose doing the trick again next week.
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Photo Album

Mon, Jan 19, 1981
Big Bird and the kids jump rope in front of Hooper's Store, but Mr. Hooper tells them they're blocking the way for potential customers. They crowd into the hallway next door to jump rope there, but Maria points out they're in the way of people who need to get inside. They move into the Fix-It Shop, where Luis also tells them it's no place for jump roping. Big Bird can't think of anywhere else they can go, especially because it's going to rain soon. Luis recalls when he was a kid, they had a clubhouse to play in. Big Bird declares he and the kids will make one too.
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Big Bird and friends make a clubhouse
Big Bird and the kids jump rope in front of Hooper's Store, but Mr. Hooper tells them they're blocking the way for potential customers. They crowd into the hallway next door to jump rope there, but Maria points out they're in the way of people who need to get inside. They move into the Fix-It Shop, where Luis also tells them it's no place for jump roping. Big Bird can't think of anywhere else they can go, especially because it's going to rain soon. Luis recalls when he was a kid, they had a clubhouse to play in. Big Bird declares he and the kids will make one too.
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Bob burns his hand
Big Bird sees Grandma Grace putting a young girl's hair in cornrows. He learns about how it's a concept been passed down through history and even wants his feathers cornrowed as well. 4 people, 4 wheels, 4 doors, and 4 windows make a carpool.
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Five fantastic floating fools
Kermit tests two blindfolded monsters and asks them which number they're feeling. Herry Monster minus his blindfold describes how he knew the number was a five and in the process breaks the five into pieces. Cookie Monster attempts to feel the number and Kermit tells him that he can't since its broken. Cookie Monster devours the pieces and tells Kermit it tastes like a five. Five fantastic floating fools fall from the big blue blimp.
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Gordon and Susan attend a Grouch movie
Oscar has entered Slimey in a "Special Pet" contest and asks Susan to talk with the judge when he arrives, since Oscar isn't one for pleasantries. The Muppet judge, however, finds Slimey isn't all that special when compared to other animals, even after Susan pleads his case. Oscar appears from his can to give the judge a piece of his mind. The judge thinks Oscar is a pet, and a very loud, disagreeable one at that. He awards Oscar the blue ribbon instead.
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Today's Number
Telly Monster is supposed to introduce today's number, but has forgotten what it is. Big Bird brings in his "Number of the Day Machine" to help, but Telly is certain he'll break it somehow. They start counting up and once they reach 6, the machine does its usual fanfare. Big Bird celebrates, while Telly takes this to mean the machine's coming apart.
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Ask Oscar

Tue, Jan 27, 1981
In the premiere edition of Ask Oscar, Telly Monster reads a letter from Yucchina Blechman of Sandusty, Ohio, who wishes to know about on and in. Oscar thinks Telly should help with the demonstration. He produces a box, which he puts on his head, then has Telly put his head in the box. He repeats this using a bucket, to Telly's chagrin. Telly wishes to switch roles in the proceedings. Oscar puts some ripped-up newspaper in a box, then throws the pieces on Telly.
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Overnight in Mr. Snuffleupagus's cave
Big Bird has purchased a cabbage from Hooper's Store and drags his wagon of things to meet Mr. Snuffleupagus at Snuffle Cavern. He shows David and Maria the things he'll bring, including a muffler (to keep warm in the drafty cave), Radar, and a large set of directions to Snuffy's place. Two lines intersect at the middle of the screen and have an argument; they cooperate by making a cross.
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Visitors from another Planet
Oscar intrudes on today's day care activities, where the kids sculpt with clay. Bob observes what everyone has made. Oscar shows him the various things he made, which are all just flattened objects. Three balls try to match three holes. A boy puts a red and green monster together using a diagram.
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Sorry I can't hear you
Mr. Snuffleupagus sees Linda sitting out in the yard and decides to go speak to her. Since she's facing away from him, he receives no response when he tries making conversation. He fears that she doesn't like him, but Big Bird clarifies that she couldn't hear him. Big Bird goes over and makes contact with some basic signs to demonstrate, but Snuffy runs off to learn sign language before Linda can see him.
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