Episode list

Sesame Street

The Count counts streetlights
As Sesame Street begins another year, we find Count von Count up on the street lamppost, counting all the lights on the street as they come on. Later that night, he counts them again going out. He ignores Luis's advice to go home to bed- he wants to sleep on the lamppost so he can count that light going off in the morning. Also on the street that day, the cast sings about a song which they can't seem to figure out the name of. While all this is going on, a cartoon man talks about how the letter E begins the words "enter" and "exit". In his elementary school, Roosevelt Franklin teaches his class about Africa, showing them that there's more to the continent than just jungles. Ernie gets overly emotional during a movie, which subsequently gets Bert in trouble with the other viewers in the theater. Beetle Bailey tries to figure out a way to be first in line for chow, while Kermit and Farmer Grover demonstrate how one uses a horse-and-cart. Three pencils dancing the Rumba show first, last, and Crazy Melvin (don't ask!). Finally, a tree frog struggles to make it to the top of his tree (it's a long, hard climb, but he'll get there). The sponsors today are the letter E and the number 2.
9.1 /10
David is too tired to take care of Hooper's Store
David was up late last night studying for a law school exam, but promised to take care of Hooper's Store this morning. As a result, he keeps dozing off. Big Bird tries waking him up by getting some fresh air in the store and turning on some music, which doesn't work. David describes being in his cozy bed, which winds up putting Big Bird to sleep.
6.8 /10
Oscar likes it when it rains
It's a rainy and windy day on Sesame Street. Oscar couldn't be more thrilled and tries talking about it with Mr. Hooper, who wishes to be left alone as he reads. He gets more and more irritated with Oscar until he tells him to scram in a Grouch-like manner.
6.8 /10
Sam the Robot Again
The Count coaches David through filling some candy jars with beans and explains he's going to play the sorting game; although not with sizes, but with numbers. David explains no one could ever count as many beans as he's poured into the jars; no one, that is, except for the Count. As a compromise, he places three sets of two beans and one set of three beans on the table and sings "One of These Things". When he's done singing, he can see that the Count is sad about the game being over, so David tells him he's always wanted someone to count just how many beans are in Hooper's Store.
7.2 /10
123 Sesame Street
Stevie Wonder sings "123 Sesame Street." Cartoon: Before and after: Several kids are sad, but become happy when a fruit vendor appears. Muppets- Ernie and Bert - Ernie wants to have some cookies. Bert asks Ernie if he knows what "before" means, and Ernie demonstrates by saying that before he can have a cookie, he has to open the lid to a cookie jar, and after he closes the lid, he eats the cookie. He demonstrates a few times, until he loses his appetite for dinner.
7 /10
Who Is Biff?

Sun, Nov 10, 1974
Biff directs Sully while he's driving, causing him to back into the mailbox in front of 123 Sesame Street. The crash prompts Maria to come out and see what happened, but Biff is too busy overcomplicating the mess to explain himself to the "little lady". While Biff admits defeat, deciding he needs an extra crew to come in to clean up, Maria has uprighted the mailbox and tells Sully to clear the vehicle away. Biff is left dumbfounded - and without a ride.
7.2 /10
Oscar gets his hand stuck in a jar
Bob, Susan and Luis fawn over Bob's new canary, Fairbanks, making Big Bird jealous. They remind Big Bird of the things he can do because he's a big bird, like counting to 5, saying the alphabet, and rollerskating. Big Bird reflects on this, singing "He's Smaller Than Me", agreeing that it might be fun having another bird around when he's asked to teach the canary the alphabet and numbers. Muppets Ernie wants to borrow Herbert Birdsfoot's vacuum cleaner, but he worries about how Herbert will respond. Maybe Herbert's taking a bath, and he'll be so angry at Ernie for interrupting him that he'll tell everyone to never loan Ernie anything ever again.
7 /10
Groovy Grouches

