Episode list

Sesame Street

Alan at Hooper's
Big Bird introduces Alan, the new owner of Hooper's, and he and the Birdketeers give him quite the welcome.
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The New Zoemobile
After taking a ride with Gordon on his bike, Zoe wishes she could have her own set of wheels. Fortunately for Zoe, Maria builds her something special: the Zoemobile.
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Miles' video project
Gordon, Gabi, Big Bird, Gina, the kids, and even Oscar help Miles make a video about Sesame Street for school. But as usual in movie-making, it takes multiple takes to get it right, even when Oscar joins the fun.
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Herry sleeps over at Gabi's
Herry Monster's going to sleep over at Gabi's house tonight. However, being a monster of incredible strength, he inadvertently causes a series of unfortunate events: the curtains fall, the faucet comes off, the bed breaks, and even Herry's doll's head comes unattached. Fortunately, Maria can fix anything.
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The Countketeers
After The Count starts counting the Birdketters, Big Bird and The Count decide to make a Countketters club.
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V Day

Thu, Dec 03, 1998
Elmo and Big Bird are a having a celebration for the letter of the day, v.
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The Ding Along
The Dingers are hosting a Ding Along on Sesame Street. Zachery shows his baton to Ernie. Elmo learns about music in Elmo's World.
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Oscar on Talk Radio
Oscar the Grouch fills in on the radio station WCAN, taking grouchy answers from grouchy callers. Telly chimes in on the entertainment, and ends up becoming involved on the air as well.
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Bolo Learns the Alphabet
Rosita is trying to teach her parrot, Bolo to say the alphabet as a surprise for her cousin, Tito's birthday party but, he keeps saying everything but the alphabet. Devon shows Ernie his bird's nest.
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