Episode list

Sesame Street

Banana in the Stone
When Baby Bear forgets to bring his sister an apple with lunch, he and Telly make up a story about bananas to get her to try other healthy foods. Celebrity guest Lang Lang
7.1 /10
The Healthy Foods Game
It's time to play "The Healthy Foods Name Game!" with Mr. Healthy Food as the game show host. Elmo has to find four healthy foods of various colors on Sesame Street before the mouse climbs to the top of the refrigerator.
7.7 /10
Cookie Moon

Tue, Apr 12, 2005
Cookie Monster is drawing a picture of his favorite cookie: the moon? Astronaut Buzz Aldrin lands on Sesame Street to teach Cookie Monster all about the moon and what it's made of! Hint: those spots on the moon aren't made of tasty chocolate chips!
7.4 /10
Snuffy Thinks He's Too Big
After Zoe's friend from ballet class, Carina tells Snuffy he is too big to dance ballet. Snuffy asks Big Bird for his opinion on the matter.
7.4 /10
Who'll Replace the Big Bad Wolf?
The Big Bad Wolf feels so exhausted from having to chase pigs and dress up like a Grandma all the time that he decides to take a vacation. Celebrity guest Harvey Fierstein.
7 /10
Mexico on Sesame Street
Luis and Rosita welcome the viewer to Sesame Street. Rosita tells us that she has got a package from her grandmother in Mexico. Luis helps her open the package up.
8.6 /10
Rock Sitter for Rocco
Zoe is trying to find someone to care Rocco while she is at swimming class. Elmo comes by and says hi to Zoe, but then tries to leave when he sees Rocco. she explains her problem to Elmo and tells him that needs a rock sitter for Rocco.
7.4 /10
Goldilocks Takes Over Nursery Rhymes
Being completely oblivious to their feelings, Goldilocks takes Little Miss Muffet's curds and whey, and then sticks her finger into Little Jack Horner's pie. She takes both of their nursery rhymes and makes them her own! Little Miss Muffet and Little Jack Horner are so upset that they start crying and run off to Baby Bear and Big Bird who offer to help them. They encourage Little Miss Muffet and Little Jack Horner to be assertive and stand up for themselves. Little Miss Muffet and Little Jack Horner gain the confidence to approach Goldilocks, who is at Hooper's Store with Alan. Alan notices that Little Miss Muffet and Little Jack Horner are very upset, so he encourages them to share their feelings with Goldilocks. After they express how badly she made them feel, Goldilocks realizes that she wouldn't like it if they did the same thing to her and apologizes, saying that she really didn't mean to make them feel sad. Celebrity guest Norah Jones.
0 /10
Elmo and Zoe Claim a Ball
The camera zooms in on a ball lying on the ground in the arbor. Elmo and Zoe both welcome the viewer to Sesame Street and see the ball. The two of them quickly start fighting over it.
0 /10
Grover the Veterinarian Assistant
Gina is swamped with patients at her clinic and wishes she has some help. Gina's new assistant appears - Grover. He blows his whistle and tell everyone to vacate the pool,Gina points out her job is to take care of animals.
0 /10
Telly and Baby Bear's Story
Baby Bear and Telly decide to use their imaginations to write a story together, but have a hard time deciding on whether their story should be about a magic bowl of porridge or a magic triangle. With Maria's help, they realize that best friends should be able to work together and compromise by deciding to write a story about both! Their story takes place in the Kingdom of Dum Diddley Dum Diddley Do. In this Kingdom, there is a magical triangular bowl of porridge. The bowl has three sides and three angles, and is filled with an unlimited amount of delicious porridge that King Baby Bear absolutely loves. Baby Bear and Telly realize that they make a great team and decide to write another story together! Celebrity guest Chuck Close.
0 /10
Grouch Apprentice
Donald Grump, the grouch with the most trash in the world, is looking for a new apprentice. Oscar, Grundgetta, and Elmo can't wait to meet him because if they get chosen, they will get to keep some of Grump's trash. Celebrity guest Larry King.
7.9 /10
Super Chicken on Sesame Street
Super Chicken helps Luis and Maria replenish their supply of packing tape at the Mail It Shop, helps Miles untie shoelaces, and fixes Gabi's broken popcorn machine. As Super Chicken quickly comes to the rescue and solves everyone's problems, Super Grover begins to feel sad and useless as a superhero. He thinks that perhaps his friends on Sesame Street don't need him anymore. However, Luis, Maria, Gabi, Miles, and Big Bird all convince Super Grover that the only real superhero for Sesame Street is him, especially since there's no other superhero in the world who can give a super hug like he does! Celebrity guest Maya Angelou.
0 /10

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