Tue, Nov 12, 1974
Oscar's rock band, the Groovy Grouches, can't make it to rehearsal today, so he shows Susan his replacement players: Shola on trash guitar, John-John on tenor grouchophone, and Laurie on trash can drums. Oscar admits they don't sound great individually, but when they all cooperate and play together - they sound really rotten.
6.8 /10
The Amazing Mumford
Big Bird introduces the viewer to Poco Loco, a parrot who repeats everything he says. This nearly ruins his talk on the difference between their sizes. Clay animation: Sam the Snake-and other things that begin with S. The Count counts "The Song of the Count".
6.8 /10
The Count von Count
Big Bird believes that The Count is helping him find rhyming words for a poem he's writing, when what the Count is really doing is counting the number of verses.
6.8 /10
Big Bird 100 earlier
Big Bird is reading his "Western Tales" book and thinks it might be fun to have lived life as a cowboy. He begins to imagine what it would be like living in the Old West. In Big Bird's imagination, Sesame Street is rendered as an old west town named "Sesame Gulch." Big Bird makes himself into a bad hombre named "Bad Bird," fastest wing in the West. Two miners (played by Willy and writer Joseph A. Bailey) flee in terror as he moseys over to "Hooper's Canteena." Inside, Bob is the bartender, while Maria and David appear as saloon patrons. They become frightened when Bad Bird enters and turn yellow when Bob reveals he's unable to make his usual birdseed float. As they head for the exit, Big Bird freezes the scene, feeling tired of everyone treating him like the bad guy.
7.6 /10
Imitating Sounds
The Count has counted nearly everything on Sesame Street today, except for Oscar's trash collection. Instead, he counts the times Oscar says "no" and makes nasty remarks. Cookie Monster sings a rock song about his cookie obsession. Three Ball Film: A red ball follows a rollercoaster-like track through checkpoints (each, a set of three) that are counted in voiceover. At the end, the ball is ground up into a powder.
7.2 /10

Tue, Nov 19, 1974
The Count has counted nearly everything on Sesame Street today, except for Oscar's trash collection. Instead, he counts the times Oscar says "no" and makes nasty remarks. Cookie Monster sings a rock song about his cookie obsession.
7.8 /10
The Underground Pipes
While Biff and Sully dig up Sesame Street, Oscar loses his phone service and Susan's water stops running. Just as Biff tells them all will be restored after the work, Susan gets a call from Oscar's grouch hotline on her hose, and water starts spraying out of Oscar's phone. Biff yells down to Sully to check that they didn't get their connections crossed. An ape escapes from the A train and heads over to a birthday party.
7.8 /10
Nails and Screws
Luis has dumped out all his screws and nails to find just the right ones to fix Bert's radio. He has to drop it off, but dreads having to clean up the mess. The Count offers to help, but finds the sorting rather boring, barely getting anything done by the time Luis gets back. Luis asks him to count the nails and screws, thinking this will pique his interest. He turns his back for a mere moment before finding the Count is now through with the job. Three lines attempt to individually reach the top of the TV screen, but fail. They succeed after they combine all of their lengths. A man (Barry Simpson) puts on snowshoes to bring his trash out. Music: Joe Raposo.
7.4 /10
Stay Awake

Mon, Nov 25, 1974
Bob finds a young Muppet girl named Jane, who thinks her name is boring. Bob assembles some friends to show her how many interesting rhymes her name has: David does a few steps and shows off his cane. A kid's baseball shirt has a great big stain.
7.2 /10

