Episode list

Sesame Street

Episode 131

Sun, Nov 08, 1970
Big Bird teaches the kids that "Everyone Makes Mistakes" in the Season 2 premiere. Herry Monster and Sherlock Hemlock are introduced in this edition, and Farley can be glimpsed when Cookie Monster eats Big Bird's J. The Buddy and Jim segments are replaced with new segments featuring Larry and Phyllis.
8.2 /10
If Me Had That Wand 2
Abby's wand amazes Cookie, who ponders all the cookies he could make if he had it. Meanwhile, Ice Cube teaches Elmo the meaning of the word "astounding"; and Furry Potter and Professor Crumblemore teach children how to follow directions.
7.2 /10
Big Bird wants to say
Guest Pete Seeger sings "Where's Your Point Finger?" "Skip to My Lou" and "I Had a Rooster." Letters: A, Q, U. Numbers: eight, nine (James Earl Jones counts).
7 /10
Oscar has a cold
Letters: E, M, D. Numbers: eight, nine. Films: hands, transportation, animal tails. Song: "Yellow Submarine."
7.2 /10
Oscar Gets Angry
Letters: L, Q, Y (Lou Rawls sings the alphabet). Numbers: six, seven. Concepts: big and little, short and tall, squares and rectangles. Films: flower, manhole cover.
6.8 /10
Who Owns the Garage?
Letters: E, O, V. Number: 10. Concepts: parts of a whole, big and little. Films: noises, round, boy at the beach. Story: "What Do I Do?" Song: "All Together Now."
6.8 /10
Oscar and Ernie
1. Oscar and Ernie demonstrate cooperation. 2. How to group things by size. 3. How parts make a whole. 4. A lesson about body parts. 5. Films: tomato, tire, skin.
7 /10
Picking up papers
1. "Bonanza's" Lorne Greene and Dan Blocker teach addition and subtraction. 2. Hearing and copying rhythms.
7.2 /10
Watch Out Big Bird
1. Big Bird counts eggs. 2. Rhyming words. 3. Oscar uses a machine to write a poem. 4. Sorting household items.
7.4 /10
Whose ribbon?

Sun, Nov 29, 1970
1. Bill Cosby counts. 2. Kermit uses a talking tennis ball to explain round shapes. 3. The difference between more and less.
7.4 /10
Gordon explains parts
1. The difference between up and down. 2. Identifying things that make music. 3. Triangles, circles, squares and rectangles.
7.8 /10
Ziggles Count To 10
1. What "close to" means. 2. Using the word family "un" to make fun, run, sun and bun. 3. Finding patterns.
6.8 /10
Explaining money
1. Comparisons: happy and sad, before and after. 2. Film: animal homes. 3. Using the word family "an" to make ran, can, fan, pan. 4. Spanish word: parate (stand up).
7 /10
Episode 150

Thu, Dec 03, 1970
1. Game: "Who works here?" 2. Community roles. 3. Reasoning. 4. Forward and backward. 5. Film: birds. 6. Spanish phrase: ven aqui (come here). 7. Story: "The Monkey and the Crocodile."
7.2 /10
Oscar's poem-writing machine
Oscar the Grouch demonstrates his "poem-writing machine" to Bob and the kids: just write down a word on a card and insert it, and the machine will create a grouchy poem from it. It rhymes "glad" with "mad" and "feel so bad," and it rhymes "hello" with "don't know" and "go". Finally, Bob writes the word "nice" on a card and inserts it, causing the machine to write a non-grouchy poem, to Oscar's dismay. Muppets-Lefty the Salesman wants to sell Ernie an empty box, explaining that he can fill the box with things like a pet mouse (if Ernie had one) and jellybeans (if they rained from the sky). Ernie wants an empty box, but doesn't have any money. However, Bert brings a box of cookies, and Ernie throws the cookies out so he can catch jellybeans from the sky.
7 /10
Big Bird dusts chairs
1. Differences between short and tall, big and little. 2. Classifying things by function. 3. What hands can do. 4. Song: "Rub Your Tummy, Pat Your Head."
7 /10
New York Knicks Time
Oscar encounters the viewer, right as he's about to make a spinach ice cream sundae. He tells the viewer to go bother Martha instead. Cartoon-M is for Marvelous Martha
6.6 /10
Don't be Sad

Sun, Dec 13, 1970
1. Burt Lancaster recites the alphabet. 2. Bill Cosby looks sad. 3. Using the word family "et" to make pet, bet and wet. 4. Film: traffic lights. 5. Letters: E, H.
6.6 /10
Gordon paints a chest
1. James Earl Jones counts. 2. Bill Cosby shows how to look angry. 3. Differences between around, through and over. 4. Community roles. 5. Spanish word: silla (chair).
7.8 /10
Oscar puts up a
1. Pat Paulsen counts. 2. The difference between here and there. 3. Spanish word: adios. 4. How to bake a cake. 5. Song: "Three of These Things." 6. Letter: T.
6.8 /10
Building a box

