Bob is throwing a party, and Big Bird is all excited about it- until he learns it's for grownups only, so he's not invited. He thinks he's going to miss a lot of fun, and even Snuffy can't convince him that it's nothing a kid would enjoy.
Today, Telly has to get a furcut but he doesn't want to go for fear of missing his fur once it's cut off his head. Today's sponsors are the letters K and M and the number 6.
Today, Placido Flamingo presents an opera about animals, featuring Gladys the Cow, Hoots the Owl, Buster the Horse, Rudder Rabbit, and Bob, who reluctantly plays the role of a bumblebee.
At the request of the mayor, Mr. Handford is presenting an award to someone on the street, which he calls the "City Helper's Surprise Prize". Telly is burning with curiosity as to who it's for. Today's sponsors: A, J, and 16.
Gordon just misses the bus to a New York Knicks games, so Oscar and Grungetta take him in their Sloppy Jalopy. The problem is, they take him the long way, and not without a few stops. Today's sponsors: Q, T, and 13.
Today, Telly is hosting "The Wide World of Sesame Street", on which he covers a day in the life of Gordon, whom he follows to school and watches teach a science class. Today's show is sponsored by the letters D and H and the number 10.
Today, Luis and Maria go on a shopping spree at the grocery store and take Big Bird and Snuffy along with them. Sesame Street is brought to you today by the letters I and R and the number 18.
Today is Gordon's birthday, and Big Bird, Snuffy, Hiroshi, and Felice have made a special birthday card for him- one they filmed on television. Sesame Street is bought to you by the letters P and V and the number 20.
Gordon has a splitting headache. He hopes to get some rest and feel better, but his friends keep visiting him to offer their condolences, and sometimes to attempt to cure him.
Today is a special day because the mayor of New York is coming to Sesame Street to present Gordon with a citizen's award for turning the empty lot into a garden. Today's show is sponsored by the letters E and Y and the number 4.
Savion collects old shoes for his school but gives Elmo his old tap shoes. He also receives a donation cold, gold, and holed shoes from the Rhymingtons and hose shoes from three horses.
Little Jerry and the Monotones were supposed to perform at Mike's high school dance, but L.J. has the chicken pox, so Little Chrissy and Big Jeffy recruit Elmo to take his place.
The Grand High Triangle Lover is visiting Telly because he believes that Telly would be a good candidate for "Triangle Lover of the Year" and win a triangle-shaped trophy.