Tue, Nov 26, 1974
Oscar realizes that everybody bothers him because he's a Grouch. Sometimes he wishes he were anybody else but him. He decides to impersonate other people on the Street to avoid being bothered. J family jamboree. Oscar dons a wig and pretends to be Maria. When Gordon asks "Maria" for a favor, he changes into Mr. Hooper. When Gordon asks "Mr. Hooper" for an ice cream sundae, he changes into Gordon. Maria, humoring them both, gives a dirty rag to Gordon, and invites him to Hooper's Store for a pickle sundae, frustrating Oscar.
7 /10
Grover the photographer
Grover the Photographer tries to take a picture of Maria, but David beats him to it. Grover then asks to take Luis's picture. Luis jokingly asks him where his "birdie" is, and explains that "watch the birdie" is an expression that people use when they take pictures. Nevertheless, Grover goes to look for a birdie. L is for Lips. Ernie and Bert sing "La, La, La."
7.4 /10
Umpire For A Day
The Wicked Witch from the Snow White story plans to fool the mirror into saying that she is the fairest -- but she hasn't counted on Kermit hiding behind a curtain. When she sees him, she realizes that he really is pretty good-looking. Nancy the nanny goat nibbles her nails and notices noodles. Oscar is having a Grouch baseball game inside his can, but the umpire just quit, and he needs a new one if his team's going to win. Luis volunteers to be the umpire, but calls three strikes whenever Oscar is up to bat. Oscar's team loses, which is okay, because Grouches like losing. Jazz #10. Things that begin with N: nail, nest, net, notebook, needle, noodle, nuts, napkins, nose. (Don't make noise at night). The letter N is nice. Bill Cosby counts to 20 with his "twin."
7.6 /10
Plant Trees Save the Planet
Maria exits 123 Sesame Street and is shocked to find a large tree potted next to Oscar's trash can. Oscar emerges from the leaves and says it's a perfect addition - it provides him shade, but most importantly keeps his can hidden from sight so no one can bother him. "It's a Lovely Eleven Morning". Artist: Bud Luckey. Oscar takes advantage of his newfound peace to take a nap. However, it's bothered by a Muppet squirrel collecting nuts from the branches. P Words (including parachute and plug). Oscar hangs a "No Squirrels Allowed" sign off the tree. However, now an elderly Muppet couple picks it as a spot to have a picnic. They drive Oscar crazy with their lovey-dovey talk.
7 /10
Theatre of the Deaf
Linda sits outside reading. David wants to sit by her and makes sure she's okay with that. He begins blasting his radio and noisily eating chips, knowing she can't hear any of it. Ed Waterstreet and Joe Sarpy of the Little Theatre of the Deaf arrive and ask Linda (in sign) if they can also sit around. They begin signing jokes to each other, which Linda now finds distracting and she leaves. A boy and a dog fight over a letter "I." Ernie and Bert - Bert expects a visit from his identical twin brother Bart. Ernie notes that they're alike in many ways, but their major difference is that Bart has a sense of humor. A mother bird brings her babies a huge number 12. Animal camouflage with kid voiceovers. Music: Joe Raposo.
7.2 /10
Playing Games

Tue, Dec 03, 1974
Sam the Robot wants to play, but Susan says he can't jump rope, Big Bird says he'll break the rope swing, and Bob tells him he sings like a railroad train. He tells his woes to Oscar the Grouch who tells him to stop focusing on the things he can't do. Bert can't go on a trip with Ernie because his hand has purple paint on it. Ernie puts a mitten on Bert's hand to cover it, but Bert still won't go because he looks silly wearing one mitten. So Ernie completes the outfit with another mitten, a hat, a scarf, and a sled. Ernie then reveals that they are going to the beach.
7.6 /10

Wed, Dec 04, 1974
Big Bird tries to learn the parts of the body in Spanish from Maria. Donnie Budd sings about three trios of animals who live on a fat lady's lap. Artist: Bud Luckey. Male and female snow people narrate their own construction. Music: Joe Raposo. Muppet and Kid Moment - Kermit, Shola, and Fannie count legs and heads.
7 /10
Hammer and Fingers Not Good
To Maria's surprise, Oscar shows her kindness when she hits her finger with a hammer. The Story of Cowboy X, with the voices of Jean Shepherd. Four Song (Song of Four). The great Alphonso and his trained X's. Cookie Monster: Cookie Monster comes to the bakery looking for something delicious that rhymes with BUY. He tries the I (from the MIKE'S BAKERY sign) and the baker's TIE, both of which aren't that delicious. Finally, Guy Smiley comes in and loudly announces that he would like to BUY a PIE. Cookie then knows what he can get in the bakery that rhymes with BUY and is delicious: it's GUY. A chase ensues, and Cookie asks the baker to send him the bill.
7.6 /10
Bus Driver's

Sun, Dec 08, 1974
At Hooper's Store, David sings "Subtraction Blues" while Mr. Hooper, Maria and Big Bird subtract his slices of pizza. He drops the last slice on the ground when a kid bumps into him, and tosses the dirty slice into Oscar's can. Z for zebra and zoo. Zip, zoom, zoom, zig, zag, zany, zoo.
7.6 /10
Group of Grouches
Oscar is expecting a group of Grouches from Cincinnati, and finds himself in desperate need of trash for games. His situation worsens when David and Maria refuse to give him cans and bottles that they're taking to the recycling center. Bob, however, has plenty of trash for Oscar. D-dart. A film insert of kittens playing, with child voiceovers in English and Spanish.
7.4 /10
The Bottlecap