Wed, Dec 16, 1970
1. Burt Lancaster counts. 2. Arte Johnson recites the alphabet. 3. Sorting by function. 4. Spanish word: puerta (door). 5. Songs: "Circles," "Good Morning, Starshine."
6.6 /10
The New York Mets on Sesame Street
1. New York Mets Art Shamsky and Ed Kranepool count. 2. Sorting. 3. Community roles: dentist and bus driver. 4. Spanish word: mano (hand). 5. Songs: "People in Your Neighborhood," "Right in the Middle of My Face." 6. Letter: V.
6.6 /10
Episode 161

Sun, Dec 20, 1970
1. Bill Cosby shows how to look silly. 2. Arte Johnson counts. 3. Spanish word: pierna (leg).
7 /10
Episode #2.33

Tue, Dec 22, 1970
1. Lorne Greene, Michael Landon and Dan Blocker teach subtraction. 2. The difference between bottom and top. 3. Sorting by quantity. 4. Song: "Three of These Things." 5. Films: money, transportation. 6. Letter: X.
6.8 /10
Episode #2.34

Wed, Dec 23, 1970
1. Flip Wilson counts. 2. Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker and Michael Landon do the alphabet. 3. Family roles: father and son.
6.6 /10
Episode #2.35

Thu, Dec 24, 1970
1. A performance by an African dance troupe. 2. Addition with Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker and Michael Landon. 3. Bill Cosby teaches happy and sad. 4. Spanish phrase: ven aqui (come here).
6.6 /10
Episode #2.36

Sun, Dec 27, 1970
1. James Earl Jones recites the alphabet. 2. Bill Cosby demonstrates surprise. 3. Comparison: big and little.
7 /10
Episode #2.38

Tue, Dec 29, 1970
Susan greets the viewer, displaying a lamp she just got. Gordon openly rejects the lamp, igniting a conflict between him and Susan. Cartoon-Gloria sings the alphabet
6.8 /10
Episode #2.39

Wed, Dec 30, 1970
At Hooper's Store, Gordon goes over his shopping list. He's gathered almost everything on it, but sees that Susan also wrote down the letters V and I. What begins with V? Cartoon-Speech Balloon: V for Violin A musician plays a violin, which instantly breaks.
7.2 /10
Episode 170

Thu, Dec 31, 1970
1. Pat Paulsen recites the alphabet. 2. Big, bigger, biggest. 3. Spanish word: hola (hello). 4. Songs: "Five Fingers on My Right Hand," "Lulu's Back in Town." 5. Films: the fireman, bees. 6. Letter: I.
7.8 /10
Episode 171

Sun, Jan 03, 1971
1. Using clues. 2. Small, smaller, smallest. 3. Songs: "Help!" and "ABC DEF GHI." 4. Films: flowers, grasshoppers.
7.2 /10
Episode 172

Mon, Jan 04, 1971
1. James Earl Jones recites the alphabet. 2. Before and after. 3. Sorting by quantity. 4. Songs: "Seven Days," "Three of These Things." 5. Letter: A.
7.2 /10
Episode #2.43

Tue, Jan 05, 1971
1. Things the mind can do: imagine, remember, plan and hope. 2. More and less. 3. Community roles: grocer and doctor. 4. Letter: U. 5. Number: eight. 6. Films: animal coverings, drawing a camel.
6.6 /10
Episode #2.44

Wed, Jan 06, 1971
1. Bill Cosby acts angry. 2. Pat Paulsen counts to ten. 3. Comparison: big and little. 4. Community role: bus driver.
6.4 /10
Episode #2.45

Thu, Jan 07, 1971
1. Carol Burnett counts. 2. Bill Cosby talks about yesterday and today. 3. Song: "Rain Falls." 4. Films: babies, flowers. 5. Letter: A.
6.8 /10
Sesame Street with Flip Wilson
Gordon meets an Anything Muppet man who walks backwards, says "no" for "yes", eats breakfast at night and supper in the morning. One of the perils of doing everything backwards, according to the man, is walking into open manholes.
7.2 /10
Episode #2.47

Mon, Jan 11, 1971
1. Lorne Greene, Michael Landon and Dan Blocker count. 2. Spanish word: calle (street). 3. Songs: "Spinning Wheel," "People in Your Neighborhood." 4. Film: African animals. 5. Sorting by quantity.
6.6 /10
Episode #2.48

Tue, Jan 12, 1971
1. Arte Johnson recites the alphabet. 2. Beginning, middle and end, same and different. 3. Song: "Fifty-Ninth Street Bridge Song." 4. Films: elephants, cows.
6.6 /10
Episode #2.49

Wed, Jan 13, 1971
Lots of things happen on Sesame Street today, notably Susan teaching Big Bird how to spell the word "love". The show is sponsored by the letter A and the number 7.
7 /10
Miguel and Big Bird Make a Sign
1. Arte Johnson explains short and tall. 2. Big and little, full and empty. 3. Spanish phrase: ven aqui (come here). 4. Film: birds. 5. Song: "Yellow Submarine."
6.6 /10

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