Episode list

Sesame Street

Meet Aristotle

Mon, Nov 23, 1981
Oscar, aided by his cameraman Frankie, hosts "Grouch Breakfast on the Air" at Hooper's Store. His surprise guest is Mr. Hooper, in that it is a surprise to him that he is a guest on the show. Oscar helps remind Mr. Hooper to do various things to prepare breakfast, causing each item to be ruined, making it the perfect Grouch breakfast. I hab a cauld ib by dose. Artist: Bruce Cayard.
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Q for Quiet

Tue, Nov 24, 1981
Bob happens into today's Grouchketeer meeting, where Oscar teaches the members about loud and soft. At first, they bang pots and pans loudly, then not at all, providing enough quiet for Oscar to loudly tell Bob to scram. Q for Quiet and Artist: John Korty.
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Making music with Honkers and a Dinger
Forgetful Jones and Buster the Horse appear set up to paint, only Forgetful has forgotten what they're trying to do. Maria sorts through the clues to help him remember. A rooster finds a purpose in his life when he's given the job to wake everyone on a farm. Bruce Cayard. Five dancers disappear one by one, until there are none left.
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Grundgetta's birthday
Oscar has the feeling that today is a special day, but can't remember the occasion. Grundgetta coyly gives him some clues, but he never catches on that today is her birthday. She explodes and leaves, as Oscar recognizes the trouble he's in. 1-10, 10-1 count with stripes. I-Ink (angry bird).
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Mr. Mac

Sun, Nov 29, 1981
Mr. Macintosh needs someone to watch his fruit stand while he runs to the post office. Big Bird volunteers, then suddenly finds he needs to use the restroom. He assigns various others to take his place, but replaces them when he imagines potential problems they might run into. Eventually, Mr. Mac returns and Big Bird asks him to watch the stand while he's gone.
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Telly prepares for hail
Big Bird invites the viewer to listen to the sounds of Sesame Street, which he controls the volume of by gesturing as if he's turning a volume knob. A rabbit crosses the STREET, and almost gets run over. Artist: Cathryn Aison. Ernie is sad, because it's raining and he can't play baseball. Bert encourages him to imagine that he's playing instead.
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Mumford produces shapes
Frankie assists the Amazing Mumford in his latest show, where he identifies the shapes that Mumford pulls from his hat. Things say that other things are small, but then something comes along that's bigger, or smaller, or whatever. The Ringmaster presents 9 elephants. Artist: Jeff Hale.
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Herry moves the mailbox
It's late at night and Bert isn't home yet. Ernie worries that he may have been abducted by monsters and is being forced to party with them - maybe even having fun. When Bert gets home, Ernie shares his stream of emotions he felt when he'd imagined something had happened to Bert: fear, sadness and anger. Bert assures him that he was fine -- he never has fun.
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Big Bird and Snuffy hunt for treasure
Big Bird shows Gordon and Olivia a treasure map found in Mr. Snuffleupagus' cave, which the two will use to find some treasure. The grown-ups laugh it off and Big Bird vows to bring some treasure back as proof. Luis sings "Three of These Kids" -- three kids are playing basketball, and one is playing baseball.
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Oscar takes temporary residence at David's
A mason, Mr. Jenkins (Ted Ross), does some work surrounding the front doors of 123 Sesame Street. A sawhorse barricade blocks the area, marked with a "DANGER" sign. Telly reads the sign and learns about the construction from David. Oscar happens to be in the middle of the work and it's recommended he move his can temporarily. Oscar refuses to move, but drops his attitude when he's promised he can go "anywhere at all." He asks everyone to leave while he prepares to move.
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Crack of Dawn