Tue, Dec 10, 1974
Bert is admiring his bottle cap collection when he offers to show the viewer his rarest piece: a Watermelon Whip. Upon closer inspection, he finds that the rare item is lost. As he panics, David, Maria, Luis, and the kids rush over from their game of scully - which requires bottlecaps to play - to see what's going on. They offer to help him find the missing collectible, but while some of theirs are similar, none of them is red with a white circle and the letter W. Bert believes all hope to be lost and begins chastizing David for making light of his plight when Big Bird stops by. He'd like to join the scully game and says he'll have a bottlecap to contribute as soon as he opens the soda pop he just purchased at Hooper's Store. Bert's attention is sprung when he hears it's a Watermelon Whip, but his excitement diminishes when he learns that Mr. Hooper got six cases of it in - that's 144 bottles, Big Bird calculates - and dismisses the once-rare flavor as worthless now. To replace the open spot on his cork board, he's now got to go find a Blueberry Bubbler - and he doesn't even like that one. Jasper and Julius: Apple. Grover climbs a tree and finds a bird's nest with some eggs in it. The eggs hatch, and the baby birds think Grover is their mommy. When the real mother bird arrives, she mistakes Grover for one of her babies. She gives them all a flying lesson, but Grover promptly falls to the ground.
7.8 /10
Dull Senses

Wed, Dec 11, 1974
At Hooper's Store, Biff wants to share a glass of chocolate milk with Sully. To ensure they both get an equal amount, Biff asks Mr. Hooper to draw a line around the middle of glass; Biff claims the top half of the drink as his and the bottom for Sully. Mr. Hooper and Linda try to explain how this might not work, but Biff ignores them and has Sully take the first sip. However, in order for Sully to get to his half, he needs to drink up Biff's, leaving an empty glass. Cartoon- E Imagination Artists: The Hubleys. The Mad Painter #8. Sand E/e. Sesame Street News Flash: In a take on the "Hey Diddle Diddle" nursery rhyme, Kermit the Frog interviews Natalie the cow and her cat manager as she prepares to jump over the moon. Natalie plans to break the usual cow stereotype by doing this jump. After the cat plays a fanfare on his fiddle, she makes the jump and crash lands back to Earth, where she is praised and congratulated for her jump.
7.4 /10
Open the Break-It Shop
Oscar opens a "Break-It Shop". His first business is the christening of the S.S. Sesame Street Ocean Liner. Maria reads the story of "The King's Nose". Alice Braithwaite Goodyshoes displays a G, for "good." She gets kissed by a monster, who says, "Gee, that was good!"
7.4 /10

Sun, Dec 15, 1974
Luis and Linda are washing windows when the phone rings. Luis asks her to answer it, but then remembers that she's deaf, and climbs down from the ladder to answer it himself, more than once. Not knowing that Luis has to keep going down the ladder every time the phone rings, Linda believes that he's a slow window washer. Grover is carrying the word "HELP", which is very heavy. He asks Marty to help him carry the word. Instead, Marty gives Grover three more "HELP" words to carry.
7.4 /10
Gordon and the Kids
Wearing earmuffs and a scarf, Big Bird invites Gordon and the kids to play in a very cold playground. Big Bird asks about what happened in the playground the night before, and what will happen next. An old woman emerges from the pouch of a bouncing kangaroo. She proclaims, "K. Kangaroo!" Joe Raposo sings "Everybody Run."
7.2 /10
Peace and Quiet
Sesame Street News Flash: Don Music tries to write "Mary Had a Little Lamb", but he can't come up with a word that rhymes with "snow". Kermit suggests that Don try another angle, which leads to Don writing the hit song "Mary Had a Bicycle." Don sings the song, with back-up vocals from the Monotones. Luis gives Big Bird a box to put things away, but Big Bird realizes he needs more boxes. David gives him one, then another one. He quizzes Big Bird on what 1 + 1 equals, but Big Bird keeps saying 3, driving David crazy, until Big Bird tells him that he already got a box from Luis. M for Mail.
7.2 /10
Instant Instant
Bob greets the viewer, and shows how he can recognize someone's voice without seeing them. Bob takes Big Bird and the kids to a "sound zoo", with animal sounds coming from the empty cages. The first cage has an invisible lion, the second one an elephant, the third is a monkey, and the last one is the bird cage, which Big Bird recognizes instantly. The letter O introduces many words he starts. "There's a Bird On Me" (Joe Raposo).
7.2 /10

Thu, Dec 19, 1974
Big Bird tries helping the kids get a ball that is stuck on the fire escape of 123 Sesame Street. They try lifting him, and getting a kangaroo to help, but Big Bird is too heavy, and the kangaroo is too far away in Australia. Big Bird then tries scolding the ball, the way his mother does when she wants him to do something, and gives the ball until the count of three to come down from there. While he counts, Susan retrieves the ball from the apartment window and drops it down to the kids making Big Bird think emulating his mother worked. Ernie and Bert - Ernie pretends to be a dog and a duck. Bert then pretends to be a train, and does it so well that a train conductor and passengers come through the apartment.
7.4 /10
It's a Misunderstanding
At Hooper's Store, David is getting ready to send back two boxes of plastic cups, since he ordered paper cups instead. Bob helps him take the boxes out to the curb, but can't stick around to watch the store while David goes to the library, which is closing soon. Instead, David tells Big Bird to watch the store, and runs off to the library. Now alone, Big Bird sees the boxes on the curb and assumes they're deliveries, so he brings them inside the store. I've Got a Mind: Bird Artist: Cliff Roberts. Later, Big Bird has unpacked all the cups and aligned them on the shelves and the counter. A deliveryman arrives with some boxes of paper cups, but Big Bird says they don't need any more cups. He insists the paper cups be sent back, then seals up the empty boxes from the plastic cups and puts them on the mail truck.
7.6 /10
Construction Works
Maria tells Luis that she's recently applied for a job on her days off from school and is expecting them to call the Fix-It Shop any minute regarding it. Luis assumes it's a babysitting gig or something, when he answers a call from the A.B.C. Construction Company. He's surprised that the call is for Maria, who has been hired as a construction worker. Luis remains surprised, having never heard of a female construction worker before. Maria asserts that women can do anything they want and heads off. Sesame Street News Flash: Kermit interviews one of the Three Little Pigs, the one who built a straw house. The Big Bad Wolf comes to blow it down, but the house is actually strong. A man jumps up onto an UP.
7.2 /10
Big Bird Builds an Airplane
Big Bird is worried that he can't fly like other birds can. David tells him not to worry; he can do things that other birds can't. Big Bird sees an airplane in the sky, and goes off to build one so he can fly. Joe Raposo sings "Flying." Luis sees the makeshift box airplane Big Bird has just built, which has some of its parts in the wrong places. He fixes it so it looks like the diagram, then Big Bird climbs into it - backwards.
7.6 /10
Play the Trumpet
Gordon and Susan confront Oscar the Grouch about playing his trumpet too loudly (and awfully), but he claims they have no right to tell him what to do. Susan admits they can't tell him not to play his trumpet, so they vacate the area. A boy talks about his pet letter Y, named Yetta. Old West: Sinister Sam is looking for the biggest man in the saloon. The frightened customers point him towards Big Barney, who's cowering under the table. When Sam discovers that Barney is the biggest man there, he gives him a hat: "This ol' hat here don't fit me. I thought maybe you could use it, huh? I'll see you, fellers." Sinister Sam leaves the baffled customers behind. "Now, that's a nice gesture," one says. "He's a little weird, but he's okay after all, isn't he?" Seven monsters cause havoc in a village. Maurice Sendak, Fred Calvert.
7 /10
Bird On Me

Thu, Dec 26, 1974
Sesame Street News Flash: Humpty Dumpty has fallen off a wall, and Kermit interviews one of the king's horses. Humpty is put together again, but then Kermit gives him a congratulatory slap on the back, and he falls off the wall again. Sand B/b. To announce B as the letter of the day, Grover points to a bird on his head. Once that's finished, he'd like the bird to leave, but it sticks around. Big Bird asks what's going on, so Grover sings "There's a Bird on Me" in response. The bird finally leaves which actually makes Grover sad. Big Bird hugs him and says he'll always have him. At the beach, the Bee Bee and the Barker family greet each other while saying their names that begin with the letter B. Artist: Bruce Cayard.
6.8 /10
Learn Spanish

Sun, Dec 29, 1974
At Hooper's Store, David tells Luis and Maria that he wants to hear Spanish spoken all day today so he can learn the language. He gets confused when they disagree about the Spanish words for blanket and orange, since they both come from different Spanish-speaking regions. Ernie is sad, because it's raining and he can't play baseball. Bert encourages him to imagine that he's playing instead. In Ernie's imagination, he hits a high fly ball that lands in the ocean. Bert tells Ernie that the sun is out, and he can go out and play now. Ernie says that he can't play his ball fell in the ocean.
6.8 /10
Alarm Clock