Mon, Dec 07, 1981
Mr. Snuffleupagus arrives on Sesame Street at the crack of dawn, hoping to be seen as others wake up. It's so early that he falls back to sleep, resting against the wall under the fire escape. David, Maria and Luis go by in a rush and don't even notice Snuffy behind them. Big Bird comes outside and learns from the viewer that Snuffy is around. Big Bird wakes up Snuffy, who finds that he may not have been seen by the adults, but he has been seen by Big Bird and the viewer (making his plan successful).
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10 Commandments of Health
Telly introduces another episode of "Shape Up with Slimey," an exercise program. Slimey leads the kids in various exercises, until Oscar tells them to keep down the noise. Muppets- "The Ten Commandments of Health". Joe Raposo asks the musical question, "Which Comes First, the Chicken or the Egg?"
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Granny Bird's surprise visit
Maria works on a bookcase at the Fix-It Shop, when she's approached by Granny Bird, who is paying a surprise visit to her grandson. She has special gifts for everyone and gives Maria an apple. Maria leads Granny Bird to Big Bird's nest and introduces her to some of the kids, Olivia and Mr. Hooper (whose name she also gets wrong).
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Peligro, el perro
Susan greets Big Bird walking down Sesame Street in a slump because he wanted to talk to Luis's grandmother on the phone in New Mexico, but he couldn't think of anything to say. He's told that he was just shy, and she sings to him "Everyone Feels a Little Shy Sometimes".
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Photography the Grouch way
Ferlinghetti Donizetti strolls into Hooper's Store and instead of making a straight order, he says various words and has David find a food to rhyme with them. None of the items please Ferlinghetti, who concludes that he's "filled up on rhyme" and no longer hungry. Alphabet Chat: Mr. Chatterly tries to discuss the letter R, but everything goes awry.
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Telly and the fire bell
Big Bird finds Telly, Olivia, Maria and Gordon congregated out in the yard. Telly has gotten a fire bell to warn people of fires, but now thinks it's a silly and useless idea. The grown-ups try convincing him that it's useful and plan to do a fire drill, instructing Telly to ring the bell at an unexpected moment. Big Bird goes back to his nest and listens for the bell, mistaking other sounds for it instead.
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Meet Samantha the Eel
As Gordon fixes the leaky faucet attached to the garage, Telly ponders what it would be like in a world without water. Just as Gordon finishes the job, a downpour begins. Maria comes by to get Telly out of the rain, and he begins calling for various things to collect the water in, knowing how important it is to save it.
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Telly asks a question
Poco Loco sits in the tree outside the Fix-It Shop, perfectly able to imitate Luis' voice and everything he says. Luis muses out loud about the salad he intends to order from Hooper's Store right after he puts some things away in the store. Poco flies off to the store and places the order in Luis' voice to David, who is facing the other way and doesn't see who is actually speaking.
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Ask Oscar about love
Oscar still doesn't want to answer today's letter, until he learns it's from Grundgetta. The letter asks: "If a certain grouch loved another grouch, how would that grouch show the love for the other grouch?" Telly thinks of nice, pleasant ideas, but Oscar explains how Grouches show affection with a song - "Love in the Junkyard." Afterwards, Oscar decides to head off to the junkyard, while Telly muses about the two Grouches getting married.
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Helping Bird

Sun, Dec 20, 1981
Donning a cape, Big Bird declares himself "Helping Bird," the bird who helps those in need. Nobody seems to need his help until he sees Gordon has twisted his ankle while jogging. Helping Bird insists on aiding him, so he tries finding a walking stick. When he can't find an appropriately-sized one, he allows Gordon to lean on him as they go down the block. Maria sees this and recalls twisting her ankle and having no one to aid her. Gordon tells Helping Bird he feels fine now, so the bird takes Maria under his wing in case she twists her ankle soon.
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Crossing Guard
Grandma Grace is the new crossing guard in the area. Big Bird wishes to be one too and has even made up his own pretend street to practice on. Grace walks through her job with Big Bird, who then ropes Olivia into practicing with him. Capital I, he's quite a guy.
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David's niece, Akim, debuts
Luis checks out Dr. Nobel Price's latest discovery - a creature he's dubbed "the beady-eyed oinky oink." Dr. Price learns that not only is it actually a pig, but the animal happens to be Oscar's pet pig, Spot. Oscar collects his pig and Dr. Price shifts gears to a new animal he's discovered - the tail-wagging arf-arf.
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Oscar contracts the grouch flu
Telly can't believe his ears when he hears Oscar saying nice things. Oscar thinks he may be sick and contacts Dr. Kvetch. The doctor rushes over and finds that Oscar has the grouch flu, which will make him say and do nice things for a day or so. He recommends Oscar stay in his can and drink plenty of sardine and orange juice.
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Grouch Goes to 2
On an exceptionally sunny day, Dr. Nobel Price presents his latest creation - shady shades, which are very much like Olivia's sunglasses. Grover demonstrates the number 2: Part 1. Counting to 2 is not very exciting. Billy Jo Jive and Smart Susie Sunset solve the case of the midnight voices. Artist: Ray Favata. Grover demonstrates the number 2: Part 2 Nobody's favorite number is 2.
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Measure the Ruler
Big Bird watches as the kids make themselves as small as they can, while Bob measures them with a ruler. Big Bird is able to shorten himself to about three feet, which Bob finds quite an accomplishment for a bird his size, though Big Bird thinks he isn't all that small. Bob takes the kids for a drink at Hooper's Store, when Mr. Snuffleupagus shows up to see Big Bird practicing being smaller. Snuffy considers Big Bird very small to him and they measure how small Snuffy can get.
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Slimey into Outer Space
A rainstorm begins as Slimey prepares to be launched into outer space. Maria watches as Telly, filling the "Mission Decontrol" position, attempts a countdown, but counts forwards instead of backwards. Maria and the viewer help him properly countdown to the launch. The rocket instead sputters in space and falls over, which Oscar notes is how a successful Grouch space launch should go.
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Oscar tries camouflage
Pleased by the cloudy weather, Oscar feels like taking a nap outside, when two kids pass by and tell him a joke. As he tries going back to sleep, Gordon shows him a photo of a chameleon. Oscar gets inspired by the creature's ability to hide in the surroundings - Thelma Thumb: During a baseball game, a kid's baseball falls into a rabbit's hole. Thelma travels through the hole to get it back.
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Let's Dance

Wed, Dec 30, 1981
Oscar and Grundgetta try out a few dances they can do for an upcoming Grouch dance contest, as the Grouchketeers voice their opinions. Maria finds a pair of castanets and shows them how a flamenco dance works. The Grouches like the snapping and stamping and think it'll make them instant winners. Three little men climb up the three flower stems.
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Ms. Zadie, the Lady
The Amazing Mumford demonstrates his new rhyming trick, in which he turns himself into anything that rhymes with something he says. He first says "slide trombone" and turns himself into a telephone. Then, rhyming with "rock," turns himself into a clock. He comes up with one last word, "Havana" and a bowl of fruit appears in his place. Luis tries convincing Olivia that Mumford turned into the banana, but she scoffs and claims he'll be talking about Snuffleupaguses next. Once she's gone, Luis almost bites into a pear, which turns back into Mumford. Luis points out that "Havana" and "pear" don't rhyme, to which Mumford responds, "I'm an amazing magician. I never said I was an amazing poet."
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Maria and the Kids
Richard has made his own letter L and shows it to Maria and the kids. He has a game to go along with it - he gives clues about different locations that begin with L and the others guess where he's referring to. When he talks about a nice place for reading, the answer turns out to not be a library, but Maria's lap.
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The Count's gooney bird
After witnessing Herry Monster lifting a large barbell, Telly wishes he could do the same, though doesn't believe he can do it. Bob sings "Don't Be Afraid to Try," encouraging him to give it a try and keep trying until he's able to do. With newfound confidence, Telly is able to lift the barbell.
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Big Bird's great ideas
Big Bird and Nicholas color together on the ground, when Barkley bounds over and sits on their coloring book. They try moving locations to keep him away, but he does the same thing again. They realize they can put their things on the crate and color there, but Barkley has now assumed a spot on there. A wizard turns into R things.
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Hal, the pilot
Olivia introduces Big Bird and the kids to her special (romantic) friend, Hal. They give clues as to what Hal's job is (an airline pilot), and Big Bird makes an outlandish (and incorrect) guess. Muppet lettuce, bread, cheese, butter, and ham argue on who an Anything Muppet girl should have for a snack. They all cooperate to make a sandwich.
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A visit from Sue
Maria has made a birdhouse for a friend of hers from the country, who is coming to visit Sesame Street today. Biff and Sully enter the Fix-It Shop, where Biff assumes the birdhouse is instead a boat and a racecar. "I'm six years old today!"
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Incoming Rain

Sun, Jan 10, 1982
Gordon notices an incoming rainfall, while Forgetful Jones tries to remember what he was supposed to get when the rain hits. He thinks he needs his lawnmower to cut the newly-refreshed grass, then a bucket to unflood the basement if the stream behind the ranch overflows. He finally realizes he needs an umbrella to stay dry, but remains standing in the rain anyhow - he's forgotten where is umbrella is.
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Grandma's vegetable stand
Olivia greets the viewer and reports that David's grandmother Grace will be visiting from the country. Oscar will return any minute in his taxi with her. Once they arrive, Grandma shows Olivia all vegetables she's packed; every one of her many suitcases is filled with vegetables. Olivia makes her realize that she neglected to pack any clothes or toiletries, so she and Oscar must drive back to the country. Oscar bemoans another trip, but looks forward to sitting in traffic.
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Maria's beach daydream; The Count exercises
Luis needs to step out of the Fix-It Shop for a few minutes and asks Maria to mind the telephone. It only takes Maria a few moments to get overworked between repairs and phone calls. She muses about being somewhere peaceful, far away from the shop. She and the viewer imagine being at the beach, where she traipses through the water and finds a sandcastle. Luis returns to the shop just as Maria snaps out of it.
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Answer the PHONE
Luis needs to step out of the Fix-It Shop for a few minutes and asks Maria to mind the telephone. It only takes Maria a few moments to get overworked between repairs and phone calls. She muses about being somewhere peaceful, far away from the shop. She and the viewer imagine being at the beach, where she traipses through the water and finds a sandcastle. Luis returns to the shop just as Maria snaps out of it.
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Visiting Grandma Grace's farm
Maria, David, Big Bird, and the kids are waiting for the bus to take them to Grandma Grace's farm for the day. They invite Oscar along for the trip, but he has no interest in watching little kids have fun all day. Just as everyone boards the bus, he realizes the Grouchy potential a trip to the farm has (such as seeing pig stys and broken farm equipment). He misses the bus, so he makes the trip on foot (while in his can).
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Bruno dances

Sun, Jan 17, 1982
Gordon plays a guessing game with the kids - he plays sounds off his tape recorder and the kids guess their origin. Oscar chimes in with a sound he wants to hear - the sound of their footsteps walking away from his can area. Film / Song "At the Animal Doctor": Two boys take their dog to the vet. Z for Zebu. Artist: Jeff Hale.
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Maria's cousin Mercedes comes to visit
Maria tells the viewer that her cousin Mercedes is coming to visit all the way from Puerto Rico. She states that the Count was supposed to drive her to the airport, but he instead opted to count the parts of his car. She has also tried to borrow Gordon's car, but it isn't working. Unable to hail a taxi, she comes to realize the only other vehicle around is Oscar's Sloppy Jalopy. He passes at first, but agrees to go when he sees how angry Maria gets.
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A very chilly day on Sesame Street
On a chilly and windy day on Sesame Street, Telly worries that the wind will be strong enough to blow him away to a strange place he's never been to. Maria assures him this wouldn't happen, but holds onto his hand anyhow. Cartoon- "Four Seasons".
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Zero the Penguin comes to visit
Maria does some work in Fix-It Shop, when in walks Zero, a penguin cousin of Big Bird's. He's come to visit all the way from the South Pole. Maria spots Big Bird coming over and proposes that Zero hide and surprise him (despite the store being too hot for him). Big Bird struggles to put together the clues, while Zero boils from behind the worktable. He finally reveals himself and rushes outside where it's cold.
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The snow storm reaches Sesame Street
As snow falls on Sesame Street, Maria's cousin Mercedes goes outside to observe it, since it never snows in Puerto Rico. In Hooper's Store, Mr. Hooper gives Big Bird and Zero their take out order. Zero is ready to get back out in the cold, but more and more people pile into the store as he tries to get out.
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Making deliveries in the blizzard
The blizzard has put the entire city at a standstill. David tries his best to shovel a path to Hooper's Store, which currently has no heat. Bob also has no heat up in his apartment. Maria invites them into the Fix-It Shop, where the heat is working. They all wonder about Big Bird and how he's dealing with the snow in his nest. They trudge over and find a large pile of snow covering his nest, with a sole yellow feather sticking out. They start to dig him out, when Big Bird appears behind them. He digs as well, stating that Radar is buried in the snow.
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Big Bird pretends to be a penguin
Everyone fawns over the igloo that Zero has made, paying no attention to Big Bird. He tries various things to get them to notice him, but with no luck. He thinks becoming a penguin might help and darts off. A man (Barry Simpson) puts on snowshoes to bring his trash out. Music: Joe Raposo.
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Pretend penguins
Bob dresses in his finest tuxedo to sing in a concert. Zero mistakes him for a penguin at first and muses about having some other penguins around to play with. Bob and the kids get lessons on how to act like a penguin from Zero. He leads the kids to Hooper's Store for some raw fish, while Bob heads off to his concert (moving like a penguin would), eliciting strange looks for Maria.
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Big Bird and Snuffy bring Puerto Rico to Sesame Street
Mr. Snuffleupagus comes over to meet Big Bird's friends, but no one seems to be around in the chilly weather. Maria's cousin Mercedes makes a mad dash back to 123 Sesame Street from Hooper's Store, barely noticing the two because of her fur hood. Big Bird explains to Snuffy how she's not used to the cold because it's always warm in Puerto Rico. Snuffy thinks they can bring Puerto Rico to Sesame Street by getting 500 Snuffleupaguses to move it, but comes up with a better idea - making Sesame Street look like Puerto Rico.
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Mercedes and Zero head back home
Big Bird wakes up to find Zero's igloo has gotten considerably smaller, as a puddle of water surrounds it. Zero returns from his morning walk, shocked to see what's happened. Olivia explains that the weather has started getting warmer, which is causing the igloo to melt (something Zero has never witnessed).
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