Mon, Dec 30, 1974
Oscar explains to Luis that he hates his alarm clock, because it wakes him up when he wants to sleep. On the other hand, he loves it, because when it wakes him up in the morning he won't sleep late and feel relaxed and rested. Scanimate Films #10. Lemurs rest on tree branches. Music: Joe Raposo. "The Story of A": A witch tells bored kids a story about the letter A involving an ant's apple getting stolen by an archer. Ernie approaches Bert in a harried manner, talking rapidly. Bert tells him to talk slower so he can understand him. Ernie says, slowly, that Bert's bread is burning in the oven, which causes Bert to speak in the same rapid, harried manner.
6.6 /10
Be A Good Loser, Not Sore
Kermit meets Little Miss Muffet, who sits on her water bed, eats crunchy granola, and is not afraid of the spider, who ends up frightening Kermit away. Henson: Eleven Cheer. Herbert Birdsfoot and Grover talk about "AN" words. Herbert demonstrates the words themselves, while Grover provides visual aids. The first word they talk about is RAN. While Herbert talks about how to make the word, Grover keeps running around the scene until he tires himself out.
7.6 /10
Making A Mess

Wed, Jan 01, 1975
Herry Monster enters Hooper's Store and knocks over a stack of cans. As he apologizes, he smashes a tower of drinking glasses. To make up for it, he answers the phone, pulling the cord out of the wall. Mr. Hooper kicks him out; Herry knocks over another tower of cans as he leaves. Bad Bart is looking for Marshal Earp. A man talks about the letter J with a jack-in-the-box, whose lid ends up crushing him.
7.8 /10
Oscar Opens Grouch School
Oscar overhears some kids laughing as they pass by; Bob tells him they're on their way to school. Oscar thinks it's silly to go to school when he already knows a lot that he learned from his Uncle Ebenezer Grouch. Oscar opens a Grouch school to pass on his wisdom. "Jazz #2". David and Susan watch as some older kids attend Oscar's Grouch school, where he has them recite the Grouch pledge, teaches the word "yucchy". They sing "I Love Trash". L is for Ladder.
6.6 /10
Day of Wiring

Sun, Jan 05, 1975
Sam the Robot invites Maria, Bob, and Luis to his wiring day party. He says it commemorates the first time he was wired up and activated, and he celebrates it every year. The others interpret this as Sam's birthday and decide to make him a cake. Things you can carry. Music: Joe Raposo.
6.8 /10
Grover's Visits
Scanimate Films #4. Grover watches Mumford practice a trick, making a rabbit come out of his hat. Mumford has trouble getting a rabbit to come out of the hat, and both are oblivious to the fact that Grover is turning into a rabbit.
6.6 /10
Gifts for Everyone
At Hooper's Store, Big Bird picks out colors of yarn to knit something for Luis, who fixed his feather duster earlier ("Boy, were my feathers getting dusty!"). He then asks Susan for a pair of knitting needles, and tells Gordon he's making a surprise for Luis. He goes into the construction site, and has an accident while knitting. Uncle Al tells his nephew a story about a dog he had, but gets mixed up with the details. Artist: Marv Newland.
6.8 /10

Wed, Jan 08, 1975
Luis and Mr. Hooper are startled when they hear a car crash, followed by a jet plane and a train. Those sounds are coming from Oscar, playing them on his tape recorder. The Queen of Six explores her garden. At Hooper's Store, Mr. Hooper, Luis and Maria are further bothered by Oscar's loud prerecorded sounds, including an explosion, a drill, and a siren. They all go over to his can and tell him to turn it down, explaining the meaning of "noise pollution". Oscar points them to the nearby street cleaner vehicle, which will drown out all the noises they're hearing. Luis has an idea. Cookie Monster and Ernie: Cookie Monster hangs his head down in sadness. Ernie gives a lengthy speech on how looking up is the key to happiness. While his head's in the clouds, Cookie looks up toward Ernie's cookie box and empties it, making him happier.
7 /10
The Count Stops Counting
The Count is looking up as if he's counting something in the sky, but what he's really counting is the people standing and staring at the sky, trying to figure out what he's counting. A horse is drawn as kids guess what it is. A girl narrates a film of her grandpa putting a horseshoe on their horse. Small v - for voom, voice, violin, etc. Artist: The Hubleys. Muppet and Kid Moment - Cookie Monster and Genelle say the alphabet.
7.6 /